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Six thousand French soldiers continued to clean tar from the beaches and bays two months after the spill. The coastal areas in the vicinity were heavily impacted by the spill. Amoco was ordered by a federal judge Charles Norgle in a 1990 ruling to pay $120 million in damages and restitution to France. As it broke up, the tanker lost its entire cargo of 1.6 million barrels of crude oil. All Rights Reserved. Es wurde später festgestellt, dass dies auf das Scheren von Whitworth- Gewindebolzen im Hastie-Vierzylinder-Lenkgetriebe zurückzuführen ist, was zu einem Verlust an Hydraulikflüssigkeit führt . JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways. creating what was predicted to turn into the worst tanker spill, said they were up against tremendous seas, Scientists urged for more stringent international rules, spill spawned the largest biological kill, soldiers were still searching coastlines for oil, new regulations made U.S. sea lanes safer, SoCal Gas Has Permanently Stopped Leak in Gas Well Above Porter Ranch, State Confirms, Must Watch Docs: Five Thought-Provoking Energy Films For Summer, Is Climate Change "Not Debatable"? Der Öltanker Amoco Cadiz lief am 16. It is the largest biological kill from any spill we've looked at. Over a period of two weeks the entire cargo of 223,000 tonnes of light Iranian and Arabian crude oil and 4,000 tonnes of bunker fuel was released into heavy seas. By May, cleanup process remained slow-moving. Amoco Cadiz Oil Spill - Amoco Cadiz oil spill. Two weeks after the accident, millions of dead molluscs, sea urchins and other benthic species washed ashore.
Amoco Cadiz enthielt 1.604.500 Barrel (219.797 Tonnen) leichtes Rohöl aus Ras Tanura , Saudi-Arabien und Kharg Island , Iran .
AMBIO, a multidisciplinary English language journal, is indexed in more than
Der deutsche Schlepper Pacific reagierte um 11:28 Uhr auf Amoco Cadiz und bot Unterstützung im Rahmen eines Lloyd's Open Form an . The American owned supertanker, Amoco Cadiz, crashed off of the coast of Brittany, France on March 16, 1978.
Es wurden mehrere Versuche unternommen, eine weitere Schleppleine zu errichten, und Amoco Cadiz ließ seinen Anker fallen, um die Drift zu stoppen.
1978 wurde geschätzt, dass die Fischerei und die touristischen Einrichtungen 250 Millionen US-Dollar Schaden erlitten haben. Das Filmmaterial des Vorfalls erschien in dem Film Days of Fury (1979), der von Fred Warshofsky inszeniert und von Vincent Price moderiert wurde . The master of the tanker, Capt. Although echinoderm and small crustacean populations almost completely disappeared from some areas, populations of many species had recovered within a year. Die Fischer in der Gegend fingen Fische mit Hautgeschwüren und Tumoren. You have entered an incorrect email address! At the time, the AMOCO CADIZ incident resulted in the largest loss of marine life ever recorded after an oil spill. In oil spill: Largest oil-tanker spills in history …oil were spilled) and the Amoco Cadiz disaster off Brittany, France, in 1978 (223,000 metric tons of crude oil and ship fuel were spilled). physics, engineering, mathematics, computer sciences, and economics. hydrology, water resources, oceanography, earth sciences, meteorology, and physical Access supplemental materials and multimedia.
Wäre Dispergiermittel aus der Luft in der Nähe der Überlaufquelle aufgetragen worden, hätte die Bildung von Mousse möglicherweise verhindert werden können. Dr. Wilmot Hess, director of NOAA's environmental research laboratory. Zusätzlich hatte sie fast 4.000 Tonnen Bunkeröl. Although echinoderm and small crustacean populations almost completely disappeared from some areas, populations of many species had recovered within a year. Cleanup activities on rocky shores, such as pressure-washing, as well as trampling and sediment removal on salt marshes caused biological impacts. Hydrocarbons are removed from polluted environments in several "natural" ways, such as evaporation and dissol-ution of the volatile and soluble components; photochemi-cal decomposition; and microbial biodegradation. It turned to avoid an oncoming ship. Amoco Cadiz Oil Spill In 1978, more than a decade before anyone had heard of the Exxon Valdez, a tanker named the Amoco Cadiz ruptured its tank on rocks in the English Channel. Gegen 09:45 Uhr schlug eine schwere Welle in das Ruder des Schiffes ein und es stellte sich heraus, dass sie nicht mehr auf das Ruder reagierte. Welcome to MaritimeCyprus. Zu dieser Zeit führte der Vorfall mit Amoco Cadiz zu dem größten Verlust an Meereslebewesen, der jemals durch eine Ölpest verzeichnet wurde. Viele der betroffenen Sümpfe, Watten und Sandstrände waren energiearme Gebiete. A considerable portion of the oil that did come ashore eventually became buried in sediments and entrapped in the low energy salt marshes and estuaries.
Early estimates reported a pollution spread of about 130 kilometers. Yes, Says Science, BREAKING: ExxonMobil Oil Pipeline Bursts In Arkansas; 80,000 Gallons Spilled, Examining The State Department's Keystone XL Pipeline Report, Boating Oil Spills Can Be Wiped Out With Education, Says Study By Los Angeles Sustainability Collaborative, James Balog Of 'Chasing Ice' On Non-Renewable Energy's Glacial Impact, Shell Drilling Rig Runs Aground, Marks More Trouble For Arctic Oil Operations, Read Up: Great Articles On Cleveland East Ohio Gas Explosion. The CLC compensation limits were subsequently raised after this incident. Ein 19 km langer glatter und schwerer Ölpool breitete sich bei Nordwestwinden auf 72 km der französischen Küste aus.
Login via your By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. The Amoco Cadiz Oil Spill (1978) The Amoco Cadiz, a very large crude carrier (VLCC) stocked with nearly 69 million gallons of light crude oil, ran aground on shallow rocks off the coast of Brittany, France, on the morning of March 16, 1978. Um 21:04 Uhr lief Amoco Cadiz das erste Mal auf Grund und überflutete seine Motoren. French soldiers were still searching coastlines for oil four months after the Amoco Cadiz spill; some felt the cleanup would never be over. oil spill or similar event is therefore a matter of some concern.
Ferner entschied der Richter, dass Amoco die notwendige Wartung des Schiffes verschoben hatte, um es auf See zu halten. B. Druckwäsche, verursachten ebenfalls Auswirkungen auf den Lebensraum. In oil spill: Largest oil-tanker spills in history …oil were spilled) and the Amoco Cadiz disaster off Brittany, France, in 1978 (223,000 metric tons of crude oil and ship fuel were spilled). Eine zusätzliche Erosion der Strände trat an mehreren Stellen auf, an denen kein Versuch unternommen wurde, den Kies wiederherzustellen, der entfernt wurde, um die Strandfläche abzusenken. Das Öl blieb nur einige Wochen an den exponierten felsigen Ufern bestehen, an denen mäßige bis hohe Wellenbewegungen auftraten. Diving birds constituted the majority of the nearly 20,000 dead birds that were recovered. Fingers pointed in all directions; Amoco even fired back by suing the German tugboat that came to Amoco’s aid, France and the Spanish shipbuilders. Eine erfolgreiche Schleppleine war um 20.55 Uhr vorhanden, aber diese Maßnahme konnte den Supertanker aufgrund seiner enormen Masse und der Sturmstärke 10 nicht daran hindern, in Richtung Küste zu treiben . Amoco Cadiz und Küste der Bretagne. Der Öltanker Amoco Cadiz auf Grunde lief auf Portsall Rock, 5 km (3,1 Meilen) von der Küste der Bretagne, Frankreich, am 16. Auf dem Weg vom Persischen Golf nach Rotterdam , Niederlande , über einen geplanten Stopp in Lyme Bay , Großbritannien, stieß das Schiff im Ärmelkanal auf stürmisches Wetter mit Sturmbedingungen und hoher See . Reports also stated that oil remnants had contaminated agricultural crops and entered the human food chain.
Um 10:20 Uhr teilte das Schiff mit, dass es "nicht mehr wendig" sei, und forderte andere Schiffe auf, bereit zu stehen .
Reports did show a decline in U.S. tanker spills, however, the numbers didn't carry over in the rest of the world.
On March 20, experts raced to salvage 29 million gallons of oil due to a bad weather forecast. JSTOR®, the JSTOR logo, JPASS®, Artstor®, Reveal Digital™ and ITHAKA® are registered trademarks of ITHAKA. Oil poured onto beaches and fishing grounds, creating what was predicted to turn into the worst tanker spill ever recorded. Greater success was achieved with vacuum trucks and agricultural vacuum units, although much of the free oil was simply removed by hand by more than 7,000 personnel (mainly military).
Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Wilmot Hess, director of NOAA's environmental research laboratory, was quoted as saying. Ihre Besatzung wurde um Mitternacht von französischen Hubschraubern der Marinefliegerei gerettet , und ihr Kapitän und ein Offizier blieben bis 05:00 Uhr am nächsten Morgen an Bord. The ship had left Brittany and was headed to Lyme Bay in the Great Britain. Im Jahr 1984 entschied der Richter am US-Bezirksgericht Frank J. McGarr, dass Amoco nach dreieinhalbjähriger Gerichtsverhandlung für Schadensersatz haftete, als er sein Gerichtsurteil erließ. Direct effects on the eelgrass itself were only local during the first weeks after the spill, when many plants had black, 'burnt' leaves. Diese viskose Emulgierung erschwerte die Reinigungsbemühungen erheblich. Welcome to MaritimeCyprus. On March 20, experts raced to salvage 29 million gallons of oil due to a bad weather forecast.
Unwetter führte zum vollständigen Aufbrechen des Schiffes, bevor Öl aus dem Wrack gepumpt werden konnte, was dazu führte, dass die gesamte Ladung Rohöl (von Shell ) und 4.000 Tonnen Heizöl ins Meer verschüttet wurden.
Die Mortalität der meisten Tiere trat in den zwei Monaten nach dem Verschütten auf. Fish, crabs, birds and other sea creatures continued to die at high rates three weeks after the disaster, with plans for a major cleanup yet to be enacted.
On July 28, U.S. Scientists said the Amoco Cadiz oil spill spawned the largest biological kill of marine life ever recorded from such an incident. 40 international databases, and is distributed in more than 100 countries worldwide. Microbial biodegradation of Amoco Cadiz oil was evidenced by increases in the number and activity of hydrocarbon-utilizing bacteria, and by changes in the chemical composition of oil exposed to weathering in various marine environments. Unterirdisches Öl trennte sich aufgrund des umfangreichen Sandtransfers an den Stränden bei rauem Wetter in zwei oder drei Schichten.
Thousands of volunteers who came to help were encouraged to leave due to difficulties of organization and lodging. Read your article online and download the PDF from your email or your account.
David M. Ward, Ronald M. Atlas, Paul D. Boehm and John A. Calder. Später um 11:20 Uhr wurde ein Aufruf zur Unterstützung des Schleppers veröffentlicht. Dies war die größte registrierte Verschüttung in der Geschichte und die erste Verschüttung, bei der Gezeitenflüsse in der Mündung geölt wurden.
Pasquale Bardari, was put under investigation and eventually charged with breaking French pollution laws. Whilst rocky shores recovered relatively quickly, the salt marshes took many years.
Obwohl die Gesamtmenge an gesammeltem Öl und Wasser 100.000 Tonnen erreichte, wurden nach der Behandlung in Raffinerieanlagen weniger als 20.000 Tonnen Öl aus dieser Flüssigkeit gewonnen. By July, scientists declared the Amoco Cadiz oil spill accounted for the largest biological kill of marine life ever recorded from such an incident. The American owned supertanker, Amoco Cadiz, crashed off of the coast of Brittany, France on March 16, 1978. ©2000-2020 ITHAKA. Those in charge grew pessimistic as endless tar balls washed up on beaches; some areas had to be cleaned six times.
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