Ayano Aishi, also known as Yandere-chan and Yan-chan, is the main character and playable protagonist of Yandere Simulator. Your profession was sailor and shoemaker. Man weiß fast gar nichts über Osoros Vergangenheit und Gefühle. He looks mean and scary but is such a sweetheart on the inside" I said as I hugged him. Kitikudere, also known as Thugdere サグデレ in some media, is a character who often mistreats other people including their lover/love interest, often physically or emotionally harming them, but can also be quite affectionate toward them.

It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. YandereDev originally did not want to name Ayano, as he believed that a name was unimportant, but he later changed his mind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WW_O4BJJAcM&t=178s, https://yandere-simulator.fandom.com/de/wiki/Osoro_Shidesu?oldid=13983, Ihre Vorlage war Daidouji aus dem Spiel Senran Kagura. Durch die zerfetzte Jacke und die vielen Verbände wirkt sie abschreckend. R is for romantic, hopelessly so. Da sie den Ruf hat, gewalttätig zu sein, halten die meisten Leute Abstand von ihr. 5.
Osoro Shidesu wird die achte Rivalin im Yandere Simulator sein.

Sie wird die ersten Wochen nicht in der Schule sein und kommt erst in der achten Woche wieder in die Schule. Yandere Simulator Wikia ist eine FANDOM-Videospiele-Community. However she is a person who really wants to achieve more in life despite of her image. She has been doing so well in her studies, however she still has her own problems (such as her occasionally delinquent-like behaviour) and they would have to take measures to prevent and eventually stop her from misbehaving. If Osoro is yandere, this will be very simple and savage. Doch in Woche 8 könnte sich das ändern. When Yandere Vision is activated, everything becomes hazy and time slows down. The Dere Types Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Osoro ist die Anführerin einer Gang in der Schule, den Delinquents. Kitikudere are most similar to yanderes and yangires, though yandere tend to be more calculating than a kitikudere whereas yangire are more likely to resort to murder. Her name is now Shinobu Usami,Shinobu is a unisex name that means ‘endurance’ and Usami is a surname homage to Rika Usami who is a the Queen of Karate Kata (the last kanji (mi) is altered to keep a different meaning, Rika’s mi means ‘beauty’ while Shinobu’s mi means ‘look’).

You were born somewhere around the territory of Portugal approximately on 1750. "The person I like is Osorö Shidesu, the leader of the delinquents in school. She appears in the town as a background character during the first week. I've been trying my best improve on my writing, and i got into drawing awhile ago (after my "lol cake uwu" phase), I'm gonna clean up my account and post some of my stories on there x. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. Megamo was right, that Ayato boy was extremely suspicious. Yandere Vision is a gameplay mechanic in Yandere Simulator that helps the player find useful objects and different people.

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