“The Green Bond is one of the many tools we’re using to advance critical steps in our sustainability journey, and it is a significant catalyst for continued progress. Daly believes that ag-tech will be important to unlock to maximise productivity and minimise environmental impact. PepsiCo is stepping up its sustainability goals with the ambition of supporting system-wide change. “If you look at our business today, the biggest impact we have is our agricultural suppliers,”​ Daly observed. What you are seeing is pre-competitive collaboration.”​, By working together, brand owners are able to define standards that they can then invest against with confidence in the knowledge that they ‘aren’t going down the wrong path’. Vail Resorts and PepsiCo have expanded the companies' combined sustainability efforts. Powered by Publisher Plus. At PepsiCo, sustainability topics are integrated into, and not separate from, our business. — PepsiCo, Inc. has put nearly $450 million of its $1 billion Green Bond to use in support of packaging, decarbonization and water, the company announced on Oct. 13. - Day 2 of the SB Leadership Summit saw a host of intimate discussions on the power of teamwork to drive change toward a better future — as seen in the PepsiCo Targets 100% Renewable Electricity Globally, Brands for Good Unveils Groundbreaking Research on Sustainable Consumer Behaviors, PepsiCo, USAID Launch Five-Year, $20 Million Partnership to Empower Women in Agriculture, US Corporates, Governments, NGOs Join Global Push to Plant 1T Trees, We Need Safe Water to Fight COVID-19 — And We Need to Provide It Now, #JustBrands: To Push Cultural Change, Brands Must Unpack Their ‘BAGS’, Diageo Announces World’s First 100% Plastic-Free, Paper-Based Spirits Bottle, Good Start — But Let’s Move from ‘Brand Say’ to ‘Brand Do’, Private Sector Can (and Must) Clean Up the Oceans, Trending: Heritage Brands Rush to Distance Themselves from Racially Stereotyped Images, PepsiCo Releases 2019 Sustainability Report; Highlights Progress Toward Helping to Build a More Sustainable Food System, How to Future-Proof Brands and Create Culture Change in Challenging Times, Pandemic Sees Brand Leaders Putting Purpose Before Profit. { - The Time to Vote coalition has grown to nearly 800 companies. focus. A separate metrics sheet contains detailed performance against our sustainability goals over the past 3 years, Environmental, Social & Governance Topics site, 2018 Sustainability Performance Purpose Metrics Sheet, 2015 Sustainability Report and 2025 Agenda, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), International Council of Beverage Associations, Mexican Council of Consumer Goods Products (ConMexico), The Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy (CECP). This has a negative impact on the supply chain. tagged: At that time, PepsiCo said net proceeds of the $1 billion fund would be allocated to investments where the company believes it can make a lasting impact on priorities within its sustainability agenda. relationships between top brands’ CMOs and CSOs, the many brand partners fueling SB’s Brands for Good initiative, and making “what people need” a core brand

In this ‘spirit of collaboration’ PepsiCo also expects its suppliers to step up – and Daly revealed that although discussions are ‘at an early stage’ the possibility of de-listing those that fail to act ‘is under consideration’. According to WRI, it will detect deforestation weeks faster than existing optical-based systems. Things like green energy and agriculture are two big levers that will enable us to make progress.”​. 3 months ago PepsiCo makes progress toward sustainability goal, Cargill details progress toward sustainability goals, Mondel?z on pace toward wellness, sustainability goals, Reduce Downtime and Increase Efficiency with Next-Gen Technology Solutions, Slideshow: What’s new from Grupo Bimbo, Siete Family Foods, La Tortilla Factory, Dewey’s Bakery secures $25 million investment, Dawn signs co-branding contract with Nestle Professional.

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