%�쏢 5 0 obj 0000001681 00000 n 0000001522 00000 n 0000012994 00000 n endstream endobj 16 0 obj <> endobj 17 0 obj <> endobj 18 0 obj <>stream Capsule endoscopy (CE) can detect lesions outside the scope of ileocolonoscopy in postoperative patients with Crohn’s disease (CD).

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%%EOF 0000034870 00000 n ]ö�sk�]���X�AQ�����^u���yT���U���i��. Procedure . �*S��"�,��t$r#��V;� �\�c��z�i*�f�ˣ�t�&��#&�+\ �~��q���xrEA� {-ps�,���1b�7F�WJ>��. This procedure involves ingesting capsule the size of a large vitamin pill. 0000024783 00000 n Please Note: If you are diabetic, please hold your oral diabetic medications the morning of the Capsule Endoscopy. In order for your physician to get the most accurate information from this test, you will need to follow the directions listed below. 0000005234 00000 n CAPSULE ENDOSCOPY PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. 0000026724 00000 n N�U ��x�1��QD�G��4I�D���l�m����&s>�d�,�eh���#_�|a������?I�9!5!����7N\Qf�&�9���e���Ʌ! This includes three portions of the small intestine known as the duodenum, jejunum and the ileum. ֟bbQ�=H�f �)�2騧i�9� �KoW(-�D����賧ۿ��u�+m�cG9ݔ� 9i �֚f� e���;!���z^��n:HѺ�Qp�L�l"��/�(ܪ|���h֚@On3�S��y��y /Nt�8�� u�5����m 0000011308 00000 n 0000006891 00000 n Capsule Endoscopy Prep Your doctor has determined that as part of your medical evaluation you should undergo a test known as Capsule Endoscopy. • Do NOT drink alcohol on the day before the procedure or the day of the procedure. endstream endobj 21 0 obj <>stream hŞb```b``-``c`àşÉ À€ ¬@Q�Æóİû,yÁ€ xCapsule endoscopy is a safe procedure, but rarely the capsule can become lodged in the small intestine. 0000004809 00000 n ���`(�����u�D�i�{��6�h+�)- �*����G�v" �W#X���xY�أ}�B�����2��%.����$�P�r⇱`w|���L�*B� ��ш�D�|}�L�&����u�ik~�ZO��L�ZOEB��0Ԝ��c��v�Z���E��:t����%�On���*�>��%ٜ��`"��%t��b� �����Ms9���e9{�MD�� %PDF-1.4 %PDF-1.4 %âãÏÓ 0000030154 00000 n DAY BEFORE: Light breakfast and then clear liquids (i.e., water, ginger ale, Gatorade, apple juice) for lunch and dinner. 0000016496 00000 n

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However, the impact of … 0000006193 00000 n <> If you are having a Patency Capsule procedure prior to a Capsule Endoscopy, please follow the Patency Capsule Prep prior to the Capsule Endoscopy prep. endstream endobj 19 0 obj <>stream 0000009240 00000 n Home >> Preparing for Procedures >> Capsule Endoscopy Preparation Your doctor has determined that you should have a Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy. 0000018168 00000 n Clear liquids are drinks you can see through the glass. 0000021196 00000 n x��]]oG�%�7ŀ��g2��-&&�]��Y?�iI^ۢ�H�=O�;����e��/�_�u���Ω�h+,8$����~�{���l��2����/��=_׳����u�Ͽ��c/w��������i���|��u1������r�W��Uz�m3��u������LP5y�'Gs�Y7�6����,����j���2˔�����yf�����54?7�d U�9?1]&��3U�!�f83�}v 0000009595 00000 n endstream endobj startxref

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0000004697 00000 n Please tell your doctor or your nurse if you have a narrowing of the small bowel or small bowel surgery. 0000002144 00000 n

32 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<34122A9AE882224A99542B4D3ED04CC6><4D8836D13521A14496AB50C4CF2FA447>]/Index[15 31]/Info 14 0 R/Length 86/Prev 75752/Root 16 0 R/Size 46/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream �? C\LD�3H��::�����bd�6���(���݌Cuv�,�L4��Ra�U+�����c�y��&A���f$�R��~D�G�U� ���� 0000003050 00000 n Capsule Endoscopy Preparation Instructions Patient Name:_____ Procedure Date:_____ Check in between 8:15-8:30AM at our Boulder Office (1755 48th Street #100, Boulder, CO 80301) with our Front Office Staff.If you arrive later than 8:30 am we &�w�)�J � �4��� aߘ���V7��|[��m��s�1$b�%�k�.W�$�4۝u�4�έ�G����o�V�B����ȋu�Y�C�X1FG&��yg��4a46z���a�4�Štk�>���dd��&�lW�y�H7K��n:�2=�iQ��*)�E5QFxRߓ�#?�0.����P�^�U9���I)-!�Z�qD�Kv�9 ��6.��C�uhǎ=�|d�X�sja ��-0�q�ln�H�^���XU�����~���/�j��~�~l�������C��g��"x�)�́�1�����uC�C;�U#y��xǍP׀6�U �T��1���& 2���i������]����[Ӡ������U d�@�si��f�0f����tn���x���x���G���:��+�{�y��%+� ��Pwjv��^/���A�|��n�m�׸,O(D��Q�&��ډ�pA�5zU�����X�pA;�M�Ϧӿ_��"�=u9Q�>�Mg�����&�g�ܳ�c.��XX䫣����]opуS���ύr�����p�� 5�� 0000003605 00000 n t!�GDF�����Dq��@%�`>'J�=�+���K�˳����\��1#��6�z1��$Øc�J1�7d��� Va��0]�bu{��"���L�]@�����:Y�ޔ>��~�9F�9~��nO���&�^�p h�b```f``�f`a`�b`@ �r��������q�Y���� �C1CP�\�r���Ú�+�˘W3�� ͔������k�����I" H3q'�30iIA��� ��q Capsule Endoscopy Preparation. The capsule will pass naturally through your digestive system while taking pictures of … endstream endobj 20 0 obj <>stream ASGE Technology Statements on Capsule Endoscopy Over 500,000 capsules ingested worldwide AMA assigned CPT 91110 for reimbursement of PillCam Endoscopy, effective January 1, 2004 Risks Bowel Obstruction-Which may require immediate surgery.

Capsule endoscopy is a very popular medical test that is conducted when the doctor needs to examine the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. 0000009983 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 0 45 0 obj <>stream

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