Bella Ramsey was born in 2004 in the UK. A new Maglet game craze is sweeping the academy and everyone‘s hooked. Miss Cackle invites Julie to sit with the other teachers for breakfast, while Miss Hardbroom complains about the maglet game. this.href = idConfig.signin_url; It is preceded by The Owl and the Pussycat, and followed by Bad Magic.

The Game is the sixth episode of the third series of The Worst Witch (2017 TV Series).
When I was a girl, it was finglebugs, or spinning clackerhoops. In class, everyone is playing the game, including Felicity, who’s already got a new maglet. 0. Read about our approach to external linking. Potions are magical mixtures usually brewed in cauldrons and used to create various effects on the drinker. At the Broom Hurling contest, Ethel is having trouble with her magic, and says she feels drained. Help Mildred get the cats back to the academy before Miss Hardbroom finds out. Magical Mystery is an online game on the CBBC website, which allows players to create their own character and become a student at Miss Cackle's Academy for Witches. On the way to class, Mildred, Maud and Enid see Julie trying to sneak a muffin, but she’s caught by Miss Tapioca. Is Mildred off to wicked witches' school? if (idConfig.register_url) { She is an actress, known for, Jude Law And Peace One Day Announce Live Global Digital Experience, BFI Youth Fund Backs Shudder, Elysian TV Projects; Daniel Kaluuya, Meghan Markle Shorts Head To All4; ITV Director Appointment – Global Briefs, Gunpowder & Sky’s Dust to Host Livestream of New Sci-Fi Horror Film Sea Fever, Followed by Cast & Crew Q&a.

Meanwhile, Clarice and Beatrice to set up a surprise to cheer up Sybil, who is worried about what will make her cry in her third vision. However, she knows nothing about the missing people. "Game of Thrones" Actor Cast In New 'Star Wars' Trilogy??? The British-German fantasy series is based on a book series by Jill Murphy, and it centers around the students at the Cackle's Academy for magic. Miss Pentangle and Miss Hardbroom are found standing together. This article is written from a real world point of view and so is not considered part of The Worst Witch universe. Soon the girls are fighting over it, then their magic begins to disappear... followed by the girls themselves. Mildred, Maud and Enid find Felicity’s tablet; she seems to have disappeared. The Worst Witch - The Worst Witch Magical Mystery You are invited to take part in The Witchball Tournament at Pentangle's Academy. Enid plays the game, and wins a prize box, which contains a beaded bracelet. Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. Will Izzy's Dad catch the comet's energy? They suggest that she deletes the game and gives everyone their magic back, then make a new game that doesn’t take people’s magic, and tell everyone she made it. Miss Tapiocaserves porridge, but Julie wishes she had a muffin instead. Play the grim reaper and bring death and destruction in... Mega man has been kidnapped, his fate lies in Eddies... Slay monsters and other nasty creatures as you prove... Survive an encounter with gun crazy FBI agents in alien... Help the dashing young girl find her way out of another... Guide the lonesome duck as it swims around in the hot... Drive at top speeds in this heated competition, try not to crash into anything though. Enjoy the best internet games on our website! Ethel gets mad at Felicity when she beats her on the leaderboard, but then Mr Rowan-Webb overtakes both of them, revealing himself as Gamer Lord- he had his maglet hidden behind the book. Felicity vs Mabel in The Enchanted Stones, Race the Clock: Worst Witch Pumpkin Picker. We’ll hide these CBeebies shows for 30 Days. What is Mildred's fate at the Great Debate? ninja dog vs wicked witch. After class, Julie tries to sneak a treat again, but is but put off by Rowan-Webb eating a fly. Mabel: And by that, I mean you can buy them full price with my compliments.

Chapter 1 is based on season 2 of the show, with you being accused of stealing the Founding Stone and having to find evidence to prove who did take it. Since the symbols in the game look old, she decides to start by asking the oldest person at Cackle’s, Miss Bat. Sybil is surprised by her friends who have set up a surprise party for her. Looking for something to watch? It was broadcast on CBBC and CBBC HD on 4 February 2019. }); Unleash your inner magic in the Enchanted Stones game!

1 Synopsis 2 Plot 3 Quotes 4 Gallery A new Maglet game craze is sweeping the academy and everyone‘s hooked. She says she made the game and the prizes to make herself popular, but didn’t realize how powerful the game was, and it got out of hand. require(['jquery-1', 'idcta-v2/id-config'], ($, idctaConfig) => {, Win! 1. Register

Sybil, Clarice and Beatrice decide to try to make a potion to change the future, but when they go to the potion lab, Miss Hardbroom is in there playing the game, and yells at them- the second of Sybil’s visions. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. the game can be found on the CBBC website:, The Description the CBBC site reads: "Fly on your broomstick and discover magical items to collect for Miss Hardbroom’s potions class. Maud sees Julie again, and has a look at Mildred’s pin board. Most Wanted "Game of Thrones" Resurrection, "Game of Thrones" Season Eight Death Pool. Beatrice and Clarice come in, and ask what’s wrong. Mildred decides to try a different approach, and track down where the prize bracelets are coming from. Doctor Who Infinity: The Dalek Invasion of Time, What to Watch if You Miss the "Game of Thrones" Cast. For the first three seasons of The Worst Witch, Game of Thrones alum Bella Ramsey played Mildred. Everyone’s magic returns, and Sybil cries from happiness, and realizes that was her third vision.

She makes a keen spell potion, but Star won’t drink it, and neither will Tabby, so Mildred does.

The brooms go haywire and everyone has to duck to avoid them, fulfilling the first of Sybil’s visions. The Worst Witch Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. However, Miss Drill is taking Miss Bat’s class as Miss Bat hasn’t turned up.

Miss Cackle: Oh, this term's fad, that's all. Chapter 1 is based on season 2 of the show, with you being accused of stealing the Founding Stone and having to find evidence to prove who did take it. While at Cackle’s you learn Potions and Spells, while at Pentangle’s you learn ‘Magic Runes’, which are a different way of casting spells by matching combinations of Witchenese runes.
ZAPCHAT: Clarice tries The Witch Twitch Challenge, Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions. Sybil asks Clarice and Beatrice if they’re planning any parties, but they say no. Mildred, Maud and Enid go Ethel’s room, but she isn’t there. Play The Worst Witch games, chat with student witches using Zapchat technology and get the latest on all the drama at Cackle’s Academy. Use your witching powers to put a stop to the... Bullet Time Witch .

Challenge 2 - Catch 8 cats who have flown away on the broomsticks: Quick! Blow the little green men up using your paper cannon but don't hit the innocent pink ones. While you’re a bit quieter than most, you’re the sort of witch that is VERY bubbly and funny when she comes out of her shell - and a true and loyal friend. It is preceded … They notice a girl they don’t recognize, and ask if she’s new, but she says she’s been at Cackle’s for two years. Miss Hardbroom: Mildred Hubble, you've almost missed lantern duty again.

Meanwhile, Sybil takes a foresight potion, and sees three visions: Girls ducking to avoid broomsticks, Miss Hardbroom yelling at her, and herself crying. Sign in if (idConfig.signin_url) { Can you find all the ingredients and complete your spell book? C. Can you ace The Worst Witch Superfan Quiz? } The Worst Witch Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community.

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