They usually last between four to eight weeks and are often followed by a postnatal session. Fathers are entitled to relatively little paternity leave, just two days.

What practical preparations do I need to make? ACCESS offers childbirth preparation courses in various cities. Your doctor will be able to offer advice, or alternatively take a look at the list of midwives in your area listed by The Royal Dutch Organization of Miderlink (KNOV – Koninklijke Nederlandse Organisatie van Verloskundigen). The first appointment with your midwife will be at the 12-week stage of pregnancy, although you may be asked to visit before then. Information about general practitioners and doctors in the Netherlands.

However, being pregnant can bring up many questions and doubts, particularly the first time around. IWCUR – International Welcome Center Utrecht Region Alternatively, you can talk to your huisarts (GP) – he/she will be able to help you finding one in your local area.
Parents who are expecting a child can have their unborn baby tested for spina bifida or other genetic disorders. How does pregnancy in the Netherlands work? If you have just moved to the Netherlands and have applied for health insurance, it might take some time before you are insured. Learn how to find and make an appointment with GPs, huisarts and specialists. If you choose a home birth, de verloskundige (midwife) will provide the primary care. Your midwife or obstetrician will most likely advise you to give birth at a hospital. As the pregnancy progresses, the midwife will want to see you more frequently.

The usage of pain relief will be administered by an anaesthesiologist of the hospital. has been free for 14 years, but without the financial backing of our readers, we would not be able to provide you with fair and accurate news and features about all things Dutch. Print FAQ. Most Dutch women find that pain relief is something unnecessary, and should not be taken for granted. Giving birth in a birth centre is done under the supervision of your own midwife. You must inform your employer at least three weeks before beginning maternity leave and apply for maternity benefits at least two weeks before leaving. Read more about giving birth in the Netherlands. Prenatal courses are organised to educate expectant women and their partners in the preparation for labour, offering you tools to manage your labour pain, optimal positions for birth, tips for recovery after birth and how to be a new mother. Receive the IamExpat Weekly and Special Offers from our Partners. Have a homely feel and are similar to a hotel. Outpatient. The role of the doctor or gynaecologist in a normal pregnancy in the Netherlands is minor, and in most cases they do not get involved at all, unless there are complications. In the Netherlands, it is common to come up with a birth plan with your partner and care provider. In the Netherlands, postnatal care is held in high regard. Prenatal care in the Netherlands . You can purchase it online, at a drugstore or you get it from your health insurance company. This is done by a maternity nurse who helps taking care of and observes the health of the new-born. When it comes to pregnancy and childbirth, the Dutch philosophy is that it should be a natural process and not a medical condition. Read more about giving birth in the Netherlands. In larger Dutch cities, you can find prenatal courses offered especially for internationals. Note that pain relief, such as an epidural or nitrous oxide, is not available for home births.


Royal Netherlands Organisation of Midwives website, list of specialists and consultants related to lactation. A further 10 or 12 weeks is then allowed after the birth, taking the full period to 16 weeks. Some additional insurance policies cover these costs or a part of it – check your own health insurance to establish exactly which costs are covered. Bupa Global offers a variety of health insurance packages to expats in more than 190 countries around the world. Forms will be sent to you, but more information can be found in the brochure on child benefits at The Hague International Centre According to the latest figures from the International Federation of Health Plans, the average out of pocket cost for a vaginal birth or a C-section in the U.S. is 40 percent and 60 percent higher, respectively, than Switzerland. If you have any questions or problems, you can also visit the website of the Cooperating Breastfeeding Organisations (Samenwerkende Borstvoeding Organisaties – SBA): (in Dutch only). What can you expect when you give birth in the Netherlands?

City Hall (Atrium) Spui 70

The majority of births take place in a hospital, but there are specialist birthing houses (kraamzorghote) available in some towns or cities as well as outpatient clinics (poliklinisch). It is reassuring to know that you can always change your midwife during your pregnancy if it does not click, or you feel that your birth plan cannot be carried out as you want. © 2020 DutchNews | website by Vindustries. If you haven’t experienced any medical complications during your pregnancy, you can give birth at home, in a birth centre or at a hospital.
The NIPT (non-invasive prenatal testing): a blood test that can be performed in the eleventh week of pregnancy or later. be at least 26 weeks pregnant. Getting a kraampakket can be a good idea, as it contains all the items you need to prepare for a homebirth. February 2019 | Received from one of our corporate clients.

So, be sure to ask your insurer about this. As a pregnant woman living in the Netherlands, you have the option of having your child tested before birth. In this case you will be assisted by a gynaecologist, doctor or clinical midwife. All midwives will use the Verloskundige Indicatie Lijst (VIL) to monitor potential diseases. So, you, or your partner, are nearing the end of your pregnancy. Your contributions make this possible. ©2018 ACCESS NL. Where can you give birth in the Netherlands?

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