Soon after the great earthquake of 1509, which laid Constantinople in ruins, Selim, the ungovernable pasha of Trebizond, whose vigorous rule in Asia had given Europe an earnest of his future career as sultan, appeared before Adrianople, where Bayezid had sought refuge. On the 27th of March he offered the crown of Spain to his brother Louis, king of Holland, in these terms: "The climate of Holland does not suit you; besides Holland can never rise from its ruins. No ruins are to be seen as in other Persian towns; the houses are comfortable, in good repair, roofed with tiles and enclosed by substantial walls.
Opposite Mosul are the ruins of ancient Nineveh, the last capital of Assyria, and 20 m. A little north of Preveza are the considerable ruins of Nikopolis, founded by Octavian to commemorate the victory of Actium. and Frederick III., was dismantled in 1869, and the ruins of the castle are used as a prison. The Micawber rules of debt as ruin oppressed ministers as much as individuals. He also identified the ruins of Berenice on the Red Sea. The town retains several picturesque old houses, and in the vicinity, by the river, are the ruins of the 16th century mansion of Cowdray, burnt down in 1793. Ruins in a sentence up(0) down(1) Sentence count:254+13Posted:2017-03-15Updated:2017-03-15. But all these ruins fade into insignificance in comparison with the majestic grandeur of those of Timgad which are almost entirely laid bare; they are described in Timgad, une cite africaine sous l'empire romann, by R. Chateaubriand visited and described the ruins; the Dane Falbe, the Englishman Nathan Davis, Beule, P. de Sainte-Marie and others also have carried out researches; for more than twenty years Pere Delattre has explored the ruins of Carthage (q.v.) The city confers the title of marquis on the Osorio family, the ruins of whose palace, sacked in 1810 by the French, are still an object of interest. The ruins of Carthage (q.v.) 2513), which was a Roman station and near which are Curriehill Castle (held by the rebels against Queen Mary), the ruins of Lennox Tower, and Riccarton, the seat of the GibsonCraigs, one of the best-known Midlothian families. In the centre facing an open space are the ruins of the tomb of the Mandi and behind is the house in which he lived.
Deliver me from a city built on the site of a more ancient city, whose materials are ruins, whose gardens cemeteries.
29 a empire had been raised again from its ruins by Mahommed I. In 1945, the world was emerging from World War II and Europe lay in ruins. north-west of Gafsa) and Tebessa in Algeria is strewn on both sides with Roman ruins; the old houses and other ruins at and near Thala; the baths and other ruins of Gafsa; the baths at Tuzer, El Hamma and Gabes.
The town possesses few buildings of note, and of the extensive ruins few merit attention.
Felix and Adauctus, discovered by Boldetti and afterwards choked up with ruins, was cleared again: the crypt, begun by Damasus and enlarged by Siricius, contains frescoes of the 6th-7th centuries.
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