This may have led to a more socialist FLQ attitude.
Several persons who were detained were initially denied access to legal counsel. It served to pay down the enormous debt which Montreal contracted for building the Montreal Metro and especially later the Olympic Stadium. The Front de Libération du Québec is not an aggressive movement, but a response to the aggression organized by high finance through its puppets, the federal and provincial governments (the Brinks farce 1, Bill 63, the electoral map 2, the so-called "social progress" tax 3, the Power Corporation, medical insurance - for the doctors 4, the guys at Lapalme 5...).
Archived from the original on A year-old Defeat Still Rankles”. The second makes it so that unequally populated electoral districts elect and equal number of MNAs, in direct violation of the principle of the equality of voters. Yes, there are reasons why you, Mr. Lachance of St. Marguerite Street, go drowning your despair, your bitterness, and your rage in Molson's horse piss. 15. They were tried and convicted for kidnapping and murder. Only you are capable of building a free society. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent.
0000017875 00000 n They were tried and convicted for kidnapping and murder. 17. xref
Make your revolution yourselves in your neighbourhoods, in your places of work. Canadian federalism pursues a reckless import policy, thereby throwing out of work the people who earn low wages in the textile and shoe industries, the most downtrodden people in Quebec 15, and all to line the pockets of a handful of filthy "money-makers" in Cadillacs. The good workers at Vickers and at Davie Shipbuilding, the ones who were given no reason for being thrown out, know these reasons; so do the guys at Murdochville that were smashed only because they wanted to form a union, and whom the rotten judges forced to pay over two million dollars because they had wanted to exercise this elementary right 13. And you, the workers at General Electric, you make your factories run; you are the only ones able to produce; without you, General Electric is nothing! The RCMP had intercepted intelligence relating to the planned riots, and prevented excessive damage. We live in a society of terrorized slaves, terrorized by the big bosses, Steinberg, Clark, Bronfman, Smith, Neopole, Timmins, Geoffrion, J.L.
9. Montreal Gazette, April 13, Those members of the FLQ who had fled began returning to Canada from late untiland most received light sentences for their offences. By December 29,police had arrested persons with suspected ties to the FLQ. We, and more and more Quebeckers too, have had it with a government of pussy-footers who perform a hundred and one tricks to charm the American millionaires, begging them to come and invest in Quebec, the Beautiful Province, where thousands of square miles of forests full of game and of lakes full of fish are the exclusive property of these all-powerful lords of the twentieth century. 58 0 obj<> endobj But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.
The Front de Libération du Québec wants total independence for Quebeckers; it wants to see them united in a free society, a society purged for good of its gang of rapacious sharks, the big bosses who dish out patronage and their henchmen, who have turned Quebec into a private preserve of cheap labour and unscrupulous exploitation. <]>>
This can be worked around through proportional representation. This may have led to a more socialist FLQ attitude. providing an aircraft to take the kidnappers to Cuba or Algeria On September 13,events were held in Quebec to commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. publishing the names of police informants in Quebec . Our struggle can only be victorious. A botched gun robbery August 29,resulted in two deaths. Text from "The FLQ Manifesto", Marcel Rioux, Quebec in Question, 1971, translation by James Boake 1.
Pierre Trudeau, then Prime Minister, refused. 4. The October Crisis, The October Crisis of Canada’s Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeauin his statement to the press during the October Crisis, admitted that the radicalism occurring in Quebec at this time had bred out of social unease due to imperfect legislation. H��Wێ�F}�W�#d��o�b�x��Ļ0Vov��H-��D*$g~���S}!) The people in the Front de Liberation du Québec are neither Messiahs nor modern-day Robin Hoods. 0000005997 00000 n The first makes it so that candidates winning sometimes as little as 1/3 of the votes become members of the Quebec National Assembly (MNAs), leaving 2/3 of the voters without any representation whatsoever. This would have resulted in some doctors giving speedy examinations, causing errors and costing lives. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.
Montreal Gazette, April 13, Those members of the FLQ who had fled began returning to Canada from late untiland most received light sentences for their offences. Within a year, this group of Felquistes had exploded 52 bombs. This would be an allusion to rumours launched by the Ottawa Citizen on why Pierre Trudeau was still single at his age. (He was 51 in 1970). 60 0 obj<>stream 0000001383 00000 n They are a group of Quebec workers who have decided to do everything they can to assure that the people of Quebec take their destiny into their own hands, once and for all. Demonstrations of public support influenced subsequent government actions.
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Read the original French language manifesto here. 0000002093 00000 n Long live the Quebec Revolution! It is not clear which tax they were referring to here. Allusion to Robert Bourassa's electoral promise to create 100,000 jobs. There would have been 800 attacks and 42 scabs injured. Many Quebeckers have realized the truth and are ready to take action.
12. Pretexting the political uncertainty created by the rise of the independence movement, the Royal Trust, two days before the provincial election of April 29, 1970, organized the transfer of funds from Montreal to Toronto in 9 armoured trucks of the Brink's company. This article relies largely or entirely on a single source. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish.
To hide people's misery, blue and white panels 7-feet high were prepared for the Universal Exposition of 1967. Unreliable citations may be challenged or deleted. Probably as a pure coincidence, The Montreal Gazette photographed the leaving trucks and the CBC television covered the drama. 0000001266 00000 n 9. This page was last edited on 29 January 2011, at 21:47.
0000018154 00000 n They demanded the construction of the wood transformation factory they had been promised. French Translation of “manifesto” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online.
There are lots of reasons, the workers for Domtar at Windsor and East Angus know them; the workers for Squibb Ayers, for the Quebec Liquor Commission and for Seven-up and for Victoria Precision, and the blue collar workers of Laval and of Montreal and the guys at Lapalme know lots of reasons. Le manifeste du FLQ (Segment) | CVE. As part of its Manifestothe FLQ stated: The crowd of RRQ supporters demonstrated their opposition to the Canadian monarchy. x�b```f``�����������X�����R� ����wY�~);�1�r�``�M�n�>��>�����C��}ּx1[�tE����K�L~���a��D���v�.�rU��{��\�����k_���ռ�i�u�;�)/��_sK�N�� ��XF�FAA���0CH$$(� We must struggle not individually but together, till victory is obtained, with every means at our disposal, like the Patriots of 1837-1838 (those whom Our Holy Mother Church hastened to excommunicate, the better to sell out to British interests). The manifesto was issued by the Front de Libération du Québec and read over CBC/Radio-Canada on October 8, 1970 as a condition for the release of kidnapped British trade official James Cross. The FLQ Manifesto. 0000001137 00000 n Strikes by employees of the Dominion Textile go back to the 1930s.
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