Submission deadline for the Emergency Action for Resident & Partner Stability Section 4 RFP is October 23, 2020 at 11:59 pm EDT. To help businesses attend such events, EFI released the Virtual Trade Show Grants Program this month. This follows on last month’s announcement of its new Virtual Business Matchmaking program, “The Virtual Trade Show Grants provide another opportunity to assist Florida companies as they reopen and begin to operate in this new normal,” said Florida Secretary of Commerce Jamal Sowell, the president and CEO of Enterprise Florida. This follows on last month’s announcement of its new Virtual Business … If you own a business in Miami-Dade or Monroe County with 3 or more employees, or are launching a scalable venture, the Florida SBDC at FIU is ready to help you successfully navigate the obstacles that often hinder business growth. October 5, 2020 | 3 pm - 4 pm EDT. By providing this information, you can expect to receive newsletters and other updates from Opportunity360. By Ashley Portero – Reporter, South Florida Business Journal . Follow her on Twitter @ndahlberg. Goods valued at $153.6 billion flowed through Florida’s airports and seaports in 2019. Enterprise award grants through a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) process. The Virtual Trade Show Grants Program will allow companies to identify international clients and generate new export opportunities.

Enterprise Florida announced this week that it is launching a resource to help Florida’s small and medium-sized companies safely build their international business connections. E-Paper | Terms and Conditions | Site Map | Privacy Policy |, Medica Trade Fair, largest medical trade show, a…, Singapore Air Show draws 10 participating companies…, Arab Health event in Dubai showcases eight Miami-Dade firms, Enterprise Florida plans first services-only trade…, Manny Mencia: Developing Florida business and trade…, Florida economic development team sets Casablanca mission, Enterprise Florida mission heads for China this week, Enterprise Florida to lead trade mission to Hanoi, Arab Health in Dubai meant $69 million to Florida, Enterprise Florida mission to Costa Rica nets $23 million, Casino Giant Genting’s massive transit deal stalls bus terminal, Miami speeds to resolve Virginia Key Marina bid battle, Downtown Miami observation wheel prepares to roll, By creating local areas bosses, Miami slides backward, Christina White: Geared up for smoothest possible November vote and count, As economy returns, Miami-Dade commissioners might stay away from county hall, Miami-Dade puts new airport in Homestead onto agenda, United Way reopens applications for pandemic funds, Air Force offers county new airport site at Homestead, Oliver Gilbert III: Moving from Miami Gardens mayor to county commission, Famed Ocean Drive might become Ocean Walk, Classy Miami Beach designer bus stops get no operator bids, A third of Miami-Dade drivers carry suspended licenses. A second service that Enterprise Florida offers to small and mid-size businesses is the Website Localization Grants program, which Mr. Mencia said “helps Florida companies translate and adapt their websites to a foreign market or a market with a different language.”. She can be reached at GrowBiz@FIU.EDU.

In a typical year, Enterprise Florida participates in roughly 40 events, including trade shows and international business trips, to help such companies make international connections. READ MORE: Enterprise Florida to award trade grants to small businesses, Nancy Dahlberg is an award-winning business writer, editor and researcher, with a passion for covering entrepreneurs and what makes them tick. We bring together nationwide know-how, partners, policy leadership and investment to multiply the impact of local affordable housing development. One upcoming trade show that Enterprise Florida aims to participate in is the Virtual Trade Show of the Americas from June 24-26, which the event page on Enterprise’s website describes as a “multi-sector event that will bring together visitors and buyers from across Latin America looking for U.S. made goods and services.”. Enterprise Florida’s reimbursable grants, Mr. Mencia clarified, are paid to companies that cover the charge of service up-front and provide Enterprise with the receipt. To request a consultation, please complete the two-step process below.

Section 4 Addressing Rural and Tribal Data Gaps Grant Webinar (recording), Section 4 Addressing Rural and Tribal Data Gaps Grant Webinar (slides). “This grant will allow Florida businesses the opportunity to engage in new markets while international travel restrictions remain in place,” Jamal Sowel, Enterprise Florida CEO, said in a press release. For more information on the Section 4 program, visit the HUD Section 4 Program.

The center’s team of business experts works one-on-one with about 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners each year by providing confidential, no-cost consulting. So that people have the opportunities to reach their full potential.

Learn about available SBA grants and cooperative agreements to find out if you meet the requirements to apply. As a result of global market disruptions and technological innovations, traditional international trade shows are being temporarily replaced by virtual events to promote worldwide business opportunities. Review the eligibility requirements. DOWNLOAD THE EMERGENCY ACTION FOR RESIDENT & PARTNER STABILITY RFP   APPLY NOW. Create your SlideRoom Account, Applicant Emergency Action for Resident & Partner Stability Q&A Webinar

Below is a description of current grant opportunities available to community-based organizations.

Enterprise Florida to award trade grants to small businesses, GrowBiz: Advice on how to grow your business. Our grant process also does not involve providing sensitive personal information such as Social Security number, birth date or bank account information. Through the Virtual Trade Shows Grant Program, Florida companies can select trade shows in markets of interest and apply to receive a reimbursable trade grant to cover the cost of the event, up to $2,500. Enterprise is a proven and powerful nonprofit that improves communities and people’s lives by making well-designed homes affordable.

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