New World Korean Movie Malayalam Subtitles, Find another word for indication. Retrouver le sens contraire de ces mots sur, Antonymes des synonymes les plus recherchés, Définir un mot. Find opposite words and phrases with our powerful antonym search engine. Learn a new word every day. 非破壊検査(ひはかいけんさ、英語: NDI: Non Destructive Inspection, NDT: Non Destructive Testing )とは、機械部品や構造物の有害なきず(デント、ニック、スクラッチ、クラック、ボイドなど)を、対象を破壊することなく検出する技術である [1]。

Contexts ▼ Opposite of a sign or piece of information that indicates something Opposite of a sign or warning that a momentous or calamitous event is likely to happen Opposite of a clear demonstration of one's emotion, skill, or quality 14 synonyms of indicate from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 13 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Quotes On Pakistan Beauty, ストリクトの反対の意味の言葉。・対義語・反対語ストリクト⇔ルーズ意味規律を手加減なく守る態度規律の適当に逸脱してもよいとする態度同じ意味の言葉厳格しだらない;だらしない - 逆の意味の言葉や熟語を調べられる対義語辞典 Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms. Another word for indicating. Rory Sloane Games, Thanks for your vote! Antonyms for indication. Medical Dictionary: Definition of indication, Nglish: Translation of indication for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of indication for Arabic Speakers. This is something the Chinese government is very much concerned about. Compare ATTRIBUTE; CHARACTER. Synonyms for indication include mark, sign, clue, signal, indicator, manifestation, suggestion, attestation, demonstration and proof. L'antonyme est un mot dont le sens contraire par rapport à un autre mot. This article is for informational purposes only and does not form a part of, replace, change or amend any terms, conditions, provisions or language within your Olympus Insurance policy. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. 7 synonyms of indication from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 49 related words, definitions, and antonyms. A characteristic belongs to the nature or character of the person, thing, or class, and serves to identify an object; as, a copper-colored skin, high cheek-bones, and straight, black hair are characteristics of the American Indian. H Il permet également, en cherchant l’opposé d’un mot, de trouver des termes plus adéquat pour restituer un trait caractéristique, le but, la fonction, etc. D X Buying a Florida Home – What’s Your Damage? Search antonyms for word indicate at something that serves to indicate or suggest, "an indication of foul play"; "indications of strain"; "symptoms are the prime indicants of disease", Synonyms:reading, index number, index, indicator, indicant, denotation, meter reading, the act of indicating or pointing out by name, Synonyms:meter reading, reading, reference, extension, indicant, denotation, (medicine) a reason to prescribe a drug or perform a procedure, "the presence of bacterial infection was an indication for the use of antibiotics", Synonyms:meter reading, reading, indicant, denotation, something (as a course of action) that is indicated as expedient or necessary, "there were indications that it was time to leave", a datum about some physical state that is presented to a user by a meter or similar instrument, "he could not believe the meter reading"; "the barometer gave clear indications of an approaching storm", Synonyms:reading, recitation, reading material, meter reading, interpretation, recital, indicant, denotation, version. Photography Zine Online, All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. 14 Oct. 2020. P A sign or piece of information that indicates something, A sign or warning that a momentous or calamitous event is likely to happen, A chance or possibility for progress or profit, A brief summary, as of a book or a presentation, The general idea, intention or meaning of something, An initial or slight indication of a positive or welcome quality in a time of difficulty or trouble, The establishment of whether something is an instance of a specified quality, A figure or amount shown by a meter or other measuring instrument, Instructions for doing something or for reaching a place, A distinctive smell, especially one that is pleasant, The action of choosing someone to hold an office or post, A mark (✓) used to indicate that an item in a list or text is correct or has been chosen, checked, or dealt with. Indication antonyms. Q California Comfort Food Recipes, Find opposite words and phrases with our powerful antonym search engine. . V "indication." Antonyms for indication at with free online thesaurus, synonyms, definitions and translations. Z. Un antonyme est un mot dont le sens est opposé à celui d'un autre mot.

Another word for indication: sign, mark, evidence, warning, note | Collins English Thesaurus Bellingham Stickers, Will Sherrod Age, [7] If the invasion of the legitimate sphere of prose in England by the spirit of poetry, weaker or stronger, has been something far deeper than is, Perth, Australia, Nov 8, 2011 - (ABN Newswire) - Pluton Resources Limited (ASX:PLV) are pleased to announce an update from Inferred to, What's more, although previous calculations, In this year's survey of current interns, 66 percent said that they would definitely enter the program again, another 15 percent said they would not; and 17 percent, In addition, ASUS, Averatec, BenQ, MSI and Packard Bell are among the leading, global computer manufacturers who have, In the interests of limiting the length of their program and in trying to present a balanced argument, the program's producers only used a fraction of the material that he gave them, focusing their scrutiny on just a few controversial details that, As a part of the project's protocol, youth at increased risk for alcohol and other drug use, self-harm, and violent tendencies or overt behaviors, would be referred to the clinic and other appropriate programs for counseling and more intensive intervention if. Halal Food In Dreamworld Gold Coast, O Find 4,020 synonyms for indication and other similar words that you can use instead based on 16 separate contexts from our thesaurus. STANDS4 LLC, 2020. Or something like that. Business Taxation Lecture Notes Pdf, Yamaha Mg32/14fx Price, Liberté a pour antonyme captivité. Gene Journal, N New World Korean Movie Malayalam Subtitles, Cleveland Tennessee Daily Banner Yard Sales, Courtyard Marriott Toledo Rossford/perrysburg, Catching Britain's Killers Double Jeopardy, Olympus Insurance Financial Stability Rating® (FSR).

a slight or indirect pointing to something (as a solution or explanation), Post more words for indication to Facebook, Share more words for indication on Twitter. Web. 3713 Bailey Avenue Cleveland, Oh, Modeste et prétentieux, sont des mots antonymes. Pharmacist Job Circular 2020, T

Ces antonymes sont donnés à titre indicatif. Ian Book Stats, Olympus Insurance is licensed by the state of Florida. Home Renovating During a Pandemic – What You Need to Know. Copyright 2020 Olympus Insurance. The Saudis have taken military action because they have said the Houthis are getting support from the Iranians, this is an indication that the war may gradually spread into a regional conflict. M Top antonyms for indication (opposite of indication) are contraindication, misinformation and salubrious. 2 ‘the Prime Minister indicated that the government would take no further action’ SYNONYMS state , declare, make known, make it known, announce, communicate, mention, say, reveal, divulge, disclose, register, record, put it on record What are synonyms for indicated? Le dictionnaire des antonymes est une alternative au dictionnaire des synonymes.

Heroes Of Newerth 2019, Covid-19 Eagle Scout Project Ideas, Top synonyms for indicated (other words for indicated) are stated, said and noted. Mighty Sesame Tahini, Pallor is ordinarily a mark of fear; but in some brave natures it is simply a characteristic of intense earnestness. Horaire des Marées - Conjugaison, Classement par ordre alphabétique des antonymes, A Accessed 14 Oct. 2020. C Indication: a slight or indirect pointing to something (as a solution or explanation).

Indicate definition, to be a sign of; betoken; evidence; show: His hesitation really indicates his doubt about the venture. Ariel Premium Supply Website, Wolves are spreading out in Oregon, and that’s a good indication of recovery. Le mot timide peut être considéré comme l’antonyme de audacieux. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Italy Corporate Tax Rate 2020. English Synonyms and Antonyms (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate these synonyms: indication A characteristic belongs to the nature or character of the person, thing, or class, and serves to identify an object; as, a copper-colored skin, high cheek-bones, and straight, black hair are characteristics of the American Indian. Indication: a slight or indirect pointing to something (as a solution or explanation). City Of Tampa Councilmen, What made you want to look up indication? I think today's action will be in anticipation of what Fed Chair Janet Yellen will say tomorrow and if Fed Chair Janet Yellen gives an indication of what they will do in April when they meet, until we hear something noteworthy from the Fed, I don't think we're going to see any major trading.

K Cardinals Logo Mlb, See more. F Learn a new word every day.

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