2003-ban 111. lett a Rolling Stone magazin Minden idők 500 legjobb albuma listáján.

Az 1974-es Court and Spark Joni Mitchell hatodik nagylemeze. No Canadá, alcançou a 1ª posição. Esta página foi editada pela última vez às 11h22min de 24 de julho de 2020.

Az eredeti cikk szerkesztőit annak laptörténete sorolja fel. [8]. Court And Spark This song is by Joni Mitchell and appears on the album Court And Spark (1974). – Így add tovább!

Joni Mitchell songs were first heard on Top Gear in versions by other artists. [7], The Court & Spark officially disbanded in the summer of 2007 with a post to the band's website, "It's hard to say that The C&S is breaking up, as we still spend all our time together, but seeing as how we're all involved in different musical projects, it seems best to retire the C&S name for a while. Todas as canções escritas e compostas por Joni Mitchell, exceto onde escrito. Court and Spark é o sexto álbum de estúdio da cantora e compositora canadense Joni Mitchell, lançado em 17 de janeiro de 1974, por intermérdio da Asylum Records. 2003-ban 111. lett a Rolling Stone magazin Minden idők 500 legjobb albuma listáján. Ez a szócikk részben vagy egészben a Court and Spark című angol Wikipédia-szócikk ezen változatának fordításán alapul. The band returned in 2004 with Witch Season as well as the EP - Dead Diamond River featuring contributions from Linda Thompson and M.
Fairport Convention included a couple of her songs on their first album and recorded "Chelsea Morning" for their first Peel session in late 1967. Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time, https://pt.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Court_and_Spark&oldid=58851466, Atribuição-CompartilhaIgual 3.0 Não Adaptada (CC BY-SA 3.0) da Creative Commons. Between 1998 and 2001 the group established itself among the leaders of the alt-country Americana scene.
[1] [2]Nos Estados Unidos, o álbum alcançou a 2ª posição na Billboard 200. Szerepel az 1001 lemez, amit hallanod kell, mielőtt meghalsz című könyvben. 3.0, Joni Mitchell – ének, háttérvokál, akusztikus gitár, zongora, clavinet a, Joe Sample – elektromos zongora, clavinet a, A lap utolsó módosítása: 2020. július 17., 15:50. Taylor and Scott Hirsch moved to the East Coast—Chapel Hill, NC and New York City respectively—and started a new project together called Hiss Golden Messenger which has released seven albums and garnered critical acclaim. After Hirsch and Taylor's early and noisy participation in Ex-Ignota,[1][3] the two (along with bassist Joe Rogers and others) found themselves in San Francisco, and formed the country-oriented group, taking cues from the classic sounds of the early country-rock era as well as incorporating more sonically progressive and multi-faceted compositions as evidenced on their tUMULt Records 1999 debut Ventura Whites. Az albbum nagy kereskedelmi sikereknek örvendett, az Egyesült Államokban a 2., Kanadában a listák élére került, míg a RIAA duplaplatinává minősítette a lemezt (Mitchell lemezei nem kaptak jobb minősítést). Learn how and when to remove this template message, tUMULt { t h e c o u r t a n d s p a r k - t h o u g h t s }, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Court_%26_Spark&oldid=860825248, Indie rock musical groups from California, Wikipedia articles with style issues from December 2007, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 23 September 2018, at 09:17. Em 2003, a publicação Rolling Stone listou Court and Spark como um dos 500 melhores álbuns de todos os tempos.[3]. Az 1974-es Court and Spark Joni Mitchell hatodik nagylemeze. [1][2], Nos Estados Unidos, o álbum alcançou a 2ª posição na Billboard 200. Court and Spark é o sexto álbum de estúdio da cantora e compositora canadense Joni Mitchell, lançado em 17 de janeiro de 1974, por intermérdio da Asylum Records.O álbum abrange estética musical de folk rock, desenvolvida ao longo de seus outros álbuns, além da presença de jazz fusion. The Court & Spark was a San Francisco-based indie rock band formed in the spring of 1998 around the nucleus of Scott Hirsch, Alex Stimmel, James Kim, and lead vocalist M.C. A review in Pitchfork by Christopher F. Schiel which gave it an impressive score of 9.0 [4](later inexplicably downgraded to 8.4 [5]) as well as feature in December 2001 on NPR's All Things Considered by Sarah Bardeen.

Taylor. Thank you one and all for everything you've given us." Este texto é disponibilizado nos termos da licença. Taylor. Tom Rush, on a brief visit to the UK in early 1968 to promote his LP The Circle Game, a "concept album" including three Joni Mitchell songs, recorded a session for Top Gear featuring tracks from the LP, among th… [1] Between 1998 and 2001 the group established itself among the leaders of the alt-country Americana scene.[2]. We've had a good run and have had the good fortune to meet all kinds of wonderful souls as we've stumbled down the road. M.C. 1001 lemez, amit hallanod kell, mielőtt meghalsz, https://hu.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Court_and_Spark&oldid=22862478, Creative Commons Nevezd meg! Ward. The Court & Spark was a San Francisco-based indie rock band formed in the spring of 1998 around the nucleus of Scott Hirsch, Alex Stimmel, James Kim, and lead vocalist M.C. No Reino Unido, alcançou a 20ª posição e foi listado como um dos melhores álbuns pela seleção do The Village Voice Pazz & Jop. [6] helped gain the band recognition. Az albbum nagy kereskedelmi sikereknek örvendett, az Egyesült Államokban a 2., Kanadában a listák élére került, míg a RIAA duplaplatinává minősítette a lemezt (Mitchell lemezei nem kaptak jobb minősítést). The group achieved acclaim with their 2001 release Bless You which included support from pedal steel player Tom Heyman and vocalist Wendy Allen, as well as former Byrd and Flying Burrito Brother Gene Parsons. O álbum abrange estética musical de folk rock, desenvolvida ao longo de seus outros álbuns, além da presença de jazz fusion. 『コート・アンド・スパーク』( Court and Spark )は、ジョニ・ミッチェルが1974年に発表した6枚目のアルバム。 『ローリング・ストーン』誌が選んだ「オールタイム・グレイテスト・アルバム500」(2012年版)において113位にランクインした

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