Can’t Come It – Cannot do it. Cuss Words – The swear words back then are pretty much the same as they are now, though they were not used as prevalently back then. Also called “cushie.”. Continental – The money issued by Congress during the Revolutionary War. Also called a coal scuttle.

Cracker – A poor white person of the South, named after the crackling whips used by rural Southerners. Charivari – (Commonly pronounced shevaree.) The dance will start at early candle-light. I have seen several old postcards titled “A Quiet Game”. Clap Or Clap Down – To set down or charge to one’s account. Polo shirts are perfect for schooling or working in an office. Crackerbox – A rodeo rider’s term for a bronc saddle.

You can also read the documentation to learn about Wordfence's blocking tools, or visit to learn more about Wordfence. You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. Chuck Wagon Chicken – Cowboys humorously used the term for fried bacon. ... clothes•horse (ˈkloʊzˌhɔrs, ˈkloʊðz-) n. 1. a person whose chief interest and pleasure is dressing fashionably., '"A literary man--WITH a wooden leg--and all Print is open to him!" Celestial – A term used in the West to refer to people of Chinese descent; the word derives from an old name for China, the “Celestial Empire.”, Chalk – Not by a long chalk. A person excessively concerned with dress. The owner of this site is using Wordfence to manage access to their site. Cut Stick – To be off, to leave immediately and quickly. Free Poses, Props, Scenes, Expressions and Clothing. What does that mean. Couldn’t hold a candle to – Not even close. Calamity Jane – Obviously the hard-cussing, heavy-drinking frontier woman, but is also a gambling term for the Queen of Spades.

Profanity was frowned upon by polite society and old west cowboys rarely would swear in front of a lady. Clothes maiden definition: a young unmarried girl , esp when a virgin | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Cut A Figure – To make an appearance, either good or bad.

How to use clotheshorse in a sentence. In Reply to: Clothes Horse posted by Marcella on September 21, 2007: Where does the saying "Clothes Horse" come from? Also refers to running away – to “cut and run.”. clothes make the man phrase. Cowhand – A cowboy, also called cowpoke, cowprod, and cowpuncher. If the same word is repeated, a forfeit is demanded. Horsey definition is - of, relating to, or resembling a horse.

Clothes-screen, which had the same literal sense, is attested in the figurative sense from 1830. People teach ponies “tricks” to perform at the shows. Cardinal – The name of a woman’s cloak, from the red or scarlet habit worn by cardinals. In every sense of the word “ORNERY” should be listed here in this awesome Western Slang and Lingo document. Crash – A coarse kind of linen cloth used for towels. Later, also used to denote any small space.

Chitterlings – The intestines of a pig that have been prepared as food. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Civilizee – A civilized man, one advanced in civilization. Chitlins – Fragments, small pieces.

It was just easy to call them “ornery” because that’s what we were. Cowboy Up – Tuff-up, get back on yer horse, don’t back down, don’t give up, and do the best you can with the hand you’re dealt, give it all you’ve got.

“You can’t come it over me so.”. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.

Cocked Hat – To knock someone senseless or to shock him completely. Old Joe knocked him into a cocked hat. Cut Didoes – To get into mischief, frolicksome.

Cruller – A cake made of a strip of sweetened dough, boiled in lard, the two ends of which are twisted or curled together. Horse t-shirts and Western shirts allow you to dazzle with a modern yet casual look. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. (HTTP response code 503). Kilburn.

When a person attempts to effect a particular object, in which he fails, we say, “He can’t do it by a long chalk.”, “I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear …” Chuck-Line Rider – An unemployed cowboy who rode from ranch to ranch, exchanging a bit of news and gossip for a meal. Calk – Sharp points of iron on horse or ox shoes to prevent their slipping on ice. Curry Favor – To seek or gain favor by flattery, caresses, kindness. An actual clotheshorse is a rack that holds a lot of clothes usally for drying thus metaphorically, someone who wears a lot of clothes, owns a lot of clothes, etc. Candle-light – Dusk. Cow-Lease – A right of pasturage for a cow, in a common pasture. Crambo – A diversion in which one gives a word, to which another finds a rhyme. Coal-Hod – A kettle for carrying coals to the fire. Catawampous –  Fiercely, eagerly, awry, cockeyed, crooked, skewed.

Chock Up – Close, tight, fitting closely together.

Cut A Caper – The act of dancing in a frolicksome manner. To be made a tool or instrument to accomplish the purpose of another. Critter – Creature, varmint. Also, refers to Chitterlings. Also “catawamptiously.”.

Cracklings – Cinders, the remains of a wood fire. Chirk – To make a peculiar noise by placing the tongue against the roof of the mouth, to urge horses on. Catch A Tartar – To attack one of superior strength or abilities. Coffee Boiler – Shirker, lazy person. Chop – A Chinese word signifying quality, first introduced to mariners in the China trade. California Widow – A woman separated from her husband, but not divorced. Coal-Hod – A kettle for carrying coals to the fire.

Cubby-Hole or Cubby-House – A snug place for a child. Term also refers to flogging with a cowhide – “to cowhide.”. Corn-Dodger – A kind of cake made of Indian corn, and baked very hard. Chuck – To throw, by a quick and dexterous motion, a short distance. Price: $18.99: Size: Select Size Chart Color: Black Cotton Poly Blend Beautiful full-color horse design, for any equestrian lover Great clothing at a great price Unisex Youth Sized Hoodies are extremeley soft 50/50 cotton/poly fleece that resist pilling. Cooling yer heels – Staying for a while.

Also called “kit and caboodle.”. Crummy – The caboose of a railroad train. Clout – A blow or strike, usually with the fist. Claw Leather – To grab the saddle horn, something no cowboy wants to be seen doing. Churn Twister – A derogatory term for a farmer. Chock-Full or Chuck-Full – Entirely full. Best bib and tucker: best clothes. Cavallard – Caravans crossing the prairies. Cut And Come Again – Implying that having cut as much as you pleased, you may come again; in other words, plenty; no lack; always a supply. His expensive and heavy clothes indicate his wealth; the artists exaggerated his proportions in order to show his commanding presence and superiority; his facial expression is serious. “There’s a dance Saturday, so put on your best bib and tucker” 3; Big bug: the boss, an important person 1, 3; Boil over: horse that starts bucking 2; Bone orchard: cemetery 3, 4; Broom-tail: a negative term for an ill-behaved or ugly horse, often a horse that looks or acts like a mustang 2 If a pony only knows one trick, then it doesn’t have a great variety of abilities. Creepmouse – A term of endearment to babies. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. It has come to mean an affectedly fashionable person, someone who wears the latest styles, trends and "in" fashions.

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