You should check for urine or blood ketones whenever your blood glucose is elevated above 250 mg/dL (13.7 mmol/L) and take an insulin injection if appropriate. Be sure that the needle guard is removed before insertion. The MiniLink™ REAL-Time transmitter is indicated for use as a component of select Medtronic continuous glucose sensing systems and Medtronic MiniMed™ sensor-enabled pump systems. Use of non-Medtronic MiniMed™ reservoirs and/or infusion sets may interfere with proper pump operation. Do not make therapy decisions based on sensor glucose values because sensor glucose and blood glucose values may differ. If your insulin delivery is interrupted for any reason, you must be prepared to replace the missed insulin immediately. Always check the pump display when using a CONTOUR®NEXT LINK 2.4 meter, to ensure the glucose result shown agrees with the glucose results shown on the meter. 22 g . Both systems require a prescription. If your sensor glucose reading is low or high, or if you feel symptoms of low or high glucose, do the following prior to making therapy decisions. Contact; UC201909446aEN-REV010633 ..., Medtronic.comPatients should be assessed preoperatively for the risk of increased bleeding. Do not attempt to reapply the i-Port Advance™ injection port after use.
1.5. Remove the sensor and discard in a sharps container. Insulin pumps use rapid-acting insulin. Apply steady pressure using sterile gauze or a clean cloth placed on top of the sensor for up to three minutes, if bleeding occurs. A retractable needle is attached to the sensor and minimal blood splatter may occur. Reuse of the sensor may cause damage to the sensor surface and lead to inaccurate glucose values, site irritation, or infection, See Instructions for Use (IFU) for additional details. Shock, severe hypotension, hyperosmolar hyperglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, and occurrence of severe dehydration are examples of clinical conditions that may adversely affect the measurement of glucose in peripheral blood. See Instructions for Use (IFU) for additional details. Always dispose of test strips and lancets as medical waste or as advised by your health care professional. Consult with your healthcare professional for how long you need to wait after a manual injection of insulin before you resume Auto Mode. • Refer to the MRI Guidelines for the InterStim system manual for the MRI conditions and MRI-specific contraindications, warnings, and precautions for conducting an MRI scan. To prevent liquid from getting inside the tubing connector, after you fill the reservoir make sure you hold the insulin vial upright when you remove the reservoir from the transfer guard. Failure to follow instructions may result in pain or injury. No exclusion zone. Alternative site testing should be done only during steady-state times (when glucose is not changing rapidly). Failure to follow instructions may result in pain or injury. GMDN Names and Definitions: © Copyright GMDN Agency 2015.
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