School Calendars and Schedules. 0000016152 00000 n 0000002312 00000 n
Education begins at home, and in order for students to thrive scholastically, it's imperative that parents take a lead role in ensuring that their children are meeting curriculum expectations. 0000007438 00000 n Latest information on how pandemic is affecting our schools, Find an academy program that's right for you, Click here to register your child at one of our Catholic schools, Becoming bilingual broadens horizons and opportunities, Find a school near you that offers this world renowned program, Our Curriculum Consultants have compiled a list of resources which will help students continue learning from home while schools are closed during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
0000050530 00000 n School Year Calendar. Website. We hope these new guidelines provide all the necessary details you require in order to make an informed decision. 2020-2021 Elementary School Calendar (updated) 2020-21 Elementary 5 Day Cycle; Secondary Calendar - In-person Academies of WECDSB i. SCHOOL CALENDAR 2018-2019 ... “Learning together in faith and service” • Melissa Farrand – Superintendent K – 12 1120 Joseph Ibrahim – Superintendent K – 12 1219 Colleen Norris – Superintendent Human Res. In keeping with the virtues of our Catholic faith, we are called to know every student, to inspire them to follow the example of Jesus, and empower them with the knowledge and skills they need to live purposeful, meaningful lives. Click here for the list.
CONTACT US. 0000004541 00000 n H�\��n�0��y 0000094100 00000 n
0000078074 00000 n 2800 North Townline LaSalle ON N9A 6Z6 | Tel: (519) 734-6444 | Fax: (519) 978-9238 | … Find an academy program that's right for you. Our Lady Of The Annunciation Catholic Elementary School Portal. 0000003476 00000 n 0000093916 00000 n 0000121015 00000 n
0000107282 00000 n
0000121425 00000 n 0000120737 00000 n Register your child i. Click here to register your child at one of our Catholic schools. 2017-18. 0000011519 00000 n _���)!A��nW��LR�� �\��k�]i�@�4g. Greater Essex County District School Board, Building Tomorrow Together Every Learner, Every Day, 2019/2020 Senior Administration Portfolios, 2017-18 Mental Health and Well-being Strategic Plan, GECDSB Communication Plan - Revised October 2018, Rural & Northern Education Fund (RNEF) 2017-2018, School Boundary Maps, Transportation Eligibility, Identification Placements Review Committee - IPRC, Parent Associations - Special Education Advisory Committee, Registering Your Child With Special Needs, Does your child have a learning disability? Elementary school calendar: Click here for a printable school calendar Secondary school calendar: Click here for a printable school calendar . 0000005768 00000 n Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board, Windsor, Ontario. Indigenous Education. Calendar 0000003752 00000 n 0000004977 00000 n 0000005004 00000 n 0000128960 00000 n Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board, Windsor, Ontario. Fall 2020 Back to School Information. 0000106679 00000 n
0000036637 00000 n
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