21400 (From 21400 To 21498 Even) 34TH AVE , MIAMI GARDENS, FL. Out of people who lived in different counties, 50% lived in Florida. According to our research of Florida and other state lists, there were 36 registered sex offenders living in 33056 zip code as of April 29, 2020. 18.3% of residents speak Spanish at home (51% very well, 15% well, 23% not well, 11% not at all). The ratio of all residents to sex offenders in zip code 33056 is 979 to 1. Jump to a detailed profile, search site with google or try advanced search. 93% of the 33056 zip code residents lived in the same house 1 year ago. Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, High school graduate (includes equivalency), Public transportation (including taxicab), Male to Female Ratio in Florida by Zip Code, Female to Male Ratio in Florida by Zip Code, Population Density in Florida by Zip Code, Average Population Age in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Children Under 10 in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Seniors Over 65 in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Whites in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Blacks (African Americans) in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Natives in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Asians in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Indians (Asian) in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Chinese in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Filipinos in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Japanese in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Koreans in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Hispanics in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Mexicans in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Cubans in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of High School Students in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of College Students in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of High School Graduates in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of College Graduates in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Arabs in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Czechs in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Danish in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Dutch in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of English in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of French in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of French Canadians in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Germans in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Greeks in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Hungarians in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Irish in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Italians in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Lithuanians in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Norwegians in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Poles in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Portuguese in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Russians in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Scotts in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Slovaks in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Swedes in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Swiss in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Ukrainians in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Welsh in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of West Indians in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population in Labor Force in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Males in Labor Force in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Females in Labor Force in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population in Military in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Not in Labor Force in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Government Employees in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Self-Employed Individuals in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Management and Professional Jobs in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Service Jobs in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Sales & Office Jobs in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Farming, Fishing & Forestry Jobs in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Construction Jobs in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population with Production & Transportation Jobs in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Agriculture in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Construction in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Manufacturing in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Retail in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Transportation in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Information Technology in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Finance, Insurance & Real Estate in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Professional & Scientific industry in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Education & Social Services in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population employed in Arts, Recreation & Entertainment industry in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Households with Income Under $10,000 in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Households with Income Over $100,000 in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Households with Income Over $200,000 in Florida by Zip Code, Median Household Income in Florida by Zip Code, Average Income per Person in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Below Poverty Level in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Families Below Poverty Level in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Working from Home in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Walking to Work in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Taking Public Transit to Work in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Driving to Work in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Population Carpooling to Work in Florida by Zip Code, Average Commute Time in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Housing Units occupied by the Owner in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Housing Units occupied by the Tenant/Renter in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Vacant Housing Units in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Detached Homes in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Apartment Buildings & Condos in Florida by Zip Code, Average Number of Rooms per Housing Unit in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Utility Gas in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Bottled Gas in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Electricity in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Fuel, Oil or Kerosene in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Coal or Coke in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Wood in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Households heated by Solar in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Properties valued under $200,000 in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Properties valued under $500,000 in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Properties valued over $500,000 in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Properties valued over $1,000,000 in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Properties without a Mortgage in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Households with at least one Vehicle in Florida by Zip Code, Percentage of Households with at least two Vehicles in Florida by Zip Code, Population 3 years and over enrolled in school, Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business, Management, professional, and related occupations, Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations, Construction, extraction, and maintenance occupations, Production, transportation, and material moving occupations, Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining, Transportation and warehousing, and utilities, Finance, insurance, real estate, and rental and leasing, Professional, scientific, management, administrative, and waste management services, Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services, Other services (except public administration), Average household size of owner-occupied unit, Average household size of renter-occupied unit, Mortgage payment as a percentage of income. Display/hide its location on the map, Churches in zip code 33056 include: Sunny Isles Church (A), Saint Monica Church (B), North Dade Bible Church (C), Golden Glades Church (D), Parkway Church (E). 74.3% of residents of 33056 zip code speak English at home. According the 2010 US Census, the population of 33056 increased to 35059 from 33223 over the past 10 years. Out of people who lived in different houses, 7% moved from different state. 187TH STREET in OPA LOCKA, FL), PARKVIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (17631 N.W. ZIP Code 33056: Standard: Miami-Dade: 35,059: 305 / 786: ZIP Code 33169: Standard: Miami-Dade: 39,353: 305 / 786: ZIP Code 33179: Standard: Miami-Dade: 41,332: ... Get all US ZIP Codes and their information in one easy to use database. The majority ethnicity residing in 33056 is African American while the majority ethnicity attending 33056 public schools is Black. Hidden Colors 3:The Rules Of Racism coming to Miami Gardens! 20TH AVENUE in OPA-LOCKA, FL), PEARL CLEANERS INC (17161 NW 27TH AVENUE in MIAMI, FL), GOODYEAR COMM TIRE & SERVICE CENTER (3425 NW 167 ST in MIAMI, FL), INTERNATIONAL PAINT LLC (3489 NW 167TH ST in CAROL CITY, FL), MOBIL OIL CORP SS# A16 (3695 NW 183RD ST in CAROL CITY, FL), Occupation by median earnings in the past 12 months ($), HOLIDAY INN, PRO PLAYER STADIU (21485 N W 27TH AVENUE in MIAMI, FL).

The official US Postal Service name for 33056 is OPA LOCKA, Florida.

Display/hide their locations on the map. ZIP Code 5 Plus 4. 187TH STREET in OPA LOCKA, FL), DADE COMPANY RENICK ROBERT EDUCATION CENTER (2201 NORTHWEST 207TH STREET in OPA LOCKA, FL), MIAMI CAROL CITY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL (3422 N.W. Display/hide its location on the map, Parks in zip code 33056 include: Myrtle Park (1), Brentwood Park (2), Lake Lucerne City Park (3), Calder Race Course (4). Women who did not have a birth in the past 12 months: 8,920 (1,926 now married, 7,058 unmarried), Notable locations in zip code 33056: Ludlam-Gratigny Plaza (A), Land Shark Stadium (B), Dolphin Plaza (C), Carol City Complex (D), Wee Care Day Care Center (E), The Baby School (F), Skipper Chuck Child Care Center (G), Skipper Chuck Day Care Center (H), Savary Day Care Center (I), Rudolph Day Care Center (J), Samuels Day Care Center (K), North Dade Regional Library (L), Maranatha Seventh Day Adventist Day Care Center (M), Kiara Day Care Center (N), Golden Glades Day Care Center (O), Happy Day Nursery Day Care Center (P), Emmanuel Kindergarten and Day Care Center (Q), Edith Hunter Family Day Care Center (R), Comprehensive Day Care Center (S), Cleare Day Care Center (T).

Miami Gardens (zip 33056) property crime is 66.1. 21301 37TH AVE #1 (From 1 To 4 Both of Odd and Even), MIAMI GARDENS, FL. 91.6% of students in 33056 public schools receive or are eligible to participate in free or reduced lunch programs. Display/hide their locations on the map, Lake: Myrtle Lake (A). ZIP+4 Code Lookup We make it simple. City-data.com does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information on this site. ZIP code 33056 is located in southeast Florida and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. Out of people who lived in different houses, 5% moved from abroad. Zip Code 33056 is located in the state of Florida in the Miami metro area. Cities by ZIP Code™ For more rapid delivery, please use the recommended or recognized city names whenever possible for this ZIP Code ™.

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