I'm only two episodes in, but thus far I love it! | | TV-PG Please do not use ALL CAPS. One Day at a Time: Season 2 (Recap) One Day at a Time: Season 1 (Recap) Trailer: I Get It, We're Cuban! The percentage of users who rated this 3.5 stars or higher.
A series gets an Average Tomatometer when at least 50 percent of its seasons have a score. First Aired: November 20, 2019. | As IMDb celebrates its 30th birthday, we have six shows to get you ready for those pivotal years of your life ... your 30s. Variety With Justina Machado, Todd Grinnell, Isabella Gomez, Marcel Ruiz. Face-Off: It's Not Bingeing, It's Power Watching! Release year: 2017. Sign up here. Critics' TV Picks 2017: What's Your Favorite? It was developed by Gloria Calderón Kellett and Mike Royce, with Lear and his producing partner Brent Miller as executive producers. Season 1, Episode 5 One Day at A Time. Please enter your email address and we will email you a new password. All rights reserved. Follows three generations of the same Cuban-American family living in the same house: a newly divorced former military mother, her teenage daughter and tween son, and her old-school mother. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! The Average Tomatometer is the sum of all season scores divided by the number of seasons with a Tomatometer. If your review contains spoilers, please check the Spoiler box. Comedy. 2020, Netflix (Seasons 1-3); Pop, 7 episodes, 2019, Netflix (Seasons 1-3); Pop, 13 episodes, 2018, Netflix (Seasons 1-3); Pop, 13 episodes, 2017, Netflix (Seasons 1-3); Pop, 13 episodes. Forgot your password? CBS Sets ‘Young Sheldon,’ ‘Mom’ Premiere Dates as Scripted Production Ramps Up, 13 October 2020 There is a 75 character minimum for reviews. Getty Images 5 of 10 Cast. CBS 2020-21 Season Ratings (updated 10/13/20), 13 October 2020
Copyright © Fandango. Penelope's covert date at her house with Max is disrupted after a neighborhood lockdown causes the rest of the family to head home. Your Weekly Binge: Superhero Satire, Detectives Old and New, and A Sitcom Worth Saving, 9 TV Shows You Should Binge-Watch This March, 13 Emmy Underdogs That Deserve a Nomination, LGBTQ+ Stars Pick Their Favorite Pride Month Binge Watches, More Than 50 of the Most Fearless Females on TV, 5 TV Shows You Should Binge-Watch This February. TV Ratings: ‘Dancing With the Stars’ Tops Monday, ‘One Day at a Time’ Starts Small.
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