He is viewed as more pragmatic than ideological, and during his campaign spoke more about the need to break down administrative obstacles -- so-called bureaucratic silos -- than any grand political guiding principles. Dezember 1948 als erstes von vier Kindern des Landwirts Saburō Suga (1918–2010) im Dorf Akinomiya (1955 zur Stadt Ogachi, seit 2005 Ortsteil Akinomiya des kreisfreien Yuzawa) im Landkreis Ogachi der Präfektur Akita geboren. Der neue Parteivorsitzende Fukuda ersetzte Suga als Vorsitzenden der Wahlstrategiekommission einen Monat später durch Makoto Koga. Unter seiner Leitung wurde 2014 das „Kabinettsbüro für Personalangelegenheiten“ errichtet, das das bisher für die Rekrutierung von hohen Beamten zuständige Personalamt teilweise ablöste und die Kontrolle der Regierung über Personalentscheidungen innerhalb der Behörden erheblich erweiterte. | REUTERS, “He represents a continuation of the Abe administration’s managerial stability, but also simultaneously represents a stark contrast from Abe himself, in that he doesn’t come from the privileged dynastic background typical among so many LDP politicians,” said Daniel M. Smith, an associate professor of comparative politics at Harvard University. Dezember 1948 in der heutigen Stadt Yuzawa, Präfektur Akita) ist ein japanischer Politiker und seit dem 16. He has also been the face of the government, doggedly defending its policies as spokesman, including in sometimes testy exchanges with journalists. Much focus will be on the new Cabinet’s lineup — whether to keep critical posts such as finance, foreign, defense and internal affairs the same as in the Abe administration and who the new chief Cabinet secretary will be — as well as the prospect of a snap election, which would be the first major test for Suga to demonstrate his aptitude as a long-term, trustworthy LDP leader capable of filling Abe’s shoes. Im September 2009 verließ Suga das Kōchikai, um zusammen mit anderen 1996 erstmals gewählten Abgeordneten bei der Wahl des LDP-Vorsitzenden den Kandidaten Tarō Kōno zu unterstützen. Wakatsuki | In a farewell video message posted on his social media account, he acknowledged that “some challenges remain unfinished”, and asked for support for his successor. Itō | Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. For just $10 a month or $100 a year, please consider. | KYODO.
Suga ist zudem Vorsitzender der Liberaldemokratischen Partei (LDP) und Abgeordneter des Shūgiin, des Unterhauses des nationalen Parlaments, für den 2. Japan's parliament on Wednesday elected Yoshihide Suga prime minister, with the former chief cabinet secretary expected to stick closely to policies championed by Shinzo Abe during his record-breaking tenure.. Suga, 71, won an easy victory, taking 314 votes of 462 valid ballots cast in the lower house of parliament, where his ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) holds a commanding majority. [7] Kurz nach seiner Bestätigung als neuer Premierminister durch das japanische Parlament am 16. Suga, who on Monday was elected leader of the LDP, is viewed as a continuity candidate and has said his run was inspired by a desire to pursue Abe’s policies. Suga's background, as the son of a strawberry farmer father and schoolteacher mother, sets him apart from the many blue blood political elites in his party and the Japanese political scene. "In order to overcome the crisis and give the Japanese people a sense of relief, we need to succeed in what Prime Minister Abe has been implementing," Suga said after being elected LDP leader Monday. September 2020 seine Kandidatur bei der Wahl des LDP-Vorsitzenden verkündet hatte, setzte er sich am 14. There too, experts say, he is likely to tread the path charted by Abe, prioritising the key relationship with the United States, whoever is president after November's election. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Abe had come under fire for what critics called a slow and clumsy response to the COVID-19 outbreak, although Japan has not seen the sort of explosive outbreak suffered in many other places overseas. Tanaka K. | Suga is a long-time supporter of and advisor to Abe, who urged him to seek a second term. Hatoyama Y. Fukuda Y. He bowed deeply as lawmakers applauded following the announcement, but made no immediate comment. Wakatsuki | “Because a leader with a relatively weak power base would have only gotten to this position because of the votes supplied by the powerful (factions), he will do their bidding, knowing that if he doesn’t, they’ll withdraw their support and he’ll be replaced.”. Newly elected leader of Japan's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Yoshihide Suga (C) holds his ballot as he walks to cast his vote for electing the next prime minister at the lower house of parliament in Tokyo on September 16, 2020. Suga is set to enter the Prime Minister’s Office and form a new Cabinet on Wednesday with the expectation that he will deliver on his promise to double down on policies inherited by his predecessor, such as Abenomics. [1] Er studierte bis 1973 Rechtswissenschaften an der Hōsei-Universität und wurde 1975 Sekretär des Abgeordneten und späteren Wirtschaftsministers Hikosaburō Okonogi.
His recipe for doing that? After Abe announced he would be stepping down, citing a chronic illness, on Aug. 28, LDP factions rushed to find a successor. "I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart," he concluded, bowing deeply. Kaifu | Japan unveils new submarine in face of China's growing assertiveness, Supercomputer-developed face shields may offer lifeline for Japan's restaurant industry, Episode 68: Naomi Osaka — seven matches, seven masks, seven names, Directory of who’s who in the world of business in Japan. Bei der Kabinettsumbildung im August 2007 erhielt er mit dem Vorsitz der Wahlstrategiekommission der LDP eines der vier wichtigen Parteiämter. Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga attends a Cabinet meeting at his office on Tuesday. Yoshihide Suga, the chief Cabinet secretary, won by a landslide in the Liberal Democratic Party presidential election Monday, becoming the presumptive successor to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Als Shinzō Abe im Dezember 2012 zum Premierminister wiedergewählt wurde, übernahm er Suga als Chefkabinettssekretär in sein zweites Kabinett. Yoshida | Ikeda | More of the same, he says. Suga’s background, as the son of a strawberry farmer father and schoolteacher mother, sets him apart from the many blue blood political elites in his party and the Japanese political scene.
On the diplomatic front, Suga is a relative novice, with little foreign policy experience.
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