when Two Bti (strain AM65-52) products (WG, water-dispersible granule; and DT, ready-to-use tablet) have been evaluated by the WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES) and recommended as mosquito larvicides, including their use against container-breeding mosquitoes (WHO, 2004, 2006). In planta bioassays in the T1 progeny of the transgenic maize lines revealed high resistance against corn leaf aphids compared to the control non-transgenic line. Most plasmids with ICP genes are readily transferred by conjugation between Bt strains and may be transferred to related species of bacteria. A: Ingestion of spores or recombinant protein by phytophagous larva. In the environment, the spores persist and vegetative growth may occur when conditions are favourable and nutrients are available.1.4 Commercial products, production and application. These genes code for insecticidal crystal (Cry) protein of 65-145 kDa and cytolytic (Cyt) proteins of 25-28 kDa, which exert cytolytic activity against a broad spectrum of eukaryotic cells [15. 0000000831 00000 n Mode of action on target insects. 0000083784 00000 n Finally, four main contribution areas were identified which include; parasitoids, predacious insects and mites for managing insects and mites, Microorganisms for controlling insect pests, Biocontrol products for plant diseases management, and Bio-products against abiotic factors and micronutrient deficiency.

Most Bt products contain ICP and viable spores, but in some Bti products the spores are inactivated. The minor growers (in descending order by land area) were Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Honduras, Burkino Faso, Czech Republic, Romania, Portugal, Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Egypt (Brookes and Barfoot, 2010). These plants release insecticidal proteins, known as cry into soil during growth and decomposition of crop residues. A good performance was obtained with XRE in discriminating B. thuringiensis from B. cereus groups, as well as detecting B. thuringiensis in spiked food samples with PCR or real-time PCR. The preliminary screening of maize transformants was performed via GUS histochemical analysis, and PCR and Southern blotting confirmed the insertion of the transgene and its stable integration in five transgenic maize lines. The Cyt2Ba toxin from strain JW-1 was overexpressed in E. coli as a fusion protein and the fusion protein (70 kDa) was purified by Ni-IDA affinity chromatography. trailer << /Size 221 /Info 195 0 R /Root 198 0 R /Prev 523676 /ID[<284cca70cec001a495b3994b33ecac7a><9859016376d61d7741bbabcd61977a86>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 198 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 189 0 R /Metadata 196 0 R >> endobj 219 0 obj << /S 1457 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 220 0 R >> stream

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