You know the one.
I do realize that without the confusing explanation of John’s difference in view regarding the events of New Bostin in comparison to Claire’s was kind of useless, I just included that because it really emphasized the comparison to this episode particularly, which is what this post is about lol. It was such a blatant show of power and aura. They believe only people who are worthy should be in charge. Abby told Elaine of this. And they’ve been growing a lot more ‘in your face’ as of the more recent episodes. Arlo didn't know what the world was like until he met John. (Because I know my wording is confusing), There will be more opportunities for violence. This is just important to be aware of because of where his storyline is headed. I. And why this episode is so polarizing for John. So far, Volcan is presented as a more rogue/vigilante/villain, which would explain why her morals are different than William’s. Also, if she’s a low-tier, there’s a good chance that she knows what’s going on in the abandoned house. 99% Upvoted. Anyway, it was unique and different and appreciated. Sera was helping her when she got into that fight. Past me, the flow of this post is kind of choppy I think so sorry for that, Was it just me, or was john’s edginess this episode so much more electrifying than usual. Uru is doing this on purpose and it must be for a reason! Along with her peers, she was treated close to trash by anybody higher up. If Volcan really is his mother and keeps in touch with John maybe her reasoning and advice is part of the risky and bold decisions that John has been making.
Like a lot of people in the fandom, I believe that there is a strong chance of Volcan, the new character we were introduced to in episode 115, being John’s mother. I like my line, “John’s dad, his anchor, became the representation and source of John’s goodness-“ as a good theme of the post because it best describes what my idea was going into writing in. The whole premise for the UnOrdinary hierarchy and societal structure is that those with power are on top. I don’t really remember lol). I have looked and there is no proof that it has just been John and his Dad for this whole time. If there were only a handful of these low-tiers ambitious enough to pose as Joker, Isen would not be likely to want to expose John because they wouldn’t cause a lot of damage, however there are many of these low-tiers, and the number is growing higher and higher each day. This is just kind of repeating what I’ve already said, just in a very extreme and eye-catching way so I wanted to say something about it. As I described in my brief summary of Claire’s buildup and betrayal, Claire turned against John because she realized how horrible he’d become. Just, the comparisons are obvious pointing to one outcome: Blyke’s crowning as the new king of Wellston. Anyway, he’s obviously very aware of the high-tiers’ responsibilities and seems to just decided that he needs to carry them out. When describing the low-tiers situation above, I used the sentence, “This leads to exponential and predictable violence.” Because of the steady increase of attacks by Joker posers, it can be expected that as time passes, the attacks will only increase. His progress is less predictable and linear and seems to be happening more in bursts, when Blyke is feeling a lot of passion or emotion. Anyway, I’ve always been interested in the idea of normally calm characters going absolutely berserk, and I think everyone has.
By exposing John, Isen would be choosing to gamble with safety rather than to watch known destruction play out. fan page for the Webtoon UnOrdinary. But it’s everywhere and most students have accepted it. And beyond the obvious, which is that she would hate him for it and leave, there’s also the reason that because Sera is where John tends to get his goodness from, by showing her his evil self, by admitting he is joker (what I talked about more recently), John would be exposing himself as completely evil (already explained this line of thinking). Brief disclaimer: this sounds kind of dumb if you don’t understand my context. Seraphina telling John that she knows he is Joker is adding to the similarity between the storyline at New Bostin and the storylines at Wellston. My FAVORITE REASON (and probably most unlikely): reason 3. Anyway, the whole superhero thing being reintroduced into the story isn’t just for Blyke’s convenience because I am 100% certain this is a way for uru-Chan to show us again the world of EMBER and that storyline because it has been a while. He even dropped Meili from a 50 foot height. Obviously, if someone with lot of power (ability-wise) is in charge, the rules, or maybe a better word is expectations, are going to be somehow biased upon that.
I already said in this post that it’s inevitable. I have now decided to call this turning point in UnOrdinary “The Shattering” because of both John’s and Seraphina’s uses of the concept. Everything I said about Sera, and even Claire, should stay the same besides their roles being slightly altered how William’s was. From the beginning, he has been expressing his inspiration and agreement with superheroes. John’s denial of himself as Joker is just as much for his sake as it is for Sera’s, likely even more. I think this means that there is some sort of line between what is allowed and what is not. That is very fun to read because it’s a different perspective of growth than what I feel we’ve normally been seeing. We don’t know where she stands on John’s powers or what went down at his previous school. Also want to make a for and against post about the hierarchy I don’t know, On one hand, I don’t know whether I’d like the repetition of a john and Remi fight because he’s really fought everyone and we know he’s going to win, but then i just want to see, It’s been too long since I’ve seen Arlo’s barrier please it adds on to my lifespan, uru-chan, None of you can understand how much I want Blyke to figure it all out.
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