The products are not approved for the investigational use(s) discussed in this news release, and no conclusions can or should be drawn regarding the safety or effectiveness of the products for these uses. THOUSAND OAKS, Calif., Sept. 16, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Amgen (NASDAQ:AMGN) announced today that data from its oncology pipeline in solid tumors will be presented during the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) Virtual Congress 2020, Sept. 19-21, 2020. Injection Site Complications: Necrosis or ulceration of tumor tissue may occur during IMLYGIC, Impaired healing at the injection site has been reported.

In the event of drug‐induced pulmonary toxicity, discontinue KYPROLIS. The BiTE platform  has a goal of leading to off-the-shelf solutions, which have the potential to make innovative T cell treatment available to all providers when their patients need it.

Amgen is well positioned to leverage its more than 35 years of experience in biotechnology to create high-quality biosimilars and reliably supply them to patients worldwide. The most common adverse reactions in monotherapy trials: anemia, fatigue, thrombocytopenia, nausea, pyrexia, dyspnea, diarrhea, headache, cough, edema peripheral.

Reduce or withhold dose as appropriate.

Since its first approval in 2012, approximately 150,000 patients worldwide have received KYPROLIS. Caregivers should wear protective gloves when assisting patients in applying or changing occlusive dressings and observe safety precautions for disposal of used dressings, gloves, and cleaning materials. INDICATION & LIMITATIONS OF USE IMLYGIC® (talimogene laherparepvec) is a genetically modified oncolytic viral therapy indicated for the local treatment of unresectable cutaneous, subcutaneous, and nodal lesions in patients with melanoma recurrent after initial surgery. Venous thromboembolic events (including deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism) have been observed. The webcast will be archived and available for replay for at least 90 days after the event. Cases of PRES have occurred in patients receiving KYPROLIS. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual results may differ materially from those we project. For more information, visit and follow us on Please note, this page is intended for UK healthcare professionals. Advancements in both cellular and molecular biology have allowed scientists to identify and develop a host of new cost-effective products. Adjust total fluid intake as clinically appropriate. Reduce or withhold dose as appropriate. YOU ARE NOW LEAVING AMGEN'S WEB SITE. clinical trials, Polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

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Product candidates that are derived from relationships may be subject to disputes between the parties or may prove to be not as effective or as safe as we may have believed at the time of entering into such relationship. About Amgen Oncology Amgen Oncology is searching for and finding answers to incredibly complex questions that will advance care and improve lives for cancer patients and their families. Our business performance could affect or limit the ability of our Board of Directors to declare a dividend or our ability to pay a dividend or repurchase our common stock. The webcast, as with other selected presentations regarding developments in Amgen's business given at certain investor and medical conferences, can be accessed on Amgen's website,, under Investors.

Stop KYPROLIS for Grade 3 or 4 dyspnea until resolved or returned to baseline. Such product candidates are not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and no conclusions can or should be drawn regarding the safety or effectiveness of the product candidates. Stay Connected Contact Us. Important U.S. KYPROLIS® (carfilzomib) Safety Information, Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES), Increased Fatal and Serious Toxicities in Combination with Melphalan and Prednisone in Newly Diagnosed Transplant-ineligible Patients. If hypertension cannot be adequately controlled, withhold KYPROLIS and evaluate. A biotechnology pioneer since 1980, Amgen has reached millions of patients around the world. Promptly evaluate signs and symptoms of blood loss. Amgen is advancing more than a dozen BiTE molecules across a broad range of hematologic malignancies and solid tumors, further investigating BiTE technology with the goal of enhancing patient experience and therapeutic potential.

If the diagnosis of TTP/HUS is excluded, KYPROLIS may be restarted.
A biotechnology pioneer since 1980, Amgen has grown to be one of the world's leading independent biotechnology companies, has reached millions of patients around the world and is developing a pipeline of medicines with breakaway potential. At Amgen, we continually invest in our manufacturing to strengthen our industry-leading capabilities and extend our global reach. }); Clinical Trial Transparency, Data Sharing and Disclosure Practices, Adverse Event and Product Complaint Reporting, Corporate Responsibility Strategy & Governance, Our Approach to Pricing, Access and Affordability, Reimbursement Support Services and Financial Assistance Programs. Patients with New York Heart Association Class III and IV heart failure, recent myocardial infarction, conduction abnormalities, angina, or arrhythmias may be at greater risk for cardiac complications and should have a comprehensive medical assessment prior to starting treatment with KYPROLIS and remain under close follow-up with fluid management.

Biosimilars offer the potential to increase patient access to vital medicines. The IMLYGIC clinical program continues to investigate the role of IMLYGIC both as monotherapy and in combination with other therapies across a variety of cancers and treatment settings. Advances in human genetics are pinpointing genes that cause disease and providing a new way to identify highly relevant drug targets. Reduce or withhold dose as appropriate. "At ASCO, the data we are sharing reinforce our commitment to advancing first-in-class therapies that can alter the course of cancer care for patients who need it most.". Hemorrhagic events have included gastrointestinal, pulmonary, and intracranial hemorrhage and epistaxis.

return d.getFullYear(); For more information about Amgen Biosimilars, follow us on To learn more about Amgen's innovative pipeline with diverse modalities and genetically validated targets, please visit

Our business may be impacted by government investigations, litigation and product liability claims. In addition, we compete with other companies with respect to many of our marketed products as well as for the discovery and development of new products. Patients or close contacts have the option of follow-up testing for further characterization of the infection. The safety of reinitiating KYPROLIS is not known. Discontinue if diagnosis is suspected. © 1996– Amgen Inc. All Rights Reserved. About BiTE® Technology BiTE® (bispecific T cell engager) technology is a targeted immuno-oncology platform that is designed to engage patient's own T cells to any tumor-specific antigen, activating the cytotoxic potential of T cells to eliminate detectable cancer. Hypertension, including hypertensive crisis and hypertensive emergency, has been observed, some fatal. Pokud budete pokračovat beze změny nastavení, dáváte najevo svůj souhlas s tím, že budete přijímat všechny soubory cookie nebo jiné sledovací technologie na webových stránkách společnosti Amgen pro účely, které jsou popsány v našich Informacích o souborech cookie Nastavení souborů cookie můžete kdykoli změnit v nastavení svého prohlížeče. Amgen pipeline drugs spars across multiple therapeutic areas of oncology and hematology Amgen Pipeline Amgen has developed a robust and differentiated pipeline, leveraging state-of-the-art science to create medicines for serious illnesses. $('#copyrightDate').append(function() {

Patients with a high tumor burden should be considered at greater risk for TLS. The safety of reinitiating KYPROLIS is not known. Inform patients of the risk and of symptoms and seek immediate medical attention if they occur. Also, we or others could identify safety, side effects or manufacturing problems with our products, including our devices, after they are on the market. Amgen has created a robust and differentiated pipeline, leveraging state-of-the-art science to create medicines for serious illness. KYPROLIS can cause increased serum transaminases.

For patients ≥ 75 years, the risk of cardiac failure is increased. Our commitment is to ensure that all our medicines are available for "every patient, every time.".

The exact mechanism of action continues to be investigated.

Amgen is a values-based company, deeply rooted in science and innovation to transform new ideas and discoveries into medicines for patients with serious illnesses.

Biotechnology has brought about the discovery and development of a new generation of human therapeutics. In addition, sales of our products are affected by pricing pressure, political and public scrutiny and reimbursement policies imposed by third-party payers, including governments, private insurance plans and managed care providers and may be affected by regulatory, clinical and guideline developments and domestic and international trends toward managed care and healthcare cost containment.

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