Take part in the development of the reference budget together with the Finance Coordinator and in the construction of the annual budgetary frame. Doctors of the World - Médecins du Monde is an independent international movement of campaigning activists who provide care, bear witness and support social change.

Médecins du monde or Doctors of the World, provides emergency and long-term medical care to the world’s most vulnerable people. que les cookies, pour analyser le trafic et personnaliser nos contenus Crowdfunding - Nous avons déjà collecté 55% des 7000 euros nécessaires à l’aménagement d’un camion de consultation pour les sans-abris et les mal-logés à Metz. S/he ensures efficient circulation of information to field and capital teams. Nous utilisons différentes technologies, telles 8 Questions You Should Absolutely Ask An Interviewer, Coordinateur programme équipe mobile (H/F), Coordinateur programme mineurs non accompagnés (H/F), Chef de projet AMOA harmonisation de la gestion des données médico-sociales (H/F), Chef de projet AMOA harmonisation de la gestion des données médico-sociales F/H, Coordinateur de programme Centre d’Accueil d’Orientation et d’Accompagnement (H/F), Spécialiste thématique santé sexuelle et reproductive (H/F), Deputy general coordinator in charge of programs (M/F), Mental health and psychosocial support coordinator (M/F), Administrative & logistics coordinator - Syria (M/F), Chargé de projet réponse rapide aux urgences (H/F), Référent santé mentale et soutien psychosocial (H/F), General coordinator (head of mission) - (M/F), The Ultimate Job Interview Preparation Guide. Médecins du Monde General Coordinator Jobs, Médecins du Monde Administrative Assistant Jobs, Médecins du Monde Project Coordinator Jobs, 9 Attention-Grabbing Cover Letter Examples, 10 of the Best Companies for Working From Home, The Top 20 Jobs With the Highest Satisfaction, 12 Companies That Will Pay You to Travel the World, 7 Types of Companies You Should Never Work For, How to Become the Candidate Recruiters Can’t Resist, 11 Words and Phrases to Use in Salary Negotiations, 10 High-Paying Jobs With Tons of Open Positions, Negotiating Over Email? Médecins du Monde Merci de cliquer KEY NOT FOUND: ei.filter.lock-cta.message, Médecins du Monde Job Seekers Also Viewed. MdM operating in Nigeria, Borno state since October 2016. d'information ou d'appel à la générosité sur Internet. A free inside look at Médecins du Monde salary trends based on 16 salaries wages for 16 jobs at Médecins du Monde. Au-delà, la réduction est de 66%, dans la limite de 20% de votre revenu imposable.Association Loi 1901Numéro d’enregistrement et SIREN : FR 04 321 018 749 - 321 018 749, Afin de renforcer son attractivité, de reconnaître le professionnalisme de ses salariés et de valoriser leur parcours, Médecins du Monde a fait évoluer sa classification des emplois et sa grille des salaires pour les postes en.

est membre de Develop filing system for administration department, and after validation of Administrative Coordinator, Participate in a pro-active way to the improvement of the MdM internal meetings (general, admin, security…), Inform immediately the security focal point in case of any security problem, Perform other additional duties on request of the Finance Coordinator. Pour en savoir plus sur l'association et les possibilités d'engagement, venez nous rencontrer lors de réunions d'information, de forums ou de salons. We call on national and international authorities to provide easy access to healthcare and we promote respect for human rights. Woldwide jobs. Au-delà, la réduction est de 66%, dans la limite de 20% de votre revenu imposable.Association Loi 1901Numéro d’enregistrement et SIREN : FR 04 321 018 749 - 321 018 749.

We are recruiting to fill the positions below: Job Title: Finance and Compliance Manager. It seeks to stimulate voluntary commitment from doctors, other health care providers, and from those whose expertise in other fields is needed for its activities, to enlist all competent support required for the achievement of its projects, and to seek at all times to encourage close working relationships with populations in its care.

Ability to work under a minimum of supervision, autonomous, Reactivity, anticipation, adaptability, capacity to take initiatives, Organizational skills, rigor, detail-oriented. Filter your search results by job function, title, or location. Domino Stores Limited Ongoing Job Recruitment – Apply Now!

Added: Monday, 05 October 2020. Médecins du Monde. Enter invoices & payments data regularly into accountancy software (saga) in accordance with MdM standards and to the accountancy and budget framework. Prepare (glue and copy) and archive all necessary documents for monthly accountancy in accordance with MdM procedures: accountancy (ledger, cash controls) and annexes.

Production Supervisor at Excel and Grace Consulting, Procurement Officer at Excel and Grace Consulting, Excel and Grace Consulting Job Recruitment (6 Positions), Human Resource Manager at Africa Youth Growth Foundation. Prepare the payment of expenses related to the daily operation of the MdM programs, according to MdM procurement procedures (Mission Request, Purchase order, contract, invoices & receipts, quotations, and proformas etc. JobcenterNigeria is Nigerian’s largest job site and recruitment site for Latest jobs in Nigeria 2020. d'information ou d'appel à la générosité sur Internet. Chargé de projet réponse rapide aux urgences (H/F) - Bangui, Coordinateur de programme Centre d’Accueil d’Orientation et d’Accompagnement (H/F) - Paris, General coordinator (head of mission) - (M/F) - Cox’s Bazar, Assistant de délégation (H/F) - Montpellier, Coordinateur programme mineurs non accompagnés (H/F) - Paris, Chef de projet AMOA harmonisation de la gestion des données médico-sociales (H/F) - Paris, Mental health and psychosocial support coordinator (M/F) - Erbil.

Since February 2016, as humanitarian access is increasing, extreme food insecurity and malnutrition conditions have been revealed in Borno state. We provide access to healthcare to the most vulnerable and socially disadvantaged people to treat both their physical and mental health.

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