Lovely name! For the fastest help on, Breastfeeding: the trick to a comfy latch. Other contenders were: But since Elise is so short a longer middle name works well. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account.
We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. DH and I love the name Elise for baby girl, but we're having a hell of a time coming up with a middle name that flows well. Please flag if you think our product match is incorrect. Still have questions?

But at my baby shower my step sister made this whole big thing as if I named my baby after her daughter. I love Caroline- didn't think of that. 4 years ago. I'm absolutely in love with her first name which is Kinsley but I'm not sure about a middle name. )Elise Querida Jansen (Spanish for beloved)Elise Nieve Jansen (Spanish for snowy)Elise Corazon Jansen (Spanish for heart)Elise Paloma Jansen (Spanish for dove) I would not go for Elise Jennifer Jansen or Elise Brooke Jansen.The others are lovely, especially the Spanish ones. That's a tough one for some reason! So, Elise was meant to be our middle name but its grown on us so much we now are going to use it as a first name instead. But DH and I love it for a first name. Just so you know, What to Expect may make commissions on shopping links on this page. Elise is a great pic. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Except Elise Marie or Elise Christine. Elise is beautiful and I like it. I would like to include Sara in her name somwhere, after my mum. I think it needs a longer middle name... Elise CarmenElise ArabellaElise AnnabelElise EmmelineElise OdetteElise EmilyElise PhoebeElise AmelieElise DarcyElise VerityElise HarrietElise CarysElise Violet, Oww Elise is lovely jubbly , i agree millions with Bornbroody, i think it would sound sound beautifull with a longer middle name before Sara ( which is lovely to ) maybe if you like them you could have -, Anna...Mammy To Our Lil Reecey Pops 17.04.09 & Lil Bumpy Pops No2 Due 24.10.10. Having a hard time thinking of middle names that flow with Elise for a girl! So my vote is Elise Alexandra of course We tend to like classic names... Ok so I originally was going to name baby girl Elisia. I am so stuck on this! Just so you know, we may earn a commission if you buy something we’ve linked to here. But now we're stuck on middle names :) any suggestions? Elise Brooke . Any suggestions? ), I like Elise ChristobelHow about Elise Angelina or Elise Alejandra as opposed to with an "X"Or Elise Gabriela, My favourites from your list areElise Alexandra JansenElise Christabel JansenElise Jennifer JansenElise Paloma JansenHow aboutElise Amelia JansenElise Penelope JansenElise Aurelia JansenElise Harriet JansenElise Carina JansenElise Catherine JansenElise Jessica JansenElise Maria JansenElise Felicity JansenElise Juliet JansenElise Katrina JansenElise Diana JansenElise Frances JansenElise Christina JansenElise Natalia JansenElise Amber JansenElise Theresa JansenElise Victoria Jansen, Elise Alexandra JansenElise Isobel JansenElise Christabel JansenElise Jennifer JansenElise Beatrix JansenElise Brooke JansenElise Winter Jansen (two syllables but nice? Not expecting or even really planning, but the name Elise has been knocking around hard in my brain, this week. Any suggestions for a middle name for Elise!? What would be a good first and middle name for my first baby boy and baby girl? I'm preggo with my second. Her middle name is Carrington (paternal grandfathers middle name). I find it a hard one to match with a middle name though for some reason? Last name starts with “H.” Thanks for any suggestions you may have!!

Help please? My daughters name is Elise. Pro-Trump actor: Don't forget who has all the guns, Judge Barrett won't say if Medicare is constitutional, Peyton Manning shows off 6-pack abs while at beach, Kraft Mac and Cheese ends cheeky campaign after backlash, Trump mocks Biden's age in Photoshopped tweet, Solo Final Jeopardy! I wish I could find a name with meaning too but it's hard enough as it is! (Tallulah is Native American for "leaping water", so great for the whole water theme. I agree I think a longer middle name would work better with Elise. The due date is January 9, 2010. His mom's name is Jane and neither of our grandmother's names sound right either: Ellen and Genevieve. This action cannot be undone. For the fastest help on, Breastfeeding: the trick to a comfy latch. I love the name Elise (also like the way you'll be pronouncing it. Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Elise Violet. Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.

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One syllable is good to so I also like Brooke. We are having a hard time finding a middle name for our little girl.So far we have: Elise Marie Taylor (Marie is mine and my grandma's middle name, and Taylor is after my brother, so even though they are both common, that doesn't matter to us.) Other contenders were: Thank you! Now though the purpose of our middle name has been taken away and we're a little lost!! Ah lovely :-) beautiful name - good luck with everything :-) xx. Middle name for Elise - posted in Baby Name Advice: We decided on Elise for the first name of our baby girl, but I need help with middle names. NFL rookie cut for sneaking woman into hotel: Report. Postal Service But i would like another name to come before this. I do think Querida has such a nice sound. Don't want two middle names as our son only has one. It was on our list for many different names as a mn. The due date is January 9, 2010. Megan Devine. Last name is Italian and starts with a B. Only files 8MB or smaller of the following types are supported: JPEG, PNG, GIF. Amateur title. It's a shame about Willow as its lovely, would you consider 2 middle names? How Trump is martyring the U.S. reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. I'm helping my sister with ideas for middle names to go with Elise. 1. Start by selecting which of these best describes you! We respect everyone’s right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expect’s Terms of Use. Create an account or log in to participate. Log in to reply to the answers Post; Marie. Bianca is Italian for white, so going with the whole snowy, wintery idea.

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