Early Pregnancy Unit: 0208 967 5897 ; Patient Services: 0208 967 5081 or 0208 967 5329 ; Lead Nurse for Gynaecology: 07528 361562; At Northwick Park … I know that during pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and post-pregnancy check-ups, I will be routinely asked about my physical and mental health, as well as the health of my baby. If you are pregnant please bring your hand-held maternity notes. The preconception counselling clinic provides consultation, information and advice, not ongoing care. You may wish to bring your partner to the appointment to involve them in understanding risks and treatment decisions. We aim to see referrals within 48 hours if urgent or within 14 days if it’s less urgent. You can find us on the third floor of our Women's hospital. If you are a client with a question about your scan or you would like to make a booking by phone, please go to our ultrasound direct location page for all clinic telephone numbers and client email enquiry forms. Outreach Team: 0113 85 55505 Breast-feeding is welcomed throughout the unit, there is also a milk kitchen for preparing bottles; each mother has a cupboard for formula milk and a cold water steriliser. The Acute Gynaecology Unit offers a fast-track service for women experiencing pelvic pain and heavy menstrual bleeding. We aim to ensure that most investigations are performed at the first visit to minimise the need for repeat hospital attendances and try to ensure that a diagnosis is made within a short time frame so we can begin an effective treatment plan. Louise is a mum who has received support from the unit. Follow-up of women across the region discharged from the inpatient Mother and Baby Unit in Leeds. You will be offered a copy of any letters sent. Acute gynaecological presentations are managed with consultant-delivered rapid-access clinics five days per week, to offer an effective and efficient assessment of serious, but not life-threatening conditions. The service is available seven days a week. LS12 2HE – link to Google Maps, Our contact numbers will remain the same. Maternity Reception (Appointments) - 01422 224125 Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (Ward 4C) - 01422 224415 Maternity Assessment Centre- 01422 224392 Find out more about us in this short video which shows what to expect if you’re referred to the unit and introduces some of the ward staff. In addition, the Leeds Perinatal Community Mental Health Service and Outreach teams has also temporarily relocated their base from The Mount to ensure a good continuity of service. Our contact numbers will remain the same. Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) The EPAU provides an urgent care service for complications associated with early pregnancy, including the diagnosis and management of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancies and other common early pregnancy-related problems.

If the unit is very busy or visitors are disruptive, they may be asked to leave. Many women are able to care very well for their baby despite experiencing mental health problems; others will need additional support at times. Alternatively for general enquirers email us at leedsforlearning@leeds.gov.uk There is a video-intercom system controlling the entry of patients and visitors. If you require emergency medical assistance please contact NHS 111 or in an emergency dial 999 or attend the Emergency Department – for example very heavy bleeding, severe pain. care planning and co-ordination in the perinatal period, specialist advice on risks and benefits of medication in pregnancy and breastfeeding, nursery nurse sessions including baby massage and sensory play, video-interaction guidance – a mother infant intervention to improve attachment and communication, psychological therapies such as talking therapies, A pre-conception counselling clinic to help women before they become pregnant, Advice to mental health professionals on management of complex perinatal presentations. Care and research evolves and we will do our best to keep the site up-to-date with developments. They highlight the need to develop perinatal mental health services with the woman at the centre. You have a history of a serious psychiatric disorder such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder or severe depression and need inpatient care during the perinatal period. Or visit our website and read the How we use information about you section. Our contacts page is a handy way to look up contact information if you need to contact a service directly with an enquiry. We accept referrals from health professionals within Leeds including GPs, obstetricians, health visitors, midwives and mental health teams. Birmingham B15 2TG, Birmingham Children's Hospital National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health. Outside these hours, we accept referrals from our Emergency Department reception. A complete assessment including liaison with other professionals to inform future care planning and support.

They are Mother & Baby Unit: 0113 85 55509 Outreach Team: 0113 85 55505 Leeds Community Perinatal Team: 0113 855 5505. Maternity Day Unit: 01772 524776. If you have a family history of postpartum psychosis or bipolar disorder, it is also advisable to be counselled on the risks of becoming unwell and management options. Your location. Birmingham B4 6NH, Early Pregnancy Assessment and Acute Gynaecology, Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriage Research, > Early Pregnancy Assessment and Acute Gynaecology. You can expect the details of any assessment and treatment plan to remain confidential between you, the team and other involved professionals. You may start to attend local mother and baby groups and have support from your health visitor or local children’s centre.

If you live in Leeds, you can be referred by your Midwife, Health Visitor, GP, Obstetrician or Community Mental Health Team. at Northwick Park Hospital: Gynaecology Direct Referral Clinic, level 5 (outside Eliot Ward). Saturdays and Sundays: 8.30am - 12.30pm, Director: Ruchira Singh  - ruchira.singh@nhs.net, Clinical Lead: (interim) Aamir Khan - aamir.khan9@nhs.net, Clinical Nurse Manager: Donna Lee-Sharpe -  donna.lee-sharpe@nhs.net, Back to top of page at Ealing Hospital: outpatients 3, level 3 (orange wing). From Thursday 9 April our Mother and Baby inpatient unit (MBU) temporarily relocated from its current base at The Mount, to Parkside Lodge in Armley. The team on our Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU) offer you specialist care if you are in the early stage of your pregnancy and are experiencing some problems. Your midwife or health visitor will remain involved in your care, visiting you on the unit and attending care planning meetings. If you would like to know more about confidentiality and the information kept about you, please see the leaflet ‘Your Personal Information. It is possible to have severe mental health difficulties in the perinatal period and make a full recovery. Mother & Baby Unit: 0113 85 55509

Email this page It is very treatable but due to its severity admission to hospital is usually necessary. About the service. You may have ongoing input from a community nurse and clinic appointments. You can contact contact our Early Pregnancy Unit at Ealing and Northwick Park Hospitals. The unit has a hyperemesis centre, supporting women who suffer from excessive vomiting or ‘hyperemesis gravidarum’ with rapid fluid and medication infusion through intravenous access. I know that if I need care in hospital for my mental health, I can stay with my baby in a specialist unit and will be able to go there as soon as possible. © Copyright Leeds and York Partnership 2020, Coronavirus Information for our service users, carers and the public, Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS), Complaints, comments, compliments or concerns, Changes to services during Coronavirus response, reset and recovery, Leads and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Service, Blue Light (emergency services mental health support), Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Inpatient Unit at Mill Lodge, Community Learning Disability Teams (CLDT), CONNECT: The West Yorkshire Adult Eating Disorders Service, Coronavirus: Information for our service users, carers and the public, Crisis Resolution Intensive Support Service, Deaf Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (Deaf CAMHS) - National, Intensive Home Treatment Team for Older People, Learning Disability Specialist Health Planned Care (Respite), National Inpatient Centre for Psychological Medicine (NICPM), Older People’s Community Mental Health Services, Pathway Development Service - Yorkshire and Humberside, Personality Disorder Managed Clinical Network (Leeds), Psychiatric Intensive Care Service (PICU), Specialised Supported Living Service (SSLS), Veterans' Mental Health Complex Treatment Service (VMH CTS) - North of England, Leeds & York Partnership Foundation NHS Trust, Balvinder Dosanjh and Saif Bangash on the importance of Perinatal Mental Health, Balvinder Dosanjh and Madhu Kewalramani talk perinatal mental health on Akash Radio, The Yorkshire and Humber Mother and Baby Unit. The Yorkshire and Humber Mother and Baby Unit provides an inpatient environment where mothers experiencing severe mental health difficulties can receive treatment and support while continuing to care for their baby (for professional referral details see ‘How to refer to our services’ section below). The Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) sees patients with early pregnancy problems up to 16 weeks. Our Early Pregnancy Unit at Ealing Hospital offers rapid appointments to assess and look after women who are up to 12 weeks, 6 days pregnant and who are experiencing pain or bleeding. Our Gynaecology Direct Referral Clinic at Northwick Park Hospital offers appointments to assess women who are less than 20 weeks pregnant, and are experiencing pain or bleeding. We have a nursery well equipped with toys for infants. The unit is staffed by doctors, nurses, nursery nurses, health support workers, with input from an occupational therapist and infant mental health specialists. We would encourage you to bring your baby to your appointments. You have a family history of serious mental health difficulties such as bipolar disorder or postpartum psychosis*. This will depend on the nature of your difficulties. It is important that you understand any risks, benefits and alternatives before you agree to treatment. Please fax your referral to us on 0208 869 2061. The following statements were developed by an NHS Expert Reference Group and adapted by local parent support group NESTLeeds and the Leeds Perinatal Mental Health Implementation group. The EPAU provides an urgent care service for complications associated with early pregnancy, including the diagnosis and management of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancies and other common early pregnancy-related problems.

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