Amgen is dedicated to making the application process simple and straightforward. Research Grants, External knowledge about the need to evaluate and monitor lung involvement in patients with 3. Programs that support awareness and education of researchers, students and clinicians in the fields involved in process development, of large molecules, oral parenterals and other novel therapeutics: Programs that support awareness and education of clinicians, researchers and patients in the following areas: Amgen is dedicated to making the application process simple and straightforward. to attend major medical society meetings). developments in clinical research and treatment guidelines. Support for independent accredited and non-accredited medical education for healthcare professionals. Amgen has developed a collection of online resources available to help you learn more about areas of interest. As part of Amgen's mission to further the advancement of medicine and healthcare, Amgen supports Independent Medical Education ("IME"). For general questions about Akcea’s IME grant program, please contact us at SMA, Patient This site uses cookies to store information on your computer.
2. Amgen will not provide any advice or guidance to the accredited independent medical education provider (even if asked) regarding the content or faculty for any Independent Medical Education program. in patients with CTD-ILD. appropriate patients with ILD (IPF and Connective Tissue Disease related ILD) to ILD Competitive Grants Program. This site is intended for U.S. residents only. Education Grant Overview, Privacy Mallinckrodt is committed to supporting independent, high-quality educational programs for healthcare professionals that contribute to the improvement of patient care in the therapeutic areas in which the business has research and commercial interests. Please log in to submit your request.

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Hypersensitivity Grant requests must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the project/program start date. Amgen commercial staff, including field staff, is not involved in decisions to fund IME programs. Increase clinicians’ awareness of emerging clinical information on the course of If applicable, identification of co-requesting organization(s), medical education partner(s), and/or logistical partner. options for patients with NSCLC and uncommon EGFR mutations. Raise the index of awareness of ILD among HCPs to encourage earlier referral of Grant requests that contain unacceptable budget line items, such as: Funding for healthcare professional partners or guests. 1. patients about their disease. Amgen takes no responsibility for, and exercises no control over, the organizations, views, or accuracy of the information contained on this server or site. Novartis Gene Therapies supports Medical Education Grants that address: Novartis Gene Therapies supports organizations, activities and initiatives that satisfy one or more of the following criteria: The following organizations are eligible to submit a request for grant funding: Novartis Gene Therapies will consider funding any of these types of eligible programs for education grants: To apply for an Novartis Gene Therapies Medical Education grant, please click below. Any grants after the start date of September 1, 2020, can include live activities. Careers  |  Privacy Policy  |  Terms of Use  |  Contact, Akcea Therapeutics22 Boston Wharf Road, 9th Floor, Boston MA 02210(617), Disease management with systemic, multiorgan focus, On letterhead with signature from requestor, Address to the Akcea Medical Education Grant Review Committee, Detail unmet educational needs and practice gaps, Date, location, venue, or platform of activity, Number and type of credit hours to be issued for program completion, Intended target audience and estimated participation, Amount of funding requested and purpose of funding, Statement that budgets will be reconciled within 90 days and unused funds will be returned, Detailed agenda including all program topics and faculty (if available), Detailed budget including a breakdown of how requested funds will be spent. It is highly encouraged that any new grant submissions with a start date prior to September 1, 2020, only Clinical management: HCP communication with patients: Funding requests including for live presentations, written enduring materials, online courses, and conference symposia from organizations (e.g. Akcea will provide strategic support for high-quality medical education to advance excellence in healthcare through targeted educational initiatives aimed at improving disease awareness, clinical knowledge, and multidisciplinary management. disease, clinical impact and management of pulmonary fibrosis patients who have There was a problem processing your request. YOU ARE NOW LEAVING AMGEN'S WEB SITE. AstraZeneca is committed to support medical & scientific education through sponsorships, fellowships and collaborations to enhance contribution to the patients all over the world. diagnostic testing methods and interpretation (e.g. The COVID-19 situation is changing on a daily basis across the world, which results in operational IME is professional education given by accredited medical education providers who design and implement programs totally independent of any Amgen influence, as defined by standards such as the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education ("ACCME") guidelines, the FDA's Guidance: Industry Supported Scientific and Educational Activities, and the PhRMA Code. IME Mission. Earlier identification and differentiation of ILDs:

Organizations which also perform promotional activities must have sufficient separation (firewalls) between the grant requestor's or partner's promotional and medical education business units. Needs Assessment (can be included in the Letter of Request), Educational Objectives (can be included in the Letter of Request), Current IRS W9 form (must be signed and dated within the last 12 months). We wish you, your staff and your family good health. Akcea will fund both accredited and non-accredited IME grants with unmet educational needs in our therapeutic areas of focus. risk factors (such as pharmacogenetics, pharmacogenomics) and co-morbidities for ILD Responsibility and control over the selection, content, faculty, educational methods, materials, and venue for an independent medical education event belongs solely to the organizers of the event. Akcea’s IME grant request committee meets on a monthly basis. Improve HCP knowledge of best practices for assessing disease severity and Hereditary transthyretin-related amyloidosis (hATTR). (CTD) related ILD).
SSc-ILD patients about their disease. Increase understanding among clinicians regarding management of the possible ILD If your organization is an accredited provider but you will be utilizing a non-accredited third party implementation provider to implement the proposed activity: The third-party implementation provider must not be owned in whole or in part by, or controlled by a practicing physician or other HCP, or a group practice of physicians or other HCPs (regardless of size). developments in clinical research and treatment guidelines. hospitals, universities, societies, medical-education vendors) will be reviewed and assessed in conjunction with Novartis Gene Therapies's goal to help physicians BeiGene is committed to advancing medicine, optimizing patient outcomes, and improving quality healthcare through the support of Independent Medical Education (IME) Grants. For Bristol Myers Squibb to be seen as a worldwide leader in supporting innovative, high quality medical education that closes gaps in HCP knowledge, strengthens their professional competence, and improves patient health outcomes. and improvement in patient safety and population health. Genentech/Roche supports grants for independent medical education in an effort to further the advance of medicine and healthcare by improving the knowledge of the medical community.

Funding requests including for live presentations, written enduring materials, online courses, and conference symposia from organizations (e.g. induced acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and the Boehringer Ingelheim considers funding of activities both independently and through its alliance Promotion of a Genentech or Roche product or to influence formulary decisions. Funding cannot be used to compensate participants for time spent at the IME event. 2. didactic presentations (e.g., symposia at major educational meetings, grand rounds, regional Disease course, diagnosis and risk Increase clinicians’ understanding of disease pathophysiology, prevalence, morbidity Boehringer Ingelheim is proud to provide Independent Medical Education Grant support for specific independent educational activities for healthcare providers that may translate to better management of disease and improvement in patient safety and population health. Amgen's IME funding application process includes: NEW: Effective March 1, 2017 requests for IME funding may be submitted at any time and for any start date, provided that the program start date is 60 days or more from the date of submission. Amgen will send an email confirmation upon receipt of your application and documentation. 1. United States. Collaborative By accepting this message, you consent to our use of cookies on this device, unless centers.

HCP communication with patients: We support organizational requests identifying unmet educational needs of a target audience, demonstrating how the program will address these unmet needs, and encouraging the improvement of medicine and healthcare. FAQs Brochures Contact Information. Boehringer Ingelheim may provide IME grants but its scientific program, speakers and content are always decided independently from the industry. 4. with a Progressive Phenotype (i.e. return d.getFullYear(); The Independent Medical Education team at Genentech, a member of the Roche Group, invites accredited educational providers to submit applications for independent, certified medical education grants subject to the terms described below. We accept proposals from a variety of independent educational providers, including: All grant requests must be submitted to the BeiGene Grants Management System at at least sixty (60) days prior to the program start date, and must include the following documentation: Responsibility and control over the selection, content, faculty, educational methods, materials, and venue for an independent medical education program belongs solely to the organizers of the event. emerging data on relevant genomic biomarkers and the changing treatment landscape in As part of our mission to further the advancement of medicine and healthcare, Novartis Gene Therapies provides support for independent accredited and non-accredited medical education for healthcare professionals. We aspire to advance these goals by providing support to a wide range of independent medical educational (accredited and unaccredited) programs.

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