When the task at hand became complex, John was a pro at getting us periodically to step back for a "better view" so our entire group was always on the same path and going the same direction.

Generates a number of options in order to dig deeper into the situation at hand and look at it from different angles. He collect all the facts and analyzes them. Note that, decision making review phrase can be positive or negative and your performance review can be effective or bad/poor activities for your staffs. Nathan considers numerous alternatives for every problem.

Note that, the judgment review phrases can be positive or negative and your performance review can be effective or bad/poor activities for your staffs. Tom considers the situation or problem objectively. What are some of the factors that influenced your decision-making process? We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Most of Abigail’s decisions are a result of a detailed analysis. What techniques have you used at work to ensure that decisions you make are correct and effective? Nathan never rushes to conclusion. What do you do to stay calm and think logically when making decisions? Oliver copes with stress well. Punctual at each step of process and very helping. Look forward to working again in the future.

It is always hard to find someone that can be considered a mentor. Are your decisions always based on logic? What is one of the most difficult decisions you have made in the last six months? John was several steps ahead of us, leading us each step of the way. Arnold refuses from tasks that cannot be accomplished with simple solutions. With John on your side, you are already a step ahead. If no matching phrase is found, you can also see a general list of performance review phrases and choose a more appropriate skill. Try to use these positive, negative and self evaluation judgment skills phrases and examples to write a performance appraisal feedback. Wendy prefers to use emotions instead of facts, which helps her to pick the best solution.

Richard is able to come up with numerous alternative solutions and select the most suitable one. Decision Making: Use these sample phrases to craft meaningful performance evaluations, drive change and motivate your workforce. Open for discussion and logical arguments. Focuses on a single event or situation that requires a decision and tries solve that issue. John is a great engineer, is able to analyze and solve every problem that arises using intelligence and experience. Abigail fails to listen to all sides of an argument when making decisions. John's approach simplified the process of a somewhat complicated process. Can you describe a time when you have had to postpone a project because you did not have the right information to come to a good decision? John is very good at grasping a problem and coming up with solid recommendations for possible solutions. People with good decision-making skills are confident in their approach to make sound decisions. John is hard working, intelligent and personable. Dear visitor, if you share this decision making phrases with your colleagues and friends, you will also become our favorite. Do you always weigh all pros and cons when choosing the course of action? Aaron consults with others when choosing a course of action. The sample of performance review phrases for judgment is a great/helpful tool for periodical/annual job performance appraisal. ✓ He maintains a positive outlook and this is appreciated when making … Laura is able to find the perfect solution even in force majeure situation. John is an intelligent and hard working student.

Sets a step-by-step plan of action in order to have a better understanding of the issues. What made it difficult and how did you go about it? Jennifer is able to make a decision when other employees are too afraid to commit to a course of action.

He is afraid of making decisions due to the fear that he might makes a mistake. Performance review phrases – Decision making, I think that setting mutual goals, where all involved have a, Phraises was very informative and helpful, hope to have more, I have use the information to the best really it is informat. Sam is decisive in hard case scenario and times. Maria is able to find a satisfactory solution on a timely manner. Having the ability to make the right changes the first time in a new company only comes with experience and expertise.

Do you always gather enough information before making a decision? Have you ever let your emotions overtake you during the decision-making process? Is there a time when you have had to deal with a difficult customer? Try to use these positive, negative and self evaluation decision making phrases and examples to write a performance appraisal feedback. You will not find a more honest and hard working person. Try to use these positive, negative and self evaluation decision making phrases and examples to write a performance appraisal feedback.

As the job of a leader is to make decisions as guidelines for his/her subordinates, decision-making ability is of crucial importance to a leader.

What do you do to pick the best solution out of many?

Thanks again for all your help and quick attention to the matter at hand. Evaluates the risk associated with each suggested alternative before making a decision or coming to a conclusion. Relies on past experiences and expected results.

How do you involve your bosses and other employees when making an important decision?

John is a 360 manager, who considers all sides of a situation before making decisions. John is a visionary and always makes decisions with the future in mind. How do you make sure your decisions are not biased. George shifts responsibilities for tough decisions to other employees.

Oliver meticulously analyzes issues and works out workable solutions. Decision Making: 40 Useful Performance Feedback Phrases, Employee Performance Goals Sample: Hydraulic Technician, Good Employee Performance Feedback: Consulting Psychologist, Good Employee Performance Feedback: Corporate Tax Senior Manager, Poor Employee Performance Feedback: Research Scientist (Life Sciences), Outstanding Employee Performance Feedback: Executive Vice President, Employee Performance Goals Sample: Process Planning Engineering Technician, Skills needed to be a clinical project manager, 41 Fundamental Management Skills For The Cv, Outstanding Employee Performance Feedback: Cybersecurity Risk Auditor, Employee Performance Goals Sample: Operations Supervisor, Skills needed to be a senior cost analyst, Employee Performance Goals Sample: Account Resolution Analyst, Poor Employee Performance Feedback: Rental Counter Clerk, Writes down what needs to be done, weighs the possible outcome of one's decisions, and prioritizes which decisions need to be made first, Tells people one trusts about the decision at hand and asks for advice on the matter, Sets a step-by-step plan of action in order to have a better understanding of the issues at hand and to know that one has thoroughly considered the situation, Gathers evidence and weighs the pros and cons in order to make a more informed decision, Understands the desired outcome of a given situation at work, works backward and takes steps to achieve that outcome, Looks for underlying issues that are not resolved or that may be complicating one's ability to make wise decisions, Treats each situation that arises as a valuable learning experience and doesn't let the past determine one's decision-making process in the future, Focuses on a single event or situation that requires a decision and tries meditating on that issue, Keeps a diary or journal that documents one's intuitive reaction to various situations in the past and how each decision played out, Invites other managers to make a joint decision if it's a decision that affects people outside one's own management reach, Analyzes the problem by researching and requesting evidence from people who have identified the problem or worked on it, Allows employees to be critical about ideas and suggests solutions to expand an idea, Sets a date for a review period where one can examine a decision and improve upon it, Evaluates the risk associated with each suggested alternative before making a decision or coming to a conclusion, Tries to determine the real situation before making a decision on a certain situation, Supports other employees proposals, during a group's decision-making process, and tries to find ways to make them work, Creates a constructive environment to explore the situation at hand and weigh up one's own options, Asks a variety of people with various backgrounds for responses in order to evaluate how majority of other people view the decision, Generates a number of options in order to dig deeper into the situation at hand and look at it from different angles, Takes a look at a decision plan, to make sure that one has been thorough and that it is free of errors, before implementing it, Relies on past experiences and expected results and is unwilling to take the initiative, gather additional input or confirm assumptions, Gets excited about a decision one is making but never takes the time to actually consider what might go wrong, Is afraid of making decisions due to the fear that one may make a mistake that might ruin one's career, Uses same old data and processes that one always have used thus ends up making poor decisions, Shows the unwillingness to involve others who have the relevant experience, knowledge, and expertise in the decision-making process, Relies on other employee's knowledge and expertise and is reluctant to offer one's own input during the decision-making process, Fails to communicate the what, where, how, when, and why, associated with one's decisions, with the relevant people, Lacks the knowledge to understand when something that worked in the past will not work in the current situation or in the future, Does not know when to start a decision-making process without all the right information or when to wait for more advice, Fails to connect the problem to the overall company strategy thus ends up making bad decisions.

Focused, attention to detail, and commitment. Jennifer is objective in considering a fact or situation. John is a true, hard working, risk taking entrepreneur.

The sample of performance review phrases for decision making is a great/helpful tool for periodical/annual job performance appraisal. Can you give specific examples of decisions that you make rapidly and those that take more time? Here are some phrases that may help you recognize your employee’s achievements as during their performance reviews: “Sets well thought-out goals and continuously strives to achieve them”. Samuel is decisive to select out the most suitable solution among many others. Frank weighs all the options with great attention to details. Evan does not have enough experience to be responsible for decision-making. Sarah is firm to not let the individual emotion and feeling affect on the made decision.

Innovative, a great communicator, and as real as a real specialist could be. Simbline can help you write a feedback using phrases prepared for you, Create a peer to peer review using performance evaluation phrases, Create a LinkedIn recommendation using right phrases to profile, Dealing With Difficult People Performance Appraisal Comments, Performance Appraisal Phrases For Dedication, Outstanding Employee Performance Feedback: Delivery Manager, Database Management Performance Review Comments, Free Delivery Skills Performance Feedback Sample For Employees, Customer Service Employee Evaluation Responses, Good Employee Performance Feedback: Dependability, Customer Satisfaction: Useful Performance Feedback Phrases, Customer Focus Sample Performance Evaluation Phrases, Employee Evaluation Phrases For Determination.

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