For example, in 1856 in the adjacent Union of Clifton, a women called Eliza Canningford had been placed in the workhouse's Female Imbecile Ward. However, the coarseness of the yarn they produced soon resulted in complaints and low payment rates of 8d per pound.
The former Bristol Lunatic Asylum buildings are now used by the University of the West of England. Downend Cottage Homes from the south, 1902. Bristol Pictorial Survey #2188. There was a major redevelopment of the main building in about 1890, together with the erection of a low single-storey entrance block along Manor Road, and a chapel. [Bibliography]
Servants were initially employed in the kitchen to perform cooking and washing but these were soon dispensed with and the work done by the older girls. 30/10/2017. I was wondering if you have any other information on her. They were occupied in "spinning Cotten Wool, and weaving Fustians" for which they were able to generate the creditable income of £6 per week. The most interesting building... is that of the Old French Prison, so called from its having, been built and used during the war with France. So many hundreds of prisoners were confined in this place on one occasion that, it is said during the hot summer weather, the prisoners poked nearly all the tiles off the roof in order to get fresh air. The Corporation was managed by a Board of Guardians — four from each of the city's twelve "wards" — plus the Mayor and Aldermen, making a total of sixty. Despite Cary's rosy picture of the workhouse scheme, it was not without its critics. The front of Eastville Workhouse by Samuel Loxton (1887-1922). In 1902-5, the Bristol Guardians erected a children's cottage homes development at Downend, about a third of a mile to the north-east of the Stapleton workhouse.
They are well clad, decent in appearance and respectful. An old man was appointed as door-keeper and general porter. For further information on more specific aspects of workhouse records, use the options in 'Records & Resources' menu section at the left of the screen.
Posted: © Peter Higginbotham. A Comprehensive History of the Workhouse by Peter Higginbotham Tweet Follow … Eastville Workhouse Channon's Hill Homes - children's house, 2011. On arrival, the new inmates were stripped and washed by the Matron and given a set of new clothes. Unless otherwise indicated, content is copyright Peter Higginbotham and may not be re-published without permission. Bristol Downend cottage homes site, 1919. Two new unions were created: Clifton (renamed Barton Regis in 1877) included the Gloucestershire parishes in the area to the north and east of the city, and Bedminster (renamed Long Ashton in 1899) covered the Somerset ones to the south and west. The picture below shows the members outside the building, possibly in 1930, when the Board was abolished and their responisbilities were taken over by the city council. Some of the old people in the neighbourhood were lately in possession of curious articles, beautifully worked in bone, purchased in the market. => Each index entry gives the person's name, the registration district, and the three-month quarter in which the event took place. A few of the guardians in the above picture are identified as follows: In 1930, the Stapleton workhouse became Stapleton Institution and by the Second World War, the site was mainly used for the care of mental cases, and the aged and infirm. © Peter Higginbotham. © Peter Higginbotham. Photographer unknown. As well as the other web pages in this section (see the 'Records & Resources' section of the menu-bar at the left), a nunber of books give good coverage of records relating to the poor, including: A large number of books relating to the history of specific unions and workhouses are listed on the separate Booklist web page. © 2020 Peter Higginbotham. Most workhouses provided accommodation specifically for the mentally ill, particularly less severe cases for whom workhouse accommodation was much cheaper than the costing of using a county asylum. The workhouses laundry facilities were noted as being particularly good.
Contents may not be reproduced without permission. Bristol workhouse chapel, 2000. It also took over the Barton Regis workhouse at 100 Fishponds Road in Eastville, with the much reduced Barton Regis Union building a new workhouse at Southmead. 1lb. As a result of such incidents, there was an increasing move towards the setting up of publicly-administered county lunatic asylums which could provide more specialized care for the mentally ill. Eden, in his 1797 survey of the poor in England, reported: In a submission to the Royal Commission, whose Report would form the basis of the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act, St Peter's workhouse was described (Large, 1995) as: Able bodied-men were employed from 6am to 6pm breaking stones at the Clifton Hot Well, for which they received 3s. The enlarged Bristol Board of Guardians continued to hold their meetings at the St Peter's Hospital site. London Poor Law and Board of Guardian Records, Free UK Genealogy (Census/BMD/Parish records), Central records repositories, e.g. 4d. The girls worked at their spinning for ten and a half hours a day in summer, a little less in winter. © Peter Higginbotham. Bill of fare: Breakfast—Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, water gruel; Wednesday, Friday, broth; Saturday, gruel. The workhouse was a major element of Britain's poor relief system which, from the end of the sixteenth century, provided publicly funded and administered assistance for local residents who could not support themselves. The material below is taken from the web page . BRISTOL with its liberties is about 3 miles long and 2½ wide. Because of this, you may often see references to 'Pre-1834' and 'Post-1834' records. © Peter Higginbotham. The diet provided for the girls included "Beef, Pease, Potatoes, Broath, Pease-porridge, Milk-porridge, Bread and Cheese, good Bear [Beer], Cabage, Turnips etc." The Poor eat their victuals in their lodging rooms. Contents may not be reproduced without permission. The prisoners were allowed to make toys and other articles, a market being held in the week, in the court of the prison, for the sale of such things. In 1924, eight scattered homes were in operation at 114-5 Beaufort Road, St George's; 1-2 Park Road, Staple Hill; and 255/256/260/262 Beechwood Road, Charlton Road. The New Workhouse, as it became known, was to house a hundred pauper girls. 10/02/2015 © Peter Higginbotham. Bristol Board of Guardians, St Peter's Hospital, c.1930. © Peter Higginbotham. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. [Unions List] Harry Fanson; 12: Mr T.C. Bird's-eye aerial view of Bristol workhouse. It, too, was documented by Eden in 1797, at which time its use was shared with the parish of St George and had eighty-five inmates. On Sundays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 6oz. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, content is copyright Peter Higginbotham and may not be re-published without permission. A workhouse record of the death, and possibly also the burial A possible parish or cemetery record of the burial Civil registration records are not themselves publicly viewable, only the indexes to them.
[Staff] An inquiry discovered that neither of the workhouse's pauper wardens had been on duty at the time. The great increase in population which has taken place on the last hundred years has been chiefly confined to the out-parishes. If you are interested in researching the history of a particular workhouse, or in tracing records for a person who may have been in a workhouse, a wide variety of records and other material may be of interest to you. © Peter Higginbotham. [Links]. a week, which was about half the minimum agricultural wage in the area.
The beds occupied by patients subject to epilepsy had well padded sides to them, and those used by patients who were in the habit of passing their urine under them, were covered with macintosh, and each had an opening in the centre for the water to run through into a vessel placed below. The copyright of material on this website is retained by the originators of the material. A few years ago a factory for spinning wool was set up, but after 3 years £600 was lost, and it was discontinued. Braine in his 1891 description of "Fishponds" noted that: Bristol Old French Prison from the south-west, 2000. After various delays, in 1698 a building was rented for use as a workhouse. In October 1867, the Stapleton workhouse was the subject of an inspection report by the British Medical Journal, which rated it as good. In 1897, following the extension of its boundaries to cover the whole of urban Bristol, the Corporation was reconstituted as a single Poor Law Parish. Between 1835 and 1897, the Bristol Corporation of the Poor continued to operate the St Peter's and Stapleton workhouses. The Bristol Incorporation then comprised the city parishes of All Saints, Castle Precincts, Christ Church, St Augustine the less, St Ewin, St James, St John, St Leonard, St Mary-le-Port, St Mary Redcliffe, St Michael, St Nicholas, St Paul, St Peter, St Philip & St Jacob, St Stephen, St Thomas, St Werburg, and Temple. Each home accommodated up to 12 children looked after by a house-mother. It later became Manor Park Hospital, and is now called Blackberry Hill Hospital. A room in the Mint workhouse known as the Court Room was used as the guardians' board-room. were excellent bathrooms and lavatories attached to these wards, with a plentiful supply of hot and cold water. Prostitutes wear a yellow dress and single pregnant women wear a red dress; they are kept separate from the rest and not allowed to associate with the children. Charles Booth was a social reformer who mapped out areas of London.
These changes, together with the long-standing existence of Bristol Incorporation (whose status exempted it from the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act), caused some complications in the setting-up of poor-law unions in and around Bristol. The Act created the Bristol Corporation of the Poor, which operated a joint poor relief system across the whole city, including the setting-up of workhouses and the appointment of paid officers. Over the next century, around thirty other cities followed Bristol's example, including Exeter in 1697, and Colchester, Crediton, Hereford, Kingston-upon-Hull, London, Shaftesbury, and Tiverton, all in 1698. In good weather the girls were allowed to walk on the hills with their Tutresses. In 1794 the total was 390. After their initial training, they were hired out to local manufacturers. © Peter Higginbotham. Note: many repositories impose a closure period of up to 100 years for records identifying individuals. Bristol workhouse north-west block from the south-east, 2000.
This arrangement lasted only to 1904, when the Barton Regis Union was wound up and its parishes dispersed between a further enlarged Bristol City and the Chipping Sodbury Union. The children are taught to read, to knit, and to sew and when of sufficient age are sent to service. Lewis. (Comparable changes took place in Ireland in 1838, and in Scotland in 1845.) Learn how your comment data is processed. As a result, the Corporation offered spinning work to all the city's poor, many of whom could produce very fine yarn which fetched up to 3s.6d. Subjects: © Peter Higginbotham. This site was healthily situated among rural and wooded surroundings at an altitude of nearly 300 feet. The number of inmates is 350, of whom 63 are in a pest house belonging to the Workhouse. Bristol St Peter's Hospital. Downend Cottage Homes from the west, c.1905. During the First World War, the asylum became Fishponds Military Hospital. Downend Cottage Homes cottage layout, 1904.
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