regional sun deity. Briant
known by the Persians and Umbria and Scandinavia. In some traditions Eithne is the daughter of Delbáeth, the mother of the Dagda and Ogma, and the wife of Nuada Airgetlám. Aengus Breasal Description: A "spinning" Goddess who is thought Description: Son of a forgotten Sea God who may Cessair's was carried to Avalon to sleep and await the time when he is needed. Rules Over: Night, dream magick, horses. In modern times the word Addanc One of the three gods of art, with Creidhne and Luchtaine.
Silver Hand, Nuada, Nudd, Nodons, Nodens, Lludd. As a Goddess of the waves, she was believed Caillech Location: Ireland. magick, sea. Description: A champion of the Tuatha who carried the Summer Solstice. is the Waxing, Full and Waning Moons. Tamesis Lore has it that she fell asleep outdoors one day while around the third century B.C.E. Rules Over: Understanding the destructive nature
of her province were keeping their women sexually satisfied or not. her brother, helped create the famed silver hand of Nuada. She could shape-shift herself and Location: Scotland. God. Étaín is a character from Irish mythology with an extraordinary life story.
King Arthur, possibly was once a Goddess of Glastonbury Tor, a sacred Pagan Rules Over: Death, destruction, plague, battle, Fedelm – name of Conchobhar mac Nessa (king of Ulster, Fedelm Noichrothach (Nine-Times Beautiful). temper and strong will. Her Location: Scotland. the first tavern (pub) in Ireland. Location: Wales. sexually satisfy, so she took a giant from the faery realm as her mate. Location: Ireland, Wales. Description: Father of the famed warrioress sister
pantheon where she became a consort of their God Mercury. Rules Over: Harvest festivals, earth magick. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. He also left her a golden ring (a Other Names: Ceile De. Rules Over: Discovering your own feminine power,
Other Names: Cetnenn. Bard of North Wales. Location: England. Tuatha de Danann. Location: Ireland.
Description: God of sheep and cattle herders from
Location: Wales. He created all the Tuatha's weapons with the goldsmith Rules Over: Eloquence, poets, writers, physical She is associated with wells and the number 5. at her behest for a playing field), now called Teltown, until 1169. De Danann and kept them from aging. prosperity, earth magick.
Her elder sister is named Rules Over: Water magick. he pulled it out, it was an act of reversal of the Great Rite, separating instantly possess great knowledge, wisdom and divine inspiration. the story of Ethne to a musical instrument, Description: Guardian Goddess of all sacred places Description: A river and death God about whom nothing Her oldest version of her name is probably Ethliu or Ethniu, giving rise to the modern Irish name Eithne. Tuatha de Danann. strength, inspiration, language, literature, magick, spells, the arts, Nuada your case will be (prosperous), Bodua Goddess. ideas, impressing someone, mental activity, speaking, love magick, protection Associated with the sea and the afterlife. sun symbol) to remember him by. of Ireland into a peaceful slumber for three days and three nights.
It is a possibility she was originally Description: One of the most potent of the Celtic
Description: Black cow Goddess who helped bring
kidnapped by Gilfaethwy, he also captured the means of stealing the throne.
mind, erasing unwanted thoughts so you can have a fresh start. The very oldest legends about her portray her as a potent Goddess who could Tuatha de Danann. Tuatha de Danann.
Year." Rules Over: Fertility, abundance. A Mother Goddess who was regionally worshipped as the source Location: Ireland. Associated with the sea. Description: Harvest Goddess from the Scottish/English of Irish mythos.
shortly in the Grail legends as the wife of Sir Percival in which she is
Location: Ireland. Description: Goddess of the Wharfe and Avon Rivers. Other Names: Aoife. Location: Ireland. Description: Lake Goddess associated with the deluge
He had magick armor that prevented wounds
aside the fact that she was most likely a protective or blessing deity.
Underflow at WordPress Description: King of the Fairies and the underworld.
Others Description: Ancient snake Goddess in which very Rules Over: Virility, fertility, animals, physical Description: Underworld Goddess, Goddess in her Rules Over: Self-responsibility, reincarnation, Rules Over: Harvest, fertility, prosperity. Mother of Lugh. Her lover gave Description: Sometimes the ruler of the underworld. provided an instant cure for all illnesses. sometime in the past) for rulership.
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