Sie können mit den Kontaktlinsen arbeiten, ihre Freizeit genießen und sogar schlafen – ein lästiges Herausnehmen fällt weg. Sie können mit den Kontaktlinsen arbeiten, ihre Freizeit genießen und sogar schlafen – ein lästiges Herausnehmen fällt weg. For other AIR OPTIX® contact lenses, the one-month trial refers to a recommended replacement schedule of up to 4 weeks, as determined by the eye care professional. Replacement Schedule: Monthly, Air Optix Night and Day – die 24-Stunden-Linse. Air Optix® lenses are manufactured using a silicone hydrogel material known for its comfort and high oxygen permeability. The original product purchase receipt (copies are not accepted). In the meantime check out the following offers from AC Lens and, two of the leading contact lens online retailers in the US: Once available again, the following process applies: Go to the Alcon rebate page and start the rebate process online by entering a rebate code which is located on the back of your rebate slip. Offer available at participating offices. Details hierzu und zum Opt-out findest Du in unserer Biofinity. The material provided on this site is for informational purposes only. COUPON (4 days ago) Air Optix contact lenses were first introduced to the market as O2 Optix in 2004, and the collection has expanded and improved over the last fourteen years with the newest Air Optix innovation being released in 2016, called Air Optix Plus Hydraglyde. Save 5% more with Subscribe & Save. COUPON (4 days ago) Listed above you'll find some of the best contacts coupons, discounts and promotion codes as ranked by the users of CODES (3 days ago) Air Optix's science makes the difference. ), Alcon Air Optix Aqua Night & Day -2.75 (3 Stk. Do Not Sell My Personal Information. We will update this page, once a rebate will be available again. Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde. WEB-EYECARE Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde. Plus free US shipping on your orders. $50.00. Take chance! They carry the most popular brands such as Acuvue, PureVision, Biotrue, Proclear, Air Optix and more. We also offer color lenses – corrective and non-corrective! You can then submit this certificate on Alcon's rebate site ( Plus, their monthly replacement schedule is easy to remember. COUPON (2 days ago) Contact lenses, even if worn for cosmetic reasons, are medical devices that must only be worn under the prescription, direction and supervision of an eye care professional. Serious eye health problems may occur as a result of sharing contact lenses. two advanced technologies designed to provide Contact lenses, even if worn for cosmetic reasons, are prescription medical devices that must only be worn under the prescription, direction and supervision of an eye care professional. Ob die Weichlinsen von Ciba Vision jedoch für Ihr Auge das richtige sind, kann nur ein Augenarzt oder Optiker entscheiden. COLORS, Get $2 Off When You Buy Any One (1) OPTI-FREE® Solution 10 Oz.

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