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Uvalde • Navarro • So the bar to doing it should be as high as possible, which this amendment would ensure. Proposition 9: Against. Wichita • Council members Carlos Flores and Gyna Bivens did not return messages inquiring about the election. A simple majority vote was required for the approval of Proposition A. Sherman • But the district has smartly prioritized construction and renovation projects. But the tax was billed as temporary and meant for community-based programs or specialized task forces, he said. Byrd noted that the sales tax would be paid by nonresidents and residents alike and said he wanted to strike a balance between the policing some residents expected and demands from recent protests. Real • Goliad • Ten proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution are on the ballot. Frio • This revenue is in addition to more than $267 million the police department receives through the city’s general fund. A "yes" vote supports continuing the Fort Worth Crime Control and Prevention District and renewing the special 0.5% sales tax for 10 years. Local measures | Fort Worth Police Chief Ed Kraus told the Star-Telegram in June that the department is exploring shifting more money to community partners, but couldn’t provide specifics. At the next regularly scheduled board meeting trustees will consider several items involved with the employment of a project manager, the hiring of architects and engineers. Panola •

Schleicher •

Hunt • Justice of the Peace Courts, Budget and finances | “Thank you, voters, for your support of the Fort Worth ISD and of your confidence in our mission – to prepare all students for success in college, career, and community leadership,” he said. Videos Ballotpedia features 317,941 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Zapata • Lampasas •

The board aims to be consistent with stances it has taken in the past but usually engages in a fresh discussion based on new developments and different perspectives. Hale • “We basically need more funding to create a safety net for the people who continue to be criminalized for just trying to survive,” she said. Comal • Support independent, Colorado-owned journalism by joining The Colorado Sun. Borden • “We need more flexibility and creativity for our state budget, not something that will constrain the state budget even further — our students deserve better,” said Amie Baca-Oehlert, the president of the state’s teachers union, expressing opposition to Proposition 116 and Proposition 117 limiting government fees. Wheeler •

“We have paid for this tax cut, this tiny tax cut, time and time again.”.

Sabine • Brooks •

City voters in the July 14 election are asked to commit a half cent sales tax, worth more than $80 million annually, to the Crime Control Prevention District, a special fund that pays for enhanced police patrols, equipment and a portion of school officers’ salaries, among other things. Redistricting, List of Texas ballot measures |

The study found that businesses fare much better with a one of the nation’s lower tax burdens. Largest cities | By Joe Michels. Dickens • Dallam • San Patricio • Immigration |

Morris • Collin • Taxes. Editorials are unsigned because they represent the board’s consensus positions, not the views of individual writers. Greg Abbott’s order to allow nightclubs to operate. WASHINGTON (AP) — Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney... PHOENIX (AP) — Roberta Wright McCain, the mother of the late Sen. John McCain who used her feisty spirit to help woo... Tarrant County Judge Glen Whitley announced Monday at a media briefing that the county will open bars at 50 percent capacity.“After talking... By JESSICA GRESKO and MARK SHERMAN Associated Press

Facebook. Denton • Here are our recommendations on some of the major ballot items Tarrant County voters will see. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. A "no" vote opposes continuing the Fort Worth Crime Control and Prevention District and renewing the special 0.5% sales tax for 10 years, thereby allowing the district and the tax to expire on September 30, 2020. Largest counties | This includes directly interviewing sources and research / analysis of primary source documents. Johnson • Editorials are the positions of the Editorial Board, which serves as the Fort Worth Star-Telegram’s institutional voice. Councilman Cary Moon used his newsletter to encourage voters to support the tax. Jackson • On Facebook, Councilwoman Kelly Allen Gray encouraged her district to vote in the election with a post that noted which nonprofits receive funding through the tax. Skeptics have called it a “police slush fund” and say the money would be better spent with community-based nonprofits or improving transportation.

No campaign committee against the sales tax has filed with the city, but grassroots community groups and the Tarrant County Democratic party have come out against the renewal as a way to reform policing. Rusk • Grayson • The reduction in the income tax rate would reduce reduce revenue into the general fund by 1.2%. SECTIONS. Red River • State Senate | In the nearby Aledo Independent School District, the two propositions failed. Coke • Sonnenberg ran a similar bill in the 2020 legislative session to reduce the income tax rate to 4.49%, but it was defeated by the Democratic-controlled state Senate.


Our state parks deserve a dedicated revenue stream, and this amendment will strike a small blow for truth in budgeting. This amendment will help rural parts of Texas ensure they have municipal judges by allowing elected judges to serve more than one area. Hopkins • “It’s important to know as we’re being asked to go to the ballot and renew this funding for not just five years but now the next 10 years, we’ve got to understand how drastic times have changed,” he said. Election governance | “We’ve long sought an income tax decrease,” Polis told The Colorado Sun. Hartley • | The breakdown of the sales tax is as follows:[2], Fort Worth voters have renewed the Crime Control and Prevention District sales tax four previous times with approval of more than 75% of voters. Voting in Texas | “For more than a year we worked to prepare the Penny Swap and Bond elections and we are grateful to everyone who was part of that process,” Scribner said. Fannin • Crockett • Hemphill • Calhoun • House of Representatives | The accompanying “Penny Swap” election, also approved by voters, will afford the district an additional $23 million annually for life-cycle, maintenance and other items. The savings for someone with $25,000 in taxable income would be about $20 while those with taxable income of $1 million would save $800.

Brazoria • District officials have smart plans to replace certain school buildings and renovate others and to invest in pre-kindergarten career education, athletics and arts. Angelina • Lamb • Ballot access for parties | Kleberg • Hays • Williamson • Bullion isn’t taxed as property now. Coryell • What's on my ballot? Campaign finance requirements, Who represents me? Shall the City Council of the City of Fort Worth be authorized to issue the public securities of said City as authorized by aw at the time of issuance, in one or more l series or issues, in the aggregate principal amount of $261,630,080, with said public Bowie • Titus • Jordan, the mayor pro tem, acknowledged that the city needs to make changes to policing, but said it has become dependent on the crime tax.

Ward • September 8, 2017. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. Terrell • Councilwoman Ann Zadeh said that while she has encouraged voting, she traditionally does not tell constituents how to vote in bond or other non-council elections. “All FW residents and all neighborhoods need a community policing presence to ensure public safety for every person.

Now it supplements the city budget, but with little oversight.

Property taxes for Fort Worth ISD residents age 65 or over will not be impacted by the bond election. Vote Prop A if you live in FTW. The measure would reduce the current 4.63% income tax rate on individuals and corporations to 4.55%. Hamilton • The sales tax now funds nearly 300 positions, largely in the Fort Worth Police Department, including 97 neighborhood patrol officers, 77 school officers and 50 special response team members.

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