(Must View Video), Global Pedogate Network Explained in Remarkable Detail, CLICK ☰ FOR RECENT POSTS, SEARCH & ARCHIVES →. Bush will be laid to rest at the library, where both former first lady Barbara Bush and their late daughter Robin are buried. No matter who he appoints, even if they are truly white hats, he saw how easily any administration appointee or government official can be turned against him.

It is with great certainty that the “Envelope Affair” was staged and filmed by Team Trump to have maximum effect. Trending: Jim Acosta Lashes Out After Crowd Chants “CNN Sucks” Live On Air. “The PLAN” was never real and only a figment of someone’s fertile imagination who, nonetheless, still has A VERY SERIOUS AGENDA (to deceitfully corral the Patriot Movement into the warmongering Neocon Zionist camp).

The connections are so rife with married couples seldom taking the same name in order to obfuscate the connections.As you can see above Karen Pence like all the other wives at the Bush funeral received a note inside their programs. Much more importantly, it has been reported in multiple MSM news outlets that the final report might not even be made public. Truly, Williams Barr’s hands are now tied as no other AG in U.S. history. The MIC always needs a boogeyman for the specter of war to loom large in the collective American mind; after all, The USA is the Military Arm of the New World Order.

His casket was just loaded onto the a Union Pacific train led by a locomotive dubbed the "Bush 4141" — a train that was built to honor the President's life. There is no defeating Deep State except by the sheer force of people power and posing the very real threat of violence against the 1%. The funeral train carrying George H.W.

The POTUS has been completely taken over by forces that are way too powerful for any one individual to take on. Bush is on his way to his final resting place. •  With AG William Barr in place there will be no prosecutions of the Clintons, the Bushes, the Obamas or any other crime family including the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.

His sincere promise to make peace with Russia was not only thwarted at every turn, it has been used against him to portray him as a traitorous POTUS.

The site is a poignant one: It's also where Bush's wife Barbara, who died in April, and their daughter Robin, who died of leukemia as a child, are buried.

Bush was held on Wednesday, December 5, 2018 at the Washington National Cathedral. (Please read this post to get the full story. From this point forward, events will move in a manner that defy normal analysis. Under W. Bush the family closely aligned with the Neocon cabal and other influential Zionists. FINALLY, CONCLUSIVE PROOF!

Not only are there many superior AG candidates available, selecting a top-gun lawyer from the enemy camp only spells trouble, unless the President had absolutely no choice in the matter. It's a rainy day in the area. Bush, CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. The Bush 4141 was commissioned to honor the former president in 2005. Bush's Funeral? In the meantime, the following narrative is presented for those who really want to know what time it is RIGHT NOW. Here’s why the U.S. citizenry must unify to terminate this cyber-prison-in-the-making. The State Funeral for George H.W. Bush. • The foreign policy of the Trump administration has been completely taken over by warmongering Neocon Zionists. 5G ROLL-OUT: An Ongoing National Emergency that Requires an Immediate Shutdown by the American People. Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas. Neither are his major domestic policy decisions. The deeper we get into the 2020 election cycle, the crazier things will get; and the more radical the response will be required from the Right. They will also target Iran in the very near future as well as continue to occupy Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan. He did things that only an AG would do knowing that they could act with total impunity, which he did.

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