This is the online, interactive version of the League's Voters Guide.

Candidates representing a party are identified with a letter following their name:  "R" for Republican,  "D" for Democrat, "L" for Libertarian, or "G" for Green. Are you eligible to vote by mail? LWV Lubbock is where hands-on work to safeguard democracy leads to civic improvement.

Among the troubling aspects of Prop 24 is its expansion of “pay for privacy” through the addition of loyalty and rewards programs, allowing businesses to charge consumers more or provide worse service if they choose to exercise their privacy rights. Paid for by League of Women Voters Supporting Schools and Communities First – Yes on Prop 15 (Nonprofit 501(c)(4)). On, voters can enter their address to create a personalized sample ballot to take with them to the polls. Last day to Receive Ballot by Mail Tuesday, November 3, 2020 (Election Day) at 7:00 p.m. if the envelope is. Want to learn what to expect when you go to the polls in Bexar County? The Schools & Communities First initiative will raise $12 billion every year for California’s schools, essential workers, and local governments. The League of Women Voters of the San Antonio Area is a nonpartisan, all-volunteer, grassroots organization, encouraging informed and active participation of citizens in government, working to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and …

Welcome to the League of Women Voters of the Bay Area. Compare candidates, find what's on your ballot, build a sample ballot and print your selections. "The success of democracy doesn’t depend on a few persons who do great things, but upon many persons who do small things faithfully. pare candidates’ responses to questions posed by the League, and create a print-VOTERS GUIDE GENERAL ELECTION » NOVEMBER 3, 2020 EARLY VOTING: Oct. 13–30, 2020 » ELECTION DAY: Nov. 3, 2020. More Voters Guide Information. It provides a picture of our nation that helps determine where to build new schools, hospitals, and businesses; how federal funding is distributed; and how congressional seats are apportioned.

Census Information. Cash bail both criminalizes poverty and reflects the systemic racism that plagues our criminal legal process. Track your vote by mail application and ballot on the Bexar County Elections website. Every election we’re so grateful to be able to provide our. The League of Women Voters supports the protection of consumers’ private data. Serving the people in the Bay Area of Texas: including parts of Houston, Webster, Friendswood, League City, Nassau Bay, Taylor Lake Village, El Lago, Seabrook, La Porte, Deer Park, Clear Lake Shores, Dickinson, and Kemah. This will come by ensuring that all corporate properties worth more than $3 million pay their fair share of property taxes – while protecting homeowners and renters, small businesses, and agriculture. We are an inclusive community of action and diverse thinkers. Sept. 28, 2020 | Updated: Oct. 12, 2020 5:00 a.m. Voters Guides! Seventeen-year-olds who will be 18 by the next general election should be able to vote in primary and special elections. Equal opportunity programs are a time-tested way to fight systemic racism and gender discrimination by leveling the playing field and giving everyone a chance at good public jobs and wages and quality public schools. Compare candidates in the Nov. 3 General Election using the famous League of Women Voters nonpartisan Voters Guide at 2020 Texas Voter Guide A comprehensive survey of the candidates and key national, state and local races that your vote will decide in November. Welcome to the League of Women Voters of the Bay Area! 2020 Texas Senate District 30 Special Election VOTERS GUIDE Download a PDF copy of the Voters Guide here!

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, political organization of women and men encouraging informed and active participation in government. With the partnership of United States Customs and Immigration Services, our volunteers attend Naturalization Ceremonies and register new voters. Gloria served as President of […], For 100 years, the League of Women Voters of Houston has stood strong with our community, growing into the vital force we are today: pushing democracy forward by increasing political […]. We influence public policy through education and advocacy. Young people are significantly underrepresented in California’s electorate. **A recording of this forum will be posted to YouTube for viewing as soon as possible** If you live […], Over 80 percent of the residents of Bexar County who are eligible to vote are registered voters. They work to ensure that anyone who is registered to vote can participate in the political process by casting a ballot. Chinese and Vietnamese will be available on 10/16/2020. If you become ill or disabled on or after the vote by mail application deadline, contact Bexar County Elections Department at 210-335-8683 for instructions. Need to check your registration status? Spanish. San Jacinto College Provost and Former Government Professor. This measure will require operators of chronic dialysis clinics to have a minimum of one licensed physician at the clinic whenever patients are being treated, offer the same level of care to all patients regardless of how payment is being made, and make reports about dialysis-related infections to the state’s health department and the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN).

You cannot use your phone in the voting booth. Candidates in many local elections are nonpartisan and do not represent a party.

Visit your local. 2020-17 November 3, 2020 Election Law Calendar. Together, we support the desire, right and knowledge for all to participate and be heard. Submitted by The Bay Area (Texas) in October 2020. Recorded Candidate Forums (coming soon) See Voters Guide Archives It allows the state to collect DNA from people convicted of misdemeanors like shoplifting and drug possession. Your online Voters Guide also includes explanations of the propositions on the ballot so you can understand what a "for" vote means and what an "against" vote means. We deploy Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrars (VDVRs) across the greater Houston area, allowing you to register people to vote at your next event. Take your list of candidates to the polls when you go vote! A voter can take their own notes and the printed material into the polling booth. While the League of Women Voters of California supports ongoing stem cell research, we are neutral on Prop 14 because of the funding mechanism used and because of the requirement for a supermajority vote to amend its provisions. […], In Memoriam - Honoring the lives of longtime League members and supporters Gloria Herman passed away on Friday, August 14 at the age of 96. The census is much more than just a head count.

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