It transforms underutilized industrial land into a vibrant mixed-use community. +971.2.654.4040 Skip to main content.

To this end, the public space not only created value for a new neighborhood but also makes important local and regional connections. This is bravery inspired by people. Contact Us Schedule a Tour. acres connected to what is believed to be the world’s highest concentration of intellectual capital, acres planned for activated public parks and open space, million square feet of planned commercial, retail and residential, square feet of science and technology space, square feet of new state-of-the-art residences in addition to 2,500 existing units, square feet of unique & eclectic cafés, restaurants and retail space, MBTA stops. World Trade Center, Al Markaziyah Cambridge Crossing. Boston Society of Architects Urban Design Award, 2005. Cambridge Crossing is a transit-oriented neighborhood located on former a railroad yard in the municipalities of Cambridge, Boston, and Somerville. And this home is so much more than just a home. Because some of the smartest people in the world deserve to have a place to call their own, we are building one. All Rights Reserved. Level 17, The Offices Builders. A new community that incorporates a modern lifestyle. It transforms underutilized industrial land into a vibrant mixed-use community. All square footages and dimensions are approximate and subject to normal construction variances and tolerances. Cambridge Crossing will have 79 new home sites with landscaped and maintained common areas. All amenities and services provided are for the exclusive private use of the homeowners. Thinkers. Call Us Today 903-641-0881. 110 Canal Street morlot/40/ Here, in the capital for intellectual thinking, life sciences and technology will flourish. CAMBRIDGE CROSSING SITE PLAN. Statements herein are based on current expectations, opinions and beliefs of DivcoWest, however there is no guarantee that such objectives will be met.

Site map for Cambridge Crossing website.

It’s a launching pad for innovation and the ideas that could change the world. So for those ready to dream bigger than big, welcome to a place to call your own. Hamdan Street acres connected to what is believed to be the world’s. The proposed revisions to the project include increases in the height of the lab building planned for Parcel G from approx. Senior Marketing Manager  1900 Cambridge Street Corsicana, TX 75110 . Amenities; Floorplans; Gallery; Location; Residents; Contact; Contact Us Schedule a Tour. fabricius/40/, Joanna Morlot For those unafraid to challenge the status quo to better the world. 617 646 5212 Award-Winning Chef and Restaurateur Will Gilson and his Puritan & Company team will expand their Cambridge presence into Cambridge Crossing. People's Choice Award, The home for the fearless and the intrepid. for all open positions. With one MBTA (Green Line) soon to be on site, and one MBTA (Orange Line) a short walk away, 4 Hubway stations, designated bike lanes, an EZ ride and private CX shuttle, walking paths and acres of green spaces, this is a place that helps immerse you in the energy and buzz of Cambridge and Somerville. What emerged as a solution was the organization of an open space network and public realm with a large central park and green spaces which became the armature around which the buildings are organized.

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