Open seven days a week, it is available for both game day and non-game day events. We have everything from pricing to locations, directions to public transit info, and great additional resources. For more information on Pavilion rentals, please call the Brewers Group Sales Department (414) 902-GRPS (4777). Join friends for Cactus League action at American Family Fields of Phoenix. Brewers Buddies tickets are available to verified non-profit organizations throughout the season. All motorized vehicles are strictly prohibited on Miller Park plazas and walkways. is dedicated to providing you with the best information about event day parking at NHL, NBA, NFL, and MLB stadiums around North America. Parking locations will be determined by staff as needed and vehicles may be directed to the Miller Lot. Any tailgaters wishing to hire a band or other performer to perform at its tailgate event must notify the Milwaukee Brewers of such intent at least 30 days prior to its event, and shall provide the Brewers with the name and contact information for the performer (including the names of all individuals who will be performing at the event). Prices range from $45-100 per person, depending on the game. Ticket sales inside the Resale Zone must comply with Wisconsin law.
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There is no in/out parking. Miller Park has General Parking and Preferred Parking lots, indicated through the pricing below. Prices range from $50-105 per person, depending on the game. Guests may not trespass, solicit, peddle, loiter, sell or attempt to sell any tickets on Miller Park private property, with the exception of the designated Miller Park Ticket Resale Zone (located adjacent to Helfaer Field). Due to the high volume of mail received, we cannot promise a response to every letter. Military Ticket Offer For each Sunday regular season home game in 2020, the Milwaukee Brewers offer two complimentary Terrace Level tickets to active and retired military personnel with valid identification. The Braves included all-time greats such as Hank Aaron, Eddie Mathews and Warren Spahn. Vehicle assistance is provided for every home game from two hours after first pitch until at least one hour after the game has concluded. The Milwaukee Brewers prepare for the season each spring in sunny Arizona. Fans who wish to park next to friends must arrive early and at the same time. This seating map features a complete layout of Miller Park … Rideshare Rideshare companies, such as Uber and Lyft, pick up and drop off in the Gantner Lot, which is located across the center-field pedestrian bridge near the Tailgate Haus. Accessible parking spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Our staff checks tickets to safeguard each customer's investment in a ticketed seat. Should further information be required, stadium personnel will respond via a text message or call.
Sliding glass doors give fans the option to enjoy the game in the open air or in climate-controlled comfort. Guests may not possess firearms or other weapons, fireworks or other materials/items deemed hazardous or dangerous by the Milwaukee Brewers. The winning ticket will be announced in the middle of the 6th inning, just before the Johnsonville® Famous Racing Sausages® Sausage Race. Its mission is to harness the pride, passion, and commitment of Brewers fans, players and other supporters to positively impact the lives of children and families in Greater Milwaukee and Wisconsin. The stadium features new food concepts, upgrades to seating areas, and the opportunity to see players up close prior to the games.
Any guest not adhering to the following Code of Conduct or otherwise behaving in an inappropriate manner as determined by the Milwaukee Brewers will be removed from Miller Park (in addition to incurring any criminal or civil penalties that may be imposed for such inappropriate conduct). The roof is 175 feet above second base on the interior and 240 feet above second base on the exterior. Also included are choices between two food and beverage packages and two Preferred Parking passes. Offer excludes all Cubs games. Miller Park Seating Chart Details. All parking lots close within one hour after the game or event. Game Day parking requires a valid, displayed parking pass four hours prior to game time.
The Brew Room Suite, located directly above the Brewers bullpen, features floor-to-ceiling windows and a private patio. The experience is available for groups up to eight people (age restrictions apply). For more information, or to register, please visit Available before select Brewers home games, the Bernie's Slide Experience includes a brief behind-the-scenes tour of Miller Park, up to five rides down Bernie's Slide, and amazing photo opportunities. Please submit your request at least 24 hours in advance of the game by calling the Brewers Ticket Office at (414) 902-4000. For more information, please call the Brewers Sales Department (414) 902-HITS (4487) or visit Vehicle Assistance The Milwaukee Brewers, in conjunction with MT Towing & Recovery LLC, offer complimentary vehicle assistance to all Brewers guests parked on Miller Park property. After games, shuttles will pick up guests needing assistance at the Robin Yount Statue on the Home Plate Plaza and at the Center Field Plaza by the Associated Bank Check Deck, and return them to the original pick-up locations. Tour admission rates are as follows: $15 Adults; $10 Children (12 & under); $10 Senior Citizens (60+). All tailgate activities must be conducted in strict accordance with the law and be done in a safe manner as deemed by Brewers management. For more information, please visit or the Ride MCTS app. Parking may also be purchased in advance; all parking passes will be scanned at entry.
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Day-of-game rates apply on parking purchased for that day's game. The Brewers Conference Center is available for pre-game events. Individuals in an incorrect seat will be required to return to their ticketed seat location. Brewers Team Store at Home Plate Gate Located at the Home Plate Gate entrance, the Brewers Team Store provides Brewers fans with another venue inside Miller Park to acquire the team's latest merchandise and memorabilia. Only state-approved, gas/propane units with fuel-valve turn-offs and self-contained-charcoal units are permitted. Brewers Wives play an important role in our community outreach efforts with their commitment to several important causes.
Make reservations early and get the best available seats for your group or organization. The Milwaukee Brewers and Delaware North reserve the right to refuse the sale of alcohol to any guest.
ATMs provided by Associated Bank are located in the following areas: For your convenience, major credit cards are accepted at the Restaurant To Be Named Later, all Miller Park bars and concession stands (excluding portables), and all Miller Park retail stores. Miller Lite Landing New to Miller Park for 2020, the Miller Lite Landing is located on the Loge Level in left-center field and is the perfect spot to catch a game with your Crew! Requests to perform may be submitted via U.S. A full buffet is included in the price of the ticket. 90 (Miller Park) bus on Wisconsin Avenue from the Downtown Transit Center to Miller Park for all home games. The facility features an upscale bar area, tiered dining, and casual patio with both pre-game and game-time seating available. The Johnson Controls Stadium Club is available for private functions on non-game days throughout the year. Miller Park is available to rent for a variety of special events. The winner will have until the middle of the 7th inning to claim his/her prize at the 50/50 information table, located on the Loge Level behind Home Plate. Violators of this policy are subject to ejection from Miller Park. The facility features an upscale bar area, tiered dining, and casual patio with both pre-game and game-time seating available. Parking passes that do not scan for any reason may be denied entry; such instances include, but are not limited to, parking passes that are reported lost or stolen, have an invalid date, have been forwarded to another ticket-holder, or are a duplicate pass. For more information, please call Brewers Group Sales (414) 902-GRPS (4777). Services include lock-out and no-start assistance. The tribute consists of a three-figure bronze statuary posed facing Miller Park's main entrance. Obstructed View Guests may not interfere with the ability of other guests to enjoy the game. Listen, observe and follow instructions from the public address system, video boards and concourse televisions. Reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance, and can be booked year-round.
The Milwaukee Brewers offer a wide variety of readily available accommodations for guests with disabilities and accessibility needs. A new parking pass at the applicable day-of-game rate will need to be purchased to gain access to the parking lot. Camera lenses must not exceed 8 inches in length. Shuttles will only pick up from these locations and drop guests at the nearest entrance to Miller Park. Meet you favorite Brewers, enjoy once-in-a-lifetime moments at Miller Park and take home priceless memorabilia by visiting from June 1-14. Rates are $150 per person (Monday-Thursday) and $175 per person (Friday-Saturday). Fans receive a game ticket, special pre-game buffet, soft drinks, and two complimentary beers (21 and older).
The At Bat app is the official app of Major League Baseball and your source for live baseball on your Apple or Android device. Groups of 250 or more will receive their own scoreboard message. For roof status updates during Miller Park events, please call the Miller Park Roof Hotline (414) 902-4636. The Designated Driver must be at least 21 years of age, have a Miller Park parking receipt or online parking pass for that game, and a valid driver's license. For more information regarding opportunities for game day event spaces, please call the Brewers Group Sales Department (414) 902-GRPS (4777) or visit endobj Milwaukee Brewers Wall of Honor Located outside of Miller Park near the Hot Corner, the Wall of Honor recognizes Milwaukee Brewers players, coaches, broadcasters and executives who have achieved a set criteria based on service to the club and/or career accomplishments. Miller Park Yelp Page The Miller Park Yelp page has great reviews from fellow fans, with some useful info about parking and the surrounding area. Please visit to review details on the Miller Park Security page.
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