1-11083). 2020 Boston Scientific Annual Bonus Plan Performance Period January 1 - December 31 Version: November 2019 I. EXHIBIT 10.3 Boston Scientific Corporation Participant: %%FIRSTNAME%-% %%LASTNAME%-% Employee ID: %%EMPLOYEEIDENTIFIER%-% Award Type: Performance Share Unit Award Agreement Plan Name: TSR PERFORMANCE SHARE PROGRAM - Award Date: %%OPTIONDATE,’Month DD, YYYY’%-% Total Granted: %%TOTALSHARESGRANTED%-% BOSTON SCIENTIFIC INTENT TO GRANT PERFORMANCE SHARE UNIT AWARD AGREEMENT This Agreement, dated as of, EXHIBIT 10.4 Boston Scientific Corporation Participant: %%FIRSTNAME%-% %%LASTNAME%-% Employee ID: %%EMPLOYEEIDENTIFIER%-% Award Type: Performance Share Unit Award Agreement Plan Name: FCF PERFORMANCE SHARE PROGRAM Award Date: %%OPTIONDATE,’Month DD, YYYY’%-% Total Granted: %%TOTALSHARESGRANTED%-% BOSTON SCIENTIFIC INTENT TO GRANT PERFORMANCE SHARE UNIT AWARD AGREEMENT This Agreement, dated as of t, EXHIBIT 10.2 Boston Scientific Corporation 2011 Long-Term Incentive Plan Global Deferred Stock Unit Award Agreement %%OPTIONDATE,’Month DD, YYYY’%-% %%FIRSTNAME%-% %%LASTNAME%-% (“Participant”) EMPLOYEE COPY PLEASE RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS -Rev 1.2019 EXHIBIT 10.2 Boston Scientific Corporation 2011 Long-Term Incentive Plan Global Deferred Stock Unit Award Agreement This Global Deferred Stock Unit A, EXHIBIT 10.7 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION RESTRICTED STOCK AWARD AGREEMENT FOR NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTORS This Agreement, dated as of the %%OPTIONDATE,’Month DD, YYYY%-% (the “Grant Date”), is between Boston Scientific Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), and the person whose name appears on the Signature Page of this Agreement (the “Participant”), a non-employee director of the Compa, EXHIBIT 10.6 Boston Scientific Corporation 2011 Long-Term Incentive Plan Global Deferred Stock Unit Award Agreement %%OPTIONDATE,’Month DD, YYYY’%-% %%FIRSTNAME%-% %%LASTNAME%-% (“Participant”) EMPLOYEE COPY PLEASE RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS -Rev 1.2019 AQ EXHIBIT 10.6 Boston Scientific Corporation 2011 Long-Term Incentive Plan Global Deferred Stock Unit Award Agreement This Global Deferred Stock Uni, EXHIBIT 10.8 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION DEFERRED STOCK UNIT AWARD AGREEMENT FOR NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTORS This Agreement, dated as of the %%OPTIONDATE,’Month DD, YYYY%-% (the “Grant Date”), is between Boston Scientific Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), and the person whose name appears on the Signature Page of this Agreement (the “Participant”), a non-employee director of the Co, EXHIBIT 10.1 Boston Scientific Corporation 2011 Long-Term Incentive Plan Global Non-Qualified Stock Option Agreement %%OPTIONDATE,’Month DD, YYYY’%-% %%FIRSTNAME%-% %%LASTNAME%-% (“Optionee”) EMPLOYEE COPY PLEASE RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS -Rev 1.2019 EXHIBIT 10.1 Boston Scientific Corporation 2011 Long-Term Incentive Plan Global Non-Qualified Stock Option Agreement This Global Non-Qualified Stock Op, EXHIBIT 10.5 Boston Scientific Corporation 2011 Long-Term Incentive Plan Global Non-Qualified Stock Option Agreement %%OPTIONDATE,’Month DD, YYYY’%-% %%FIRSTNAME%-% %%LASTNAME%-% (“Optionee”) EMPLOYEE COPY PLEASE RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDS -Rev 1.2019 AQ EXHIBIT 10.5 Boston Scientific Corporation 2011 Long-Term Incentive Plan Global Non-Qualified Stock Option Agreement This Global Non-Qualified Stock, Exhibit 10.1 $2,750,000,000 CREDIT AGREEMENT among BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION, as Borrower, The Several Lenders from Time to Time Parties Hereto, BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., as Syndication Agent, BARCLAYS BANK PLC, CITIBANK, N.A., DEUTSCHE BANK SECURITIES INC., GOLDMAN SACHS BANK USA, and JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., as Documentation Agents, and WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Administrativ, Exhibit 10.3 $2,000,000,000 TERM LOAN CREDIT AGREEMENT among BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION, as Borrower, The Several Lenders from Time to Time Parties Hereto, BARCLAYS BANK PLC, as Administrative Agent BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, and JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., as Syndication Agents THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, as Documentation Agent Dated as of December 19, 2018 BARC, Exhibit 10.2 FIRST AMENDMENT FIRST AMENDMENT, dated as of December 19, 2018 (this “Amendment”), to the Credit Agreement, dated as of August 20, 2018 (as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the “Credit Agreement”), among (i) BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation (the “Borrower”), (ii) the several banks and other financial institutions from time to time par, Exhibit 10.1 Irrevocable undertaking From: Invesco Asset Management Limited Perpetual Park Perpetual Park Drive Henley-On-Thames To: Bravo Bidco Limited (the “Offeror”) Suite 1, 3rd Floor 11 - 12 St. James’s Square London SW1Y 4LB 20 November, 2018 Dear Sirs, Offer for BTG plc (the “Offeree”) We understand that the Offeror intends to make an offer to acquire all of the issued and to be issued ordi. Fintel makes no representations or warranties in relation to this website or the information and materials provided on this website.

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