0000027681 00000 n 0000025003 00000 n This is one more opportunity for students to achieve success as they customize their learning plans to fit their personal educational goals. 0000000976 00000 n
0000001526 00000 n 0000005601 00000 n
If a parent reaches out to the school (or uses SafeArrival) to excuse the absence by indicating the student is learning online, then the student is recorded as AE (absence excused) with the explanation being “learning online”. NEWSLETTERS. Families with internet service being provided at home will continue to have the service until the start of the new school year. 0000014694 00000 n x��[�s�Hw���y�-#�ь>�\��N��.��&��Cvd�5HD�����{$��bg�݊mI�1=ݿ���*/�i4.����,���Y�Fe�������zG�8����6|��c���������l���e�7��s8�C������o,=?��o �l���-�ܐ�\�W������2�Œ����g�� �a�:+�l���6��� ]'���-��8�>����,�,��������������; }�0Ƕ�M����A�|!A�w���fpݛώM[c�7�g_{�������kx��a'��V���V��Q���# There will be gaps in student knowledge from last semester due to COVID-19 and the shut down. 0000001353 00000 n Teacher led learning will formally begin on Monday April 6 th . xref If this in-school student has engaged online but a parent has not called in, they will remain recorded as Absent (A) in the system. DSBN Learning from Home website will continue to provide learning opportunities during the summer months. 29 0 obj <> endobj
Forgot Password? Accurate attendance is important for contract tracing purposes. <> 0 Plus, the child could get $100 every year until he or she turns 15 years old to a maximum of $2,000.
Lists of the students that have checked in will be accumulated and sent to teachers through email at the end of the day. Canada Learning Bond Brochure. 3 0 obj
0000027799 00000 n 29 34 0000018681 00000 n
Time management and organization will be imperative for students in order to meet with success; Students will need to communicate with their teachers regularly, and ask for support when needed. There are many supports available to staff, students and parents and we encourage you to utilize the LSS Resource Site found at the following link: https://sites.google.com/dsbn.org/lss-tech-resources/lss-resource, Please visit our website regularly to keep updated on all communications: http://www.laurasecord.org/. If a student is experiencing any symptoms, they are to remain home and seek medical advice from their health care provider or Niagara Region Public Health at 1-888-505-6074.
Sep 29, 2020 **NEW-October Cohort Schedules** Sep 22, 2020 October 2020 Grad Ceremony for October Cancelled.
0000015398 00000 n
]�����>����w�g��%{�-c�Z��MC��Rv Guide for Parents re: Attendance and Learning From Home. Class attendance must be taken for all students including those in attendance in-class on a specific day, those in the at-home cohort, and those fully online. LEARNING FROM HOME RESOURCES. The DSBN has launched a Learn From Home website. The attendance records for these students need to be updated in Aspen by 2:20 p.m. endobj
startxref 0000035202 00000 n
FOR DSBN Students - use this link to login - dsbn.elearningontario.ca - and if you have any issues please contact your teacher. 0000048020 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n Student Mental Resilience; About. To see a downloadable version of this, including images, please CLICK HERE. %���� However, learning expectations for classes will be high given the decreased amount of time that teachers have with their students; As teachers collect evidence of learning from multiple sources (observations, conversations and products), it is extremely important that students complete and submit their work for evaluation in a timely manner as they move through the mini-blocks. 2 0 obj RESOURCES. <>/Metadata 60 0 R/ViewerPreferences 61 0 R>> On the site, students have access to a variety of resources organized by grade and subject. 0000001186 00000 n You should also regularly check your DSBN email account, school website, DSBN website and social media for ongoing updates. 0000027912 00000 n COMMUNICATIONS. %PDF-1.4 %���� 62 0 obj <>stream
Valley Way Public School. This is just the first step of our plan for providing learning opportunities for students at home. endobj %PDF-1.7 If students require additional support while they are at-home learning (opposite cohort or cohort O), they are reminded of the teachers working centrally that are available online during the hours of 10:00 - 2:00 p.m. through Microsoft Teams (link on their D2L homepages which is subject-specific - see below for the images). Main office will be contacting families of students not in attendance in the morning, as soon as possible. A child is eligible to receive the Canada Learning … 0000034942 00000 n The Canada Learning Bond is $500 offered by the Government of Canada to help start saving for a child's education after high school.
��o��V���4(w\+���)+↬ȳ-)Z�_�79�j����Q)��}��7>- nB�Y���? Mike Balsom | Sep 29, 2020, 349 Niagara Street, St. Catharines, ON L2M 4V9. Students who are struggling with course demands or understanding content in some courses are encouraged to attend MSIP for additional support from teachers. 0000048596 00000 n Students in the opposite cohort, NOT on an in-person day: Classroom teacher is responsible for recording student cohort attendance in Aspen (Attendance is counted as login to the system/completion of work) - students are to use the “Attendance Check-In” on their D2L page to indicate that they are present. D2L D2L Tutorial September 23, 2020 Graduation Ceremonies April 20, 2020 FAQ for Parents April 9, 2020 Mental Health Supports April 3, 2020 Info regarding online learning April 1, 2020 Grad info March 31, 2020 Ministry of Education Letter March 27, 2020 Letter to DSBN Community March 25, 2020 Info for Grads. %%EOF 0000035619 00000 n ����+f?�C�Q�Xp�!��ˢ�H�X��щ���ʓ���7g���q�?�=�i�Gx��c�`�[��P/�뵨���l�St�. They are to choose “MSIP” from the drop-down menu. by Home; About Valley Way; Calendar; Newsletter; Programs / Activities; Community Partnerships; Resources; Contact; Learn from Home Valley Way Links. 0000003066 00000 n 0000088949 00000 n 0000014519 00000 n If you are a student who is expected in person, but is going to learn from home, a parent/guardian must either use the SafeArrival system OR call the school and excuse them “learning online” (this is a choice on the absent drop-down menu). If students have questions, they are required to access this support as their teachers know best strategies to support student success; and. Students, forgot your password?Please go here for instructions on how to reset it: https://sway.office.com/DldoDNYRpuYhGYn6. 0000015221 00000 n 0000047767 00000 n 0000002531 00000 n In the dropdown menu on the D2L homepage, students will only see what classes they have that period (depending on the schedule for COVID) - see pic of the widget to the right. 0000008627 00000 n <<5AAEE7029A56AA4489A34A763B99A2DE>]/Prev 94630/XRefStm 1186>> Attendance lists for those students that checked in will be sent to the teacher by email. Code of Conduct; Student Discipline; Message from our Principal ; Message from our Vice Principal; Staff; Cell Phone Policy; Daily Schedule; DSBN School Year Calendar; Exam Schedule-January 2020; Family of Schools; Forms; History.
h�b``�e`` e```-f@,`̱�����I\�T�1.a�����őĽ�k6�. Teachers are adjusting their practice to support where the students are at in their learning; Whether learning from home or in-school, students are expected to be engaging in 300 minutes of learning each day (whether that be synchronous, asynchronous or independent online learning); The mini-blocks will allow for increased safety (i.e., same kids in the building for a few days). Students need to access their online classrooms and to regularly monitor their school email for reminders and notifications. 0000021991 00000 n 0000001575 00000 n <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 20 0 R 21 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 4 0 obj 0000003243 00000 n 0000003418 00000 n DSBN News: More Previous Next. All attendance is to be completed by 2:20 pm.
0000015574 00000 n If students chose to “Learn at home” for their MSIP period, they can must check-in through the “Attendance Check-In” widget on any of their D2L homepages. Home. stream
endobj Click on this image to use the Attendance Check-in: Online learners are required to check-in daily using the “Attendance Check-In” widget on their D2L page for the class that is scheduled for that day (see image). To visit the site, simply go to dsbn.org and click on the banner on the front page. <> It is important that they participate as they would on a regular school day and complete all learning tasks in order to stay on track; Teachers have office hours that have been communicated to students. 0000015043 00000 n
0000011379 00000 n 5315 Valley Way, Niagara Falls, L2E 1X4 P (905) 356-6611. ��H}��|$��4|��h/'I�4`���+v����ZJw��hr���-���>�w���k丹����ѕw�v�ٸ�t6B�l\��[�����m_��-��@\��5|���F�!|����F��:!����Mu_P=ל����[ר�JY]V��Gq�tF~���=K������x�#o5_��|EKT���ҁ�W���d�5��ϫ��?�������y�g�TrT�9�Z�O�� ^?x��;�JG�GM��Fƌm��-r�� {H� ��1�d�m�Q�Гm(41�Cp�$K�,�^��U�=&������s�pa���n/e����b�V+���%+2V"�rW���-J D�ٖ��>��,E��$]��E���Z -�L�@��T��M� @A�I�2 ��M���f`����m'�_b0p�� �^9�|�CQ�'d�X,J'�"b�n�0Ĺ��*,���X�CėIQ m. Teachers are to mark students absent that are supposed to be in front of them but are away, those in the opposite cohort and those in cohort “O” - the attendance secretary will be updating the students that checked in through the online check-in for MSIP at the end of the day. Students and Parents/Guardians of Laura Secord Secondary School - September 28, 2020.
1 0 obj Parents must notify the school if their child is absent on a day that they are expected to attend in-person, or the student is marked absent. 0000014867 00000 n {&)����T$ Reminder that students are required to do the COVID-19 self-assessment every day before school. trailer 0000002074 00000 n FOR ALL OTHER USERS Click Here
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