Première connexion par clé OTP : activer ma clé Si vous avez oublié votre identifiant, veuillez contacter le guichet unique au Stages,académie de foot, spécifique et anniversaires foot et animations. Percentage of pupils gaining grade 5 or above in English and Maths = 38%, English Baccalaureate (EBacc) average point score = 3.78, Percentage of pupils entered for the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) = 31%, Link to the performance measure website for Arena Academy, Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls, Arena AcademyBeeches RoadBirminghamWest MidlandsB42 2PY, Tel: 0121 729 7310 • L’encadrement à prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires en cas de problème de santé et si besoin nécessitant une hospitalisation ou une intervention chirurgicale. Lire la suite Accepter XLire la suite Accepter X Àæd†+nEğêºÎŞ`óYÔ[êû8~c�v†ò¶>Ñs3¾4=B°Êv•ññn^v^ówâcâu±=œÆF£kì Eú‘Cvñ#hÍ¿xœ²ìÚê¯Æ‰,¦Ãaè'Ïf/ÌŞOh?‰˜#â˜9&VÌŠøÈ|$N™SÏ’µ’´2aNˆ%³$æÌqÉ\Ÿ™ÏÄ\—¤º×¥¨.ŵ(ªE±7EŞ{SäM±7EŞ{Sä-%mFä§`oqù´²Ÿèòo™Úà_. Online media may be used to help students create mind maps or revision flashcards. Formulating questions in the style of GCSE papers – students can look up exemplar exam papers online and, using these and the GCSE specifications online, draft their own exam-style questions. Employability, Careers and Enterprise Goals, Privacy Notices | Data Protection Policy | Information Security Policy. Examples include: Arena AcademyBeeches RoadBirminghamWest MidlandsB42 2PY, Tel: 0121 729 7310 Key Stage 4 Homework. Les 3 terrains de jeu en gazon synthétique, Arena 5 propose des espaces de détente (billard, babyfoot, etc..), de consommation (snacks et boissons) et de partage d’évènements sportifs sur grand écran. New specification examiners love quirky relevant links between content and the wider world, so reading a quality daily newspaper (e.g.. All right reserved. De l’anniversaire au mariage, du vernissage d’exposition au séminaire d’entreprise l'Arena event sait s’adapter à vos besoins et à votre budget. Using exam board Mark Schemes to respond to past exam questions – staff will happily mark any past exam questions a student wishes to tackle! As part of steps taken to fight the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the government announced that all exams due to take place in schools and colleges in England in summer 2020 are cancelled and that it will not publish any school or college level educational performance data based on tests, assessments or exams for 2020. Le rectorat de l'académie de Nantes assure le fonctionnement de l'éducation dans les Pays de la loire. Changer son mot de passe, connaître son identifiant ... vous cherchez une assistance ? Key Stage 4 Results. Arena Stage - Academy/Camp Classes- No Productions for Children - At KS4, it is vital that students develop the resilience and independence to pursue additional work outside of the classroom. Sur 2 300 m² de terrains de jeu en gazon synthétique, les amateurs de football et de compétitions amicales peuvent s’entraîner, jouer et se mesurer. Some great examples include: Our memory works best when we hear and talk things over. En visitant notre site, vous acceptez notre politique de confidentialité concernant les cookies, le suivi, les statistiques, etc. Voluntary activities which students can engage in: The Internet is a goldmine of additional and increasingly engaging videos. PLUS D'INFOS. Son domaine de compétence privilégié est la pédagogie,l'enseignement,les disciplines. The Curriculum Handbook will detail subject-specific examples, but highlights include: Download Apps which support learning. organisées dans le cadre du stage Arena Soccer ACADEMY, aux dates précisées ci-dessus. Engaging with the subject outside of a textbook! Download some subject-specific podcasts which keeps the mind engaging in fresh, exam-relevant material. Our Curriculum Handbook will also detail topics and revision materials (both print and online versions) which can support additional learning outside of the classroom. KOMBI BAR. © CORE Education Trust. BBC Teach has an excellent range of videos and resources to support and develop an understanding of key content. Donnez des détails sur les classes que vous proposez. Privacy Notices | Data Protection Policy | Information Security Policy.
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