"By that point, you know me. Never stays. Rachel Talalay steeps the production in atmosphere and sustains the momentum right until the final revelations". That bitter laugh again. He finds his eyes glued to her as she stands so very near and her chest rises and falls. A poke in her curls, a tapping of her nose until she turns to look at him. Is this what you want?, he guesses the intent beneath the wandering of her nail.
Whilst he is busy babbling apologies, she swiftly wrenches off the rest of fabric and shoes, pushes him down onto his back, straddles his waist. This year he has made the role his own" and said that the episode's structure "works perfectly without ever seeming contrived". Instinctively, his hands roam all over the bare skin of her back, fingers curling into her hair as he pulls her as close as he possibly can. It's a beautifully textured performance, underpinned by a superb new musical score from series composer Murray Gold.
His thoughts are a muffled haze, of the room and bed and the many more intimate moments they will probably share here, paving his future; of how good this specific one feels, lying entirely bared to one another, entirely trusting; of words he told her once, whispered in her ear as she was just beginning, a wistful promise, and the song they sing in his head now, quiet, secret, heady; of wondering what sheis thinking right now, and feeling—. After Demon's Run, still we. Actual, deadly danger has never seen him so reluctant. Attempting to blink off the emotional exhaustion, he feels her lips against his cheek. "Heaven Sent" is also the first episode of Doctor Who to be submitted for nomination for a Primetime Emmy Award, due to BBC America being one of the series' co-producers. It pleases him oddly, to see her as distraught as he is—not quite openly, but underneath.
She has a short laugh, and this time when she leans in for a kiss, he doesn't stop her. The blue-green irises glitter defiantly, and now he wonders.
Or else there are no spoilers there, else skin speaks its own truth, a langage unlearned and instinctive he can soak in from the pads of fingers, the tip of his tongue, the air that flows into his lungs, heady with the smell of her. Her gunbelt is proving to be an inconvenience too, and he swiftly undoes it—as swiftly as he can, anyway. He hears a strangled laugh escape his throat as he thinks of her, a foreign laugh, twisted in desperation and—if that is glee, he doesn't want to recognize it. Any words sound stupid or embarrassing beyond measure and he wonders if he can just wave her after him, into the depths of his ship, anywhere at all. Oh? He knowsher. His hands fly off the console, and he is clinging to her shoulders instead, sagging against her as conscious thought evades him and only raw feeling rages and tears within. Still—kissing now. He further praised the "hybrid reveal" as well as Capaldi's performance, and closed his review by saying "A great episode of Doctor Who that serves to bring this mostly excellent season towards its finale, "Heaven Sent" features a breathtaking one-man show from Peter Capaldi and a twist-ending that makes this one of the best episodes of the modern series' run". Then her body is fully pressed to his, warm and firm and real against his frame. He presses nervous butterfly kisses against her face as an anxious restlessness comes to disturb his sleepy peace. Oh, there he goes, blushing again. Special mentioning to PhoenixDragon, honeynoir and radiolaires from LiveJournal, whose enthusiasm at my sneak peeks was incredibly heart-warming and squee-worthy.
I was just thinking." River is still, brow slightly furrowed as she gazes around the room. Sooner rather than later she is going to end up touching him, and he craves that with a sort of horror, wondering what's happening to him. How quickly he managed to unsettle her, that strong, strong woman—he really watched rather than made it happen, poked whenever he sensed a missing space and now the façade is crumbling on their heads. He stills there for a moment, clutching the tangible frame of her through the soft, soft skin. Something inside him speaks the obvious: that this feels right and she smells lovely and that pink, erect nipple is just the right shape to put lips around, so he does just that.
The figure is not identified in the episode but called "Veil" in the credits. A screamer indeed. Being so very horizontal, all of a sudden, proves a rather startling change. Story set right after The God Complex. "Hello, sweetie," comes her cheerful call. He has theoretical knowledge of hormones and the meeting of intimate parts to find climax, and thought it was of no matter to him—that shared adventures, shared gazes, words, connections held so much more than that.
[1], As he walks down the corridor, the Doctor says to his unseen adversary "the Doctor will see you now". His hands brush over her hips again. Boots prove to be an inconvenience. Moffat confirms internet rumours that the next episode will feature Capaldi "on his own". After—after this. But if you're willing to see past that and embrace the weirdness, then you'll end up captivated. The Twelfth Doctor is teleported into a glass chamber within an empty castle in the sea.
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