( “[O]ften [this is] the only way that such issues can be raised— by an individual drafting his charge as best he can without expert legal advice. Parrott told Blissett to only focus on the (male) employees of Public Works and Parks and Recreation Tebo’s complaint about the discriminatory nature of the Pay Study was that she was assigned a lower pay grade than the Department Heads, even though she was a Department Head.

Tebo certainly has shown above that she was subjected to frequent degrading and sexist comments by Parrott that men were not subjected to and that her pay grade was dropped two grades while none of the male employee’s pay grades were lowered. Tebo owed her loyalty to the City as her employer, not to the City Manager.

35-18) . Fence agreement. Get your entire family together to get creative with decorating your house with Halloween lights and spooky decorations. the vice mayor Lita Handy-Peters was always very supportive of the City Manager. The City of DeBary is accepting applications to represent the City on the River to Sea Transportation Planning Organization (TPO). Impact Fees 2020. We wanted to let you know about a rash of car break-ins from overnight that occurred in the Saxon Woods Subdivision on Brassington Drive. Given the glowing evaluations she received prior to being discharged, she was certainly qualified to serve as City’s City Clerk. The City of DeBary has elected to do a reverse parade this year and we would like your input on the theme. DeBary Residents-Our Parks and Recreation department is excited to announce the Halloween Decorating Contest registration will begin on Monday, September 28th and will be held until Thursday, October 22nd. Tebo failed to provide Parrott with a full set of the documents she provided to Maguire purportedly based on a review done by the City’s outside IT person of the City’s email archive system, and that she “has no evidence that Parrott did not reasonably believe that she failed to provide him with a complete copy of the Maguire public records response.”. DeBary has thousands of oak trees, is a Bird Sanctuary, and has an extensive park system. The meeting will also be livestreamed as well at livestream.com/debary. violations.” Tebo has rebutted the circumstances behind each of the reasons given in the termination letter in the fact section above, as well as in her appeal and she has shown she has evidence of pretext sufficient to allow her case to go forward to a jury at trial. Take this survey powered by surveymonkey.com. However, the record evidence shows that Tebo did indeed complain directly to Parrott and that Parrott was well aware that Tebo had complained about his sexist comments and actions to several council members, as he himself testified. The timing (three days after receiving her EEOC letter complaint) and the specific mention of the EEOC letter complaint in the email can be evidence of discrimination, retaliation and pretext. Tommie’s resignation letter & Countyline doesn’t have its own stationery so he has to use the Town’s…plus use four hours to write the letter on Town time. Tebo sought and got raises in her pay because she was able to articulate justifications for the raises and she got favorable work evaluations because she is a hard worker who conscientiously performed her job duties. LEO DANIEL PARROTT,) Defendants. The statutory language of the participation clause is broad: “The words ‘participate in any manner express Congress’ intent to confer “exceptionally broad protection” upon employees covered by Title VII. Tebo testified that she sought for other women to get involved and only after the assistant City manager was fired, for strength in numbers before the EEOC. The majority of the incidents involved unlocked vehicles. In a gross mis-characterization of Tebo’s testimony, Defendants wrongly claim that “Tebo did not file a charge of discrimination to protect her civil rights” but to push him to quit. While Defendants are correct that “Tebo contends the results of the pay study were discriminatory to women,” Tebo disagrees that “her contention is meritless,” as Defendants claim.

single-family - 20 feet combined, minimum of 8 feet on any one side; two-family - 10 feet, Single-family, 7,500 square feet; two-family, 11,000 square feet, Townhouse - 2,000 square feet and one acre for overall project; multifamily - one acre (43,560 square feet), Townhouse - 575 square feet; multifamily - studio or efficiency 480 square feet, one bedroom 575 square feet, 150 square feet for each additional bedroom, 8 dwellings per net acre of land (Townhouses), 12 feet, buildings over 25 feet in height shall provide additional one foot of yard for every foot of building height over 25 feet, 25 feet, except on a corner lot, one front yard may be reduced to 20 feet, 10,000 square feet; 8 dwellings per net acre of land, 25 feet, buildings over 25 feet in height shall provide additional one foot of yard for every foot of building height over 25 feet, Studio or efficiency 480 square feet, one bedroom 575 square feet, 150 square feet for each additional bedroom, 20 percent, and no more than 10 percent of the portion of the lot classified as RC may be covered with principal and accessory buildings, 25 acres; non-conforming wholly zoned RC parcels are unbuildable. I figured that he did not want to do anything with that complaint.

City of DeBary, Florida Bid Number 02-20 RIVER CITY NATURE PARK – RESTROOM ADDITION ... Affidavit: The instrument which is to be signed by the Contractor and submitted to the City, through the Engineer, or other City designated representative, upon completion of that job, showing that all bills have been paid. From the date Tebo gave Parrott her EEOC Complaint letter: her responsibilities as the City’s records management person were taken away four days later; her job of City Clerk was taken away on April 1, 2015 –just sixteen days later; and she was suspended from her employment and notified she was being terminated from her employment on April 17, 2015, just 32 days later. Tebo claims she only asked several employees if they had witnessed anything and dropped it when they said they did not, and that she told Parrott about it filed her first EEOC Charge of Discrimination in which she, in part, discusses the discriminatory treatment of Tebo in the pay study because Parrott had reduced the City Clerk to a lower pay grade,claiming she was not a department head. The West Volusia League of Women Voters and the West Volusia Regional Chamber of Commerce are holding the following debate for the two DeBary City Council seats that will be on the ballot this November. The City is livestreaming the debate for educational and informational purposes for our citizens. BE SMART!

The FPL Power Plant is NOT involved. We are excited to see all of the houses decked out for Halloween. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/debarypar... VOTE 2020: IMPORTANT CHANGES TO IN PERSON VOTING IN DeBARY. And, moreover,on April 1, 2015, the City Council held an attorney/client executive session to discuss the topic identified on the Public Notice and Agenda as “EEOC – Charge of Discrimination, Stacy Tebo v. City of DeBary” (Doc. Communications & Government Affairs Director Shari Simmans.

Current Impact Fee Schedule. She was fired and she was replaced by men: initially Eric Frankton took over her duties regarding public records requests and her other City Clerk duties, letter to the EEOC fails to meet the requirements of a formal EEOC Charge and therefore is not a protected activity under the participation clause. Instead, I would give him a dirty look so he would know I was not pleased with his dialogue.”, but the City’s Personnel Manual failed to provide any mechanism for employees to complain about the City Manager. Homes will be judged from October 24th through October 28th. It is undisputed that no one from the City ever contacted Kabbas to investigate her complaint against Fletcher. NO WONDER THE TOWN OF WHITE SPRINGS IS IN FINANCIAL TROUBLE. As to the requirement that a plaintiff show causation, the Eleventh Circuit “construe[s] the causal link element broadly so that ‘a plaintiff merely has to prove that the protected activity and thenegative employment action are not completely unrelated.

by showing that the employer’s proffered explanations are not credible. Although the City claims –without any record reference– the assignment of pay grades was done by the consultant doing the pay study, Blissett testified that it was Parrott who determined what pay grades would be assigned to employees and that Parrott had specifically dropped Tebo two grades lower than any other department head, to which Blissett objected A jury could reasonably conclude that Parrott lowered Tebo’s paygrade either out of a discriminatory or retaliatory intent, based on the timing of the implementation of the pay study. http://www.volusiaelections.org/.../SEPT... https://www.voterfocus.com/PrecinctFinde... Halloween Decorating Contest registration, League of Women Voters and West Volusia Chamber of Commerce hosts DeBary Council DeBate. Create your own surveys for free. Last evening, the League of Women Voters of Volusia and the West Volusia Regional Chamber of Commerce hosted a debate for our two City Council seats that will be on the ballot this November.

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