Want to get Black Nerd Problems updates sent directly to you? So this season has been marked by change, mostly for the good, though some to the detriment of the overall package. You've got some catching up to do. There are some things that I like. In fact, if you’ve been feeling a little un-catered to so far this year and are a fan of unreasonably pejorative language, you might even consider it to be RUDDY good. It is.
If you’re into the Planner Community, Writing Community or Geek Community be sure to hit that big friendly subscribe button to join Claire’s Cre8tive Club and ring my bell to catch me in the next Geeky episode! I didn't go blind from watching it, and most of the lines spoken were audible so I guess it would put it above some other moving pictures. Sadly i’d place it as the only legitimately bad series of the revival, even S2 and S7 are average at worst. So no big, complicated arcs and no old characters or villains, at least for the first 10 episodes. Character arcs were nonexistent apart from Ryan/Graham's relationship, way too much time was spent on guest characters (The Ghost Monument, The Tsuranga Conundrum), the series lacked energy, and Tosin Cole's performance really brings down the ensemble. And funnily enough, the more “fans” got angry with the Doctor having a pair of boobs claiming SJW’s “ruined” the show; the more I really, really liked it! That whole scene with her on the crane was just amazing and well done! I’m glad they played “the woman card” in the Witchfinders episode just to get it “out of the way”. Worse yet, how do you make that BORING? It only took thirteen tries, but hey, it has finally happened. What are redeeming qualities here to elevate it above not-quite-methanol-poisoning? Well it *is* forced diversity. Think of Bad Wolf in series one. Press J to jump to the feed. There's going to be folks that would say that S11 had the best Doctor Who ratings in years and therefore it means its good. As to the ending… Bubble wrap. But quantity doesn't always mean quality and the ratings is slowly declining anyway. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook,Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube and Google+? Minus the finale, that spider episode ending and the conundrum of something; the stories themselves weren’t. Even better, there’s enough consistency and a focus on the human part of the equation – even when humans are being reduced to a literal percentile – that it won’t alienate all of this year’s new recruits.
Finally, as a fan of Doctor 5, I really like Doctor 13. Considered as a stand-alone tale, it’s a fun and engaging piece of telly, even if it’s unlikely to end up breaching anyone’s all-time Top Ten list. It’s hard to care too much, though; not when everything’s racing along at ten-to-the-dozen to lure Team TARDIS to a gargantuan warehouse where someone, somewhere, is sending a distress signal. But now that it’s been pointed out that the Doctor is now a woman, one of the companions is black and another of an Indian descent; we can focus on other areas of history.
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