By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. “These medical professions are No. THE REALLY USEFUL GROUP LTD (RUG) (Producer) was founded in 1977 by Andrew Lloyd Webber and is wholly owned by him. I began writing for Forbes in 2010. The Really Useful Group is an international entertainment company, with offices in London and Sydney that produce and coordinate Lloyd Webber’s works throughout the world. Now I contribute to the Leadership channel, with a focus on jobs and careers–-another hot topic in a time when people are vigorously hunting for jobs or desperately trying to hold on to the ones they have. The site, which lets users compare their salaries with those of other people in similar jobs by culling real-time salary data from its 40 million profiles, just released a list of the 25 most meaningful jobs that pay well. This might be tied to the fact that they are guiding the vision and efforts to produce a viable product or service and along the way are responsible for the health and wealth of their workforce.”, Other surprises include restaurant owner/operator (No. Maybe your job pays really well, but you don’t necessarily feel good about the work you do.
Cookie Policy This site uses cookies to provide you with the best online experience. My idea is to make a list of the most unusual jobs in the world including the one from the preview image. Follow me on Twitter @JacquelynVSmith, subscribe to me on Google+, or email me at jsmith [at] forbes [dot] com. In addition to the “25 highest-paying, most meaningful jobs” list, Payscale sorted the data by “High Pay, Low Meaning,” “Low Pay, High Meaning,” “Low Meaning, Low Pay,” and the “Most Meaningful” and “Least Meaningful” (which didn’t factor in salary at all). According to Payscale, these physicians who specialize in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases and disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system typically earn $381,500 a year, on average—and 97% of them believe the job is highly meaningful. In the future, you will be asked for your Email Address and Password to Login to this website. 10 Most Needed Jobs in the Future. Payscale collected the data through an ongoing, online compensation survey over the last year (July 2012 to July 2013). I guess it’s a deodorant tester, the image is really eye-catching. They are a true global company, involved in all areas across theatre, film, television, concert production, video, music and publishing. You may opt-out by. It’s better to avoid scenes of violence, disgusting and rude things. “This is not surprising as health care workers in general, at all levels, find their work very meaningful. Similarly other jobs like social workers, teachers, public service workers have very high meaning due to their societal benefits. I have a BA from the University of Arizona and a master's degree in journalism from Hofstra University. recently found that some lucky professionals have best of both worlds. The company’s theatre and concert production, recording, merchandising, music publishing and licensing divisions provide specialised services for Lloyd Webber’s works and also to other producers and authors. 20) and realtor (No. Merchandise, Records and Publishing Manager. 28 live jobs - The Really Useful Group has a job vacancy for a Technical Director. However, unlike many health care workers, they don't pull in top pay for doing this meaningful work largely due to the public structure that exists for determining their pay.”, Bardaro says she was surprised to see CEO (No. Some lower-paying jobs that are highly meaningful include: Sign language interpreter, soldier, worship coordinator, and social worker.
Ninety-one percent believe the job is meaningful. 21). I began writing for Forbes in 2010. If you're not yet registered on this site. © 2020 Forbes Media LLC. Are people in jobs pay well and contribute to society happier, overall? A mere 10 years ago, smart phones did not exist, social marketing was something you did at dinner parties and Google had not yet become a verb.
“These aren't jobs that scream out, ‘look at me, I'm helping the world.’ They have the benefits that they are providing food and housing to consumers, but for a price.”. The Forbes eBook: Find And Keep Your Dream Job. (This is the percentage of respondents who chose the top two answers (“Very much so” and “Yes”) relative to all respondents within this profession who answered the question, “Does your job make the world a better place?”). These are the physicians who administer anesthetics and are typically responsible for the safety and well-being of patients before, during and after surgery. Based on the novel by Mary Hayley Bell and subsequent Richard Attenborough-produced film, Whistle Down the Wind follows the for... Based on the Billy Wilder film, the musical version of Sunset Boulevard, with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Christ... JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT. 2, and No. EY & Citi On The Importance Of Resilience And Innovation, Impact 50: Investors Seeking Profit — And Pushing For Change. These include anything from London Fashion Week, festivals, theatre and cult... Executive Assistant & WPP Unilever Team Manager. Cardiothoracic surgeon is the second most meaningful job that pays well. Perhaps your job makes the world a better place, but your paycheck doesn’t satisfy. 1, No.
7) rank among the top 25. Since Cats first opened on the West End stage in 1981, it has become one of the world’s best known and best loved musicals and... With lyrics by Richard Stilgoe and choreography by Arlene Phillips, Starlight Express has been seen by over 20 million people a... Far beneath the majesty and splendor of the Paris Opera House, hides the Phantom in a shadowy existence. “The average satisfaction for the top 25 jobs is 85%, which is high compared to the national average of 72%. If it has to do with leadership, jobs, or careers, I'm on it.
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