background-color: #db0000; The Enquirer is hosting an informal Meet the Candidates Night for the community to attend on Feb. 27. Bexar County, Texas, held general elections for San Antonio River Authority on November 5, 2019. County Commissioner, Precinct No. Election, Primary & Caucus Dates: State Primary: March 3, 2020 Runoff: May 26, 2020 Presidential Primary: March 3, 2020 Type: open Democrat Delegates: 262 (228 pledged, 34 super) Republican Delegates: 155 Texas Electoral Votes: 38 Commentary: For a secure ballot, vote early, Gonzales: Why grand juries are kept secret, ‘I plan to vote early. He went to one forum and put up some signs but we didn’t hear anything more from him.
A full list of recommendations for the 2020 primary races, as made by the San Antonio Express-News Editorial Board. Republicans being way less diverse than Democrats, went with the white name. Julie Moreno, Executive Producer/Digital Content. Fair. Texas Take: Get political headlines from across the state sent directly to your inbox. Below are the candidates that will appear on Republican Primary ballots in Bexar County. See our post here on the candidates for sheriff and our observations about them. An Asian name, an Hispanic name and a white name. The table below provides information on each of the commissioners: table#officeholder-table th, td { padding:5px; font-size: 16px; } Federal Races: State Races: Bexar County Races: Republican Party Races: FEDERAL. Tags: Politics, Vote 2020, Bexar County, Texas SAN ANTONIO – We now know what the Bexar County ballot will look like for the 2020 General Election on Nov. 3. We have to admit that we were completely shocked at what happened in the Republican primary for Bexar County Sheriff. After producing thousands of newscasts, she transitioned to the digital team in 2015. Kolten … Express-News Editorial Board recommendations for the 2020 primary. ... About Contact Donate Back Stephen About Stephen Contact Donate. Pictures and information will be added as candidates make it available to the local party. KENS 5 Election Info Center: Sample ballot, polling places, Crowded field of candidates seeking nomination for U.S. District 23. So why would Republicans pick a man with absolutely no experience over two men who had decades of experience? All Rights Reserved. The Bexar County Elections Department is responsible for voter registration activities and election operations throughout Bexar County. He was Bexar County’s County Clerk for something like the last 20 years. Probably not, but he was Republicans’ best opportunity if it was going to happen and he was a darn good option. 1.1.
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