False-colour satellite image of the confluence of the silt-laden Solimões River (bottom) with the clear Negro River (top). Amazon basin passes through some parts of Brazil, parts of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Columbia and a tiny part of Venezuela. © WWF, U.S. Geological Survey, ICTA, TNC, University of Kassel, Continental Scale Models of Water Balance and Fluvial Transport: An Application to South America, © 1986 Panda Symbol WWF – World Wide Fund For Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund), Bolivia monitors impacts of dams in the Amazon, Peruvian, Bolivian and Brazilian organizations will work together in the Acre River Basin land-use planning, International event discusses climate change impacts on the Acre River basin, Bolivia Takes a Step Towards Sustainable Hydropower, WWF workshop on hydropower and freshwater, Publication: State of the Amazon: Freshwater Connectivity and Ecosystem Health. Amazonia is sparsely populated. Situated on the Equator, from which its name derives, it borders Colombia to the north, Peru to the east and the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west.

Taken as a whole, the relief of the continent shows a great imbalance: the major drainage divide is far to the west along the crest of the Andes. Whereas all of Europe has some 321 butterfly species, the Manú National Park in Peru (4000 hectare-survey) has 1300 species, while Tambopata National Reserve (5500 hectare-survey) has at least 1231 species. For the geologic feature, see, Global Ecological Role, Function for Climate Change. Sometimes they rush, sometimes they just creep along, and in some places they may almost die out. The splash tetra is famous for laying its eggs on plants above water, keeping them moist by continuously splashing on them,[27] the South American lungfish can survive underground in a mucous cocoon during the dry season,[28] some small rivulid killifish can jump over land between water sources (sometimes moving relatively long distances, even uphill) and may deliberately jump onto land to escape aquatic predators,[29][30] and an undescribed species of worm-like Phreatobius catfish lives in waterlogged leaf litter near (not in) streams.[31][32]. A final part of the deforestation process is the large-scale production of charcoal for industrial processes such as steel manufacturing. Amazon River Basin Year: 2015. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, one of the two longest rivers in the world, List of butterflies of the Amazon River basin and the Andes, Classification of indigenous peoples of the Americas, "Amazon Longer Than Nile River, Scientists Say", "Amazon river flowed into the Pacific millions of years ago", "The Coolest Plants in the Amazon Rainforest", "Fish biodiversity and conservation in South America", 10.1643/0045-8511(2002)002[0333:codraa]2.0.co;2, "Three new species of the armored catfish genus Loricaria (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from river channels of the Amazon basin", "A new species of Panaqolus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the rio Madeira basin with remarkable intraspecific color variation". Roosevelt 6360, Miraflores, Lima (Peru) +51 (1) 446-4947, http://www.gwp.org/en/The-Challenge/IWRM-Resources/, http://www.worldwatercouncil.org/fileadmin/wwc/World_Water_Forum/WWF4/synthesis_sept06.pdf, http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/what_we_do/freshwater/our_solutions/rivers/irbm/index.cfm. It is a supra organization encompassing all indigenous rights organizations working in the Amazon basin area, and covers the people living in several countries. Smaller areas of tropical rainforest occur elsewhere in the tropics wherever climate is suitable. What Are the Best Tips for Conserving the Rainforest? The Amazon River is widely considered the second-longest river in the world, though some claim that it might actually be the longest. ; and Fernandes, M.N. The flood-stage discharge at the river’s mouth is four times that of the Congo and more than 10 times the amount carried by the Mississippi River. Many products that contain components found in rainforests are certified to be “rainforest friendly,” meaning they only use products from companies that do not destroy any part of the Amazon Basin or any other rainforest. Some definitions emphasize the coordinated functioning of relevant government sectors, but this is now generally recognized as a long-term goal that usually takes decades to implement. The principal areas of tropical deciduous forest (or monsoon forests) are in India, the Myanmar–, In the upper Amazon River basin of South America, the rainforest recycles rains brought primarily by easterly trade winds. Besides modern Nheengatu, other languages of the Tupi family are spoken there, along with other language families like Jê, Arawak, Karib, Arawá, Yanomamo, Matsés and others. Macaws are famous for duck

Amazon.com: amazon river basin. The vast Amazon basin (Amazonia), the largest lowland in Latin America, has an area of about 2.7 million square miles (7 million square km) and is nearly twice as large as that of the Congo River, the Earth’s other great equatorial drainage system. All agree that basins provide the spatial context for large-scale environmental planning and management of freshwater aquatic ecosystems linked to rivers, streams and other wetlands. More than 1,500 species of amphibians swim and are found in the Amazon. Deforestation has accelerated, especially south of the Amazon River and on the piedmont outwash of the Andes, as new highways and air transport facilities have opened the basin to a tidal wave of settlers, corporations, and researchers. Author of. Amazon basin passes through some parts of Brazil, parts of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Columbia and a tiny part of Venezuela.

[14][15][16] By far the most diverse orders in the Amazon are Characiformes (43% of total fish species in the Amazon) and Siluriformes (39%), but other groups with many species include Cichlidae (6%) and Gymnotiformes (3%). ... the Amazon's role is as a sink, draining heat-trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. National Geographic, 185, 118–140. The climate of the basin is generally hot and humid. The large-scale development of agriculture, mining, oil & gas, hydroelectric dams, timber and fisheries in the Amazon in the last three decades have set the environmental stage for the necessity of IRBM. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. An example of such would be the cotinga family, to which the Guianan cock-of-the-rock belong. Scientists have typically selected one of the northern outlets, since the Pará is an estuary of the Tocantins River, which is technically separate from the Amazon. Longest or not, there's no doubt that it has staggering importance to the world's ecosystems.

The high humidity of the rainforest and frequent rainstorms gives tropical frogs infinitely more freedom to move into the trees and escape the many predators of rainforest waters. However, no definitive measure is available because no one is entirely sure where the Amazon ends and begins. Extensive deforestation has occurred in much of the Amazon Basin, and efforts are undertaken every day to protect the natural habitats. This has resulted in companies needing to shift policy and procedure in order to satisfy consumers. It is the greatest river of South America and the largest drainage system in the world in terms of the volume of its flow and the area of its basin.

By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. The Amazon drainage basin covers about 35 percent of the South American continent. Its value is incalculable.

It covers an area over 3 million square miles, or over 8 million square kilometers, and contains some of the richest It covers almost half of South America and has great biodiversity. The most widely spoken language in the Amazon is Portuguese, followed closely by Spanish.

[17][18] The bull shark and common sawfish, which have been recorded far up the Amazon, may reach even greater sizes, but they are euryhaline and often seen in marine waters. Politically the basin is divided into the Brazilian Amazônia Legal, the Peruvian Amazonia, the Amazon region of Colombia and parts of Bolivia, Ecuador and the Venezuelan state of Amazonas.

In many regions, the forest has been cleared for soya bean plantations and ranching (the most extensive non-forest use of the land); some of the inhabitants harvest wild rubber latex, and Brazil nuts. The vast Amazon basin (Amazonia), the largest lowland in Latin America, has an area of about 2.7 million square miles (7 million square km) and is nearly twice as large as that of the Congo River, the Earth’s other great equatorial drainage system. [22] The deeper part of the major Amazonian rivers are always dark and a few species have adaptions similar to cavefish (reduced pigment and eyes). Some of the Amazon rainforests are deforested because of an increase in cattle ranches and soybean fields.

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