Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art.
6 Teachers. yanderekun, smutttt, fanfic. At school. ", I respond.
Nope. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet).
Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. My eyebrow twitches as I roll my eyes once again. Read Male Reader X Yandere Male Musume Ronshaku from the story Seme Male Reader X Yandere Simulator by SemeKuro (Chaotic Boy) with 2,919 reads.
As well as being bullies, Ayano knew the leader, Musume Ronshaku, real name being Mutsumi Rokuda, had ties to the Hero Association. I fucking hate him already, what a little bitch.He walks next to the bed and hands Musume two packs of cigarettes.
#yandere You have just cleared the 45th floor of the Dungeon. [Smoking inside is gross as hell what the fuck], [Im done with this fuck you for coming to my ted talk], Male Reader X Yandere Male Musume Ronshaku. JACKSEPTICEYE AND MARKIPLIER!!!!! This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). 101: Gym Teacher Kyoshi Taiso and replacement gym teachers.
I'm not even that fucking great what the fuck. ", he says taking them.
Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. I cannot fucking believe this fucking spoiled little fucking brat actually fucking got his fucking dad to fucking pay for someone to fucking kidnap me.
Enjoy! Is this part of the Bullied and Too Late pictures you made with the AsoxAyano ship? I have seen the Kubz Scoutz videos, but I didn't think of it until you mentioned it. 15K Views. Note 2 - Using the color "None" (or an invalid color ID) on Hairstyle 23 will give the student orange cat eyes. Faculty. Let’s do it!
He's rambling on about some shit that happened today at school.
Please make a careful decision. Our dressmaker will start customizing the dress for you within 2 days after receiving your payment, it's impossible to cancel an order. "..So then, I was like maybe he's moved away or he's on a vacation or something. #male
Read Male musume ronshaku x Reader from the story Yandere simulator boys x Reader by RainTheSquid (Rain ♡) with 4,243 reads. As she walked, the blonde woman noticed that something was wrong: the place was too quiet.
This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. The picture is with the swimsuit and not the phone. *A Yandere is a lovesick school girl who is stalking a boy and secretly eliminating any girl who seems interested in them, while maintaining the image of an innocent schoolgirl.
I FIGURED IT OUT!!!! Don't say I didn't warn you. Hey, it's me!
1 Headmaster.
After being kidnapped, Musume Ronshaku thinks about her life and the occurrences that led to her current self. Note 1 - Using the color "None" (or an invalid color ID) on Hairstyle 19 gives the student dark skin, most likely because the ID is the same as Musume Ronshaku's.
I thought so, also congrats on the Male Rival Introduction video Yandere Dev posted, the second I saw the art style I knew it was your work. Well, like they can never find her, cuz I threw her body in the grinding shit in the gardening club. Wait- Whomst the fuck is Mei- Mei, Mei, Mei- Wait, was that the fucking chick who disappeared last week? Also, both Markiplier and Jacksepticeye weren't the only cameos I sneaked in there.
Her mother is likely dead.
Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Yandere Simulator Musume Ronshaku Cosplay, The color in the image could look slightly different from the actual product. Fucking can't believe he's fucking possessive as shit over me, I swear to fucking god. 710 Favourites. "And there!" Reblog. Fucking motherfucking piece of fucking shit I want to fucking go home, this is so fucking stupid.
Male Musume Ronshaku. [6] When Musume is kidnapped, Musume's father will have no choice but to release all of his clients from debt to free her and return her in "one piece". "Okay, so, remember how they like had the whole 'search party' for her and shit? You have an amazing amount of tolerance for such things, as you're used to such surroundings growing up. ", he says, trying to sound 'seductive' I believe. Both Ninaru Tenshin aka Ninten and Kagami Misuto aka Laylana belong to TheNessY21 (
You had been waiting for half an hour and there was still no sign of her. yet."
Oh, and thanks.
Yandere Simulator Musume Ronshaku Cosplay; The color in the image could look slightly different from the actual product; Costume accessory patterns (such as lace, buttons, buckle, leather) may slightly different from the product photo if the original pattern is out … Her father was one of the Hero Association's sponsors, so she was quite aware of drama and controversies surrounding the … Musume Ronshaku/Angst - Headcanon /This work is not nor will be (sadly) canon to the universe of the game.
Write a review Also, if you can find all of the cameos I put in this, you get a cookie. If you need to attend a convention, please make sure you have enough time for preparing. It's not super great. "Thanks, now leavee. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. This is what happens when you watch too many Yandere Simulator videos and you can't help but think "Hm, wonder what happens when the player has someone else that can help them other than Info-chan". This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled.
What the fuck. Ahahaha just wait until Yandere-chan tortures you in her basement, "Hey, teach...I'll give you two options. Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools. (A yandere can be male as well). This adds up to exactly 100 students and 10 non-students. Please leave a kudos if you liked it and comment if you have anything to say!
... Musume Ronshaku~ @Snowpelt3733 Mei Mio~No One Yet Shima Shita~No One Yet Haruto Yuto~No One Yet Sota Yuki~ @kane8819 Hayato Haruki~No One Yet Ryusei Koki~No One Yet Sora Sosuke~No One Yet Riku Soma~No One Yet Once you make an order, it will take 15–20 working days to customize your costume by professional dressmaker. He lifts his other hand on my chest, I can feel a smile rising to his lips.
Musume Ronshaku (Leader), Kashiko Murasaki, Hana Daidaiyama, Kokoro Moimoro and Hoshiko Mizudori. They both escaped SAO together after Kirito ak, Not just those two, but yes.
It was very good hope that they will be more yandere simulator story. The bitch ass nods and leaves the room again. 1 Gym Teacher. The police never found her.
I snort as he takes his phone out of his pocket. Begged [Name], struggling to free her hands from the chair. All characters mentioned belong to their respective owners. Costume accessory patterns (such as lace, buttons, buckle, leather) may slightly different from the product photo if the original pattern is out of stock. Please make a careful decision. Task The second one is Egoraptor's girl.
That’s so yaoi~!Don’t touch me: Slap him while you’re at it, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Taro Yamada is actually aware for once in his life, Generally you don't miss those sort of things. Our tailors will make the costume fit for you.
Disclaimer: I (or we) don’t own SAO.
Enjoy this grammatically-correct garbage.
Making your way through the streets, you finally reach the abandoned church you and the most important person to you live together. Ness decided to ship his OC with Suguha in this.
THE SHOCKING TRUTH REVEALED: SAKYU BASU IS AN ALIEN! Complicated dress may need more than 30 days. Your name is [You]. And they totally bought it, I'm just glad I didn't have to do the same to them as I had to do to Mei!
He connects our lips in a kiss, tilting his head slightly. Language: English Words: 1,087 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 19 Hits: 273 My eyebrow twitches as I glance down at Musume, who is cuddling me on my right side.
Either you let me off from detention or I will cut your hair off one by one and record it. Only one body was never found, the Ronshaku's daughter: Musume. (Male! He pulls away from me, letting out a giggle. (A yandere can be male as well) Anyyywayy This is a YANDERE~SIMULATOR rp~!! I only own the writing. We use cookies to enhance your experience, analyze site traffic, and for our marketing purposes. You were once again waiting for his girlfriend, Kagami, at the park. After claiming your reward, you eagerly head home for tonight.
Product photo will be given before we ship it out. 102: Nurse Nasu Kankoshi, Muja Kina, and replacement nurses.
A heavy bandana was tight around her eyes, preventing her from seeing anything. #yanderesimulator, [His name is still Musume, but if someone can come up with a better 'guy name' for him, I can change it], [Okay, but damn he's hot- I could fuck him-]. Markiplier and Jacksepticeye! Male Musume Ronshaku. Enjoy!
Nov 26, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Eule 1205. ", I ask, squinting my eyes at him. Fucking annoying. But I was kinda hoping for Jay from the Kubz Scoutz. ", he giggles. Although, you didn't get much of a award out of it, you did get a good enough experience from fighting a powerful monster.
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