And it seems a similar confusion exists among wearers of contact lenses: the research found that over a third (39 per cent) of users aren’t sure or believe they can’t recycle lenses. The Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) are recalling 1-day Acuvue Moist for Astigmatism lenses. Why Are Your Prices Lower Than My Opticians. The unique Eyelid Stabilised Design technology in 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST for ASTIGMATISM delivers clear and stable vision regardless of head or eye movement. ACUVUE lenses from Johnson & Johnson use the latest technology to ensure that you receive the utmost comfort when wearing your lenses. Here’s what you need to know… (Picture: MrKornFlakes/Getty Images/iStockphoto) A product recall alert has been issued for a batch of Johnson & Johnson Acuvue disposable contact lenses.. The technology in ACUVUE OASYS contact lenses helps to stabilise the tear film promoting comfortable wear, even when using a digital device. We prove daily that low prices can be combined with fast delivery and first class service. Furthermore, there is not only the lens itself to be considered but the protective blister pack and laminated foil it’s contained in. £ 16.50. 3957500102 Acuvue are disposable contact lenses made by Johnson & Johnson, a name you know and trust. ‘It is therefore important that as many customers as possible are made aware of the need to check their lenses for these lot numbers.’, 3957490101 This platform helps you earn rewards by inviting your friends to shop with you, and we love it!

Healthcare professionals can visit for information about Johnson & Johnson Vision products and services. Given the broad product portfolio covered under the Johnson & Johnson brand umbrella, we also wondered whether there were other in-house product categories this kind of approach could be applied to in the future. Over time, through these recycling partnerships with Boots and a number of other independent stores, it aims to provide over 1000 public drop-off recycling points across the country. This site combines the resources of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Companies and THE VISION CARE INSTITUTE ® in one place. Johnson & Johnson’s first priority is your pursuit of comfort, day and night. Can 3957500111 3957500103 Features and Benefits 3957490109 Around 11,000 people visited our website within the first few hours of the launch, and about 300 consumers signed up right away.”, As to whether this programme will be confined to the UK, or be rolled out in future across Johnson & Johnson Vision’s other key sales regions – “At the moment the UK is the largest contact lens market in Europe, and our partner TerraCycle is also well established here. Since the first introduction of Johnson & Johnson has continued to develop the Acuvue daily disposable. The patented HYDRACLEAR ™ technology guarantee you these lenses a high and long-lasting comfort.

Brand. We have a lot of internal processes for looking at programmes such as this and sharing best practice, so there is a certainly a possibility this approach can be a model for future programmes.”. Johnson & Johnson launches contact lens recycling scheme. have been selling Johnson & Johnson contact lenses for 10 years, and our customers love them. 1 Day ACUVUE TruEye lenses uses HYDRACLEAR® 1 technology maintains the natural environment of the eye and gives that no-lens feeling. latest news, feel-good stories, analysis and more, NHS staff restrained dementia patient 19 times to forcibly treat him. 3957500107 3957490102 It is intended for use by residents of the United Kingdom and ROI. 3957490112, 3957500101 CLEAR, STABLE VISION  Product type. “Yes, there are: for example, we realised through TerraCycle that the contact lenses, blister and foil packaging could be reused for products such as park benches or plastic lumber.”. With this in mind, Johnson & Johnson Vision have partnered with waste management specialists TerraCycle to launch the ACUVUE Contact Lens Recycle Programme.
We use cookies to provide you the best possible experience on our site. If you're looking for lenses that can provide long-lasting comfort, 1 Day Acuvue Moist are a great choice. And so far, Mr Abruzzini says the signs are encouraging. Log ... Johnson and Johnson contact lenses x6 Set the parameters Contact lenses from family-trusted brand Johnson and Johnson. This includes updates from optical organisations such as the AOP and the GOC, News and in-depth features about business management and career development in optics, Explore the latest UK and global jobs in the optical sector for optometrists, dispensing opticians and more, Acuvue Oasys with Transitions will be available in the UK before a wider launch across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, You must be logged in to join the discussion. We use cookies to analyze traffic and optimise your shopping experience. Do You Stock Own Brand (Opticians) Lenses? £ 21. Acuvue Oasys (1 day) Daily. 3957510103 Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism (6 lenses) Biweekly. ACUVUE®, ACUVUE OASYS®, 1-DAY ACUVUE® TruEye®, 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST, 1-DAY ACUVUE®, ACUVUE® ADVANCE, ACUVUE® VITA™, HYDRACLEAR®, LACREON®, HydraLuxe™, HydraMax™, 1-DAY ACUVUE® … Cookie policy

Definitely, you can easily find a wide range and variety of lenses at Contact Lens King. They lock in moisture to keep your vision clear. According to recent research carried out by Johnson & Johnson Vision, over two-thirds (70 per cent) of consumers are confused about the types of household items they can recycle.

A long-lasting cushion of moisture helps to reduce dryness and maximise your comfort. Continually exploring new technologies in vision care, Johnson & Johnson inhabits the highest echelon of eye-care innovation. PepsiCo's Archana Jagannathan explores how a collaborative approach helps the company to develop sustainable packaging solutions, from reusable to recyclable and compostable. Best place to buy contact lenses online in U.K. We offer complete range of contact lenses at unbeatable lowest price with fast andfirst class door step delivery services. The way the programme works is simple: consumers will have the option of either having their contact lens material collected, or dropping it off through a network of recycling bins at public drop-off locations at optical stores throughout the UK – such as high street retailer Boots Opticians. Johnson & Johnson Vision will partner with online influencers and athletes in the UK to highlight how light affects their eyes every day and the benefits of the reusable two-week contact lens. Welcome back! Welcome to the Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Companies website for UK & Ireland This site is dedicated to supporting Eye Care Professionals with all your business and clinical education needs. 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST for ASTIGMATISM contact lenses provide Class 2 UV protection, which blocks 98.8% UVB and 85.1% UVA rays.

Not only is comfort a priority with Johnson & Johnson products but the ACUVUE brand offers extra UV protection for your eyes - blocking over eighty per cent of harmful rays. Protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful rays*. Contact lenses from family-trusted brand Johnson and Johnson. Sort by: Relevance. Sort by: Popularity Lowest price. 1 Day Acuvue Moist are ultra-comfortable daily contact lenses from Johnson & Johnson. 3957490106
Naturally, there is also the question of what to do with the waste material itself once it has been collected. Acuvue are disposable contact lenses made by Johnson & Johnson, a name you know and trust. Contact lenses from family-trusted brand Johnson and Johnson. The company explained that the photochromic contact lens will be made available in Europe, the Middle East and Africa “soon,” with the UK being the first market to launch. One of the greatest innovations of Johnson & Johnson, the introduction of the world's first daily contact lenses 1-Day Acuvue in 1995.

All-Day Moisture. 3957490105 So even people with dry eyes get well tolerated daily lenses. Johnson & Johnson Vision has announced the launch of Acuvue Oasys with Transitions light intelligent technology in the UK. 3957490110 With their invention of Acuvue Brand Contact Lenses, Johnson & Johnson became the world’s first company to put soft contact lenses on the market. 1 day ACUVUE TruEye contact lenses from Johnson & Johnson use specialist technologies to deliver a unique contact lens that can meet the demands of modern life and keep your eyes healthy. 3957490108 Acuvue Oasys (1 day toric for astigmatism) Daily. with Lenses - getting a prescription. Acuvue moist 1 day for astigmatism -1.25 cylinder, Acuvue Oasys 1-DAY with HydraLuxe 30 pack, Acuvue Vita 3 Lenses With HydraMax Technology, Acuvue Vita 6 Lenses With HydraMax Technology. WIDE COVERAGE Through its new UK contact lens recycling scheme, the ACUVUE Contact Lens Recycle Programme, Johnson & Johnson Vision and its partner TerraCycle are looking to drive real change in consumer behaviour. “We have been overwhelmed by the positive reaction. We offer them That’s why they’ve been asking the question: Do you dare to paper?

Lot numbers can be found on the foil cover of individual lenses as well as on the back or the side of the carton of 28 lenses. This is the UK’s first free nationwide programme that enables consumers to easily recycle not only the contact lenses themselves but the blister and foil packaging. 3957500108 3957490103 Mr Abruzzini also stresses that the programme is available to all soft contact lens wearers, regardless of which brand they use. £ 25.

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