The Ascension Pillar is a core of light at the center of your being that expands around you. Gift of Frequency: Clearing Limiting Beliefs.
Experience relaxation in the now, and enjoy the peace and tranquility of your inner light and true inner connection to love. Metatron is the name of an angelic being described in the Babylonian Talmud, Kirkisani and other mystical writings, and in the Christian apocryphal books of Enoch. Metatron helps creates proper balance and harmony. Raise your frequency and expand your awareness to connect with the Archangel Metatron while he helps you connect with your inner guidance, your Higher Self. What are archangels? Connect with the full light of your soul through a Higher Self meditation. Is Metatron in the Bible? Discover where your next step lies, what you need to release, and what you need to reconnect with to move forward in the light.
. He is actively involved in guiding and supporting humanity at this time…. This knowledge can help you sync with the highest timeline for your soul journey, that is perhaps not the timeline you are currently on due to past choices, programming, limiting beliefs, past life traumas, or parallel incarnations. Further, it is believed that God speaks to us through sacred geometry in our dreams, and the shapes that we see in our dreams are representative of messages God is trying to communicate to us. Question And Answer Session (Right Click to Save to your Computer). So I may be of service at a higher level in the highest interest of all. Archangel Metatron is powerful Archangel of immense spiritual fire, wisdom and divine light.
Metatron is seen as the patron angel of children. Rinse your fears and worries away while you clear your mind and connect with your open heart so you can naturally shine your inner light.
According to Rabbinic tradition, he is the highest angel and the celestial scribe.
The Violet Flame will help you return to a state of centered presence, shining in truth and alignment with your highest light and soul truth. “By faith, Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.” For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God.”. As for Metatron leading the Israelites through the wilderness, the Bible specifically states that it was the LORD, YHWH, who went before them (Exodus 13:21-22).
Metatron may support you in unlocking this higher level of divine communication by activating your crown chakra so your awareness can elevate into higher energy centers of divine communication and the deeper meaning of messages and teachings he's conveying can be revealed. One of the gifts Metatron has revealed to humanity is a Merkaba Star called Metatron's cube or sometimes called the Metatron symbol. I've also compiled several Meditations on CD, if you would like to purchase a CD click the link below: In the video below; you will be lovingly guided you through the process of releasing fear, doubt and uncertainty, and fully opening to love and light. Metatron is described as “The King of Angels” in the Zohar, which is the holy book for the mystical branch of Judaism called Kabbalah. Today’s Daily Blessing brings you uplifting and inspiring devotionals, stories, and articles to help you begin each and every day with God’s power and glory in your mind and in your heart. Jimmy Parsons | February 4, 2019 | Angels and Demons. Help me to see and know the next steps I can take to more fully connect with your insight, and open to the higher divine thought forms and downloads available. Metatron (Hebrew: מֶטָטְרוֹן Meṭāṭrōn, מְטַטְרוֹן Məṭaṭrōn, מֵיטַטְרוֹן Mēṭaṭrōn, מִיטַטְרוֹן Mīṭaṭrōn) or Mattatron (מַטַּטְרוֹן Maṭṭaṭrōn) is an angel in Judeo-Islamic and Christian mysticist mythology mentioned in a few brief passages in the Aggadah and in mystical Kabbalistic texts within the Rabbinic literature. Connect with inner peace and Angels to offer your light, hope, love, and compassion for Humanity and Mother Earth. The nature of the cube is very multidimensional. Metatron is also the official record keeper in heaven for recording all the activities of the lives of human beings on earth. In the belief of sacred geometry, “Metatron’s cube” is referred to as a shape that contains every shape that exists in the universe as part of God’s creation which are all the building blocks of physical matter. I have channeled a number of free messages that you can tune in to here: Breathe, relax, and tune into guidance, love, and frequency channeled from the Angelic Realm. Learn how releasing good thoughts along with the bad allows you to open up to your unlimitedness. These celestial records are referred to as the book of life or as Akashic records. It also says that he “Rules over the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil”. With awareness, and by making changes in the present you can adjust your trajectory. He can help children, and all who are receptive and willing to transcend karma, clear limiting beliefs and align with higher timelines. Metatron keeps records on everything that has happened on earth in the past, that is happening in the present and that will happen in the future. The figure forms one of the traces for the presence of dualist proclivities in the otherwise monotheistic visions of both the Tanakh and later Christian doctrine. This again seems to be putting Metatron in the place of Jesus. Metatron is available to help you activate it through a top down initiation. One legend says Metatron was the angel that led Israel through the wilderness. Cleanse and heal your chakras with Metatrons Cube here! Children and sensitive individuals like the star children, are especially receptive to living in alignment with these higher templates, and so Metatron is known to work with and support them. Allow the divine light to shine upon you like spotlight from above, opening your higher energy centers, flowing in through your crown, through your heart, through your abdomen, and anchoring down all the way to the crystalline core of earth.
Grounding, Connecting with Higher Self and Guardian Angel.
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