More than 700 people participated at the excellent learning and networking opportunities. An introductory session to help outline…, Thursday, January 30, 2020 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM $75 –  CCI NAB Members $50 – Additional CCI Members $125  – General Public Description: Now that the Government has released the…, Tuesday, January 14, 2020 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM $20 –  CCI NAB Members $50  – General Public Description: With the final changes to the condominium legislation in Alberta that are…, Monday, December 2, 2019 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM $40 –  Current CCI NAB Members $20 – Additional CCI Members (from same condo or company attending with first CCI Member…, Tuesday, November 12, 2019 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM FREE –  paid CCI NAB Members $50  – General Public This introductory course is geared specifically for condominium owners (and those individuals considering…, Wednesday, October 16th, 2019 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm Free – CCI NAB Members $50 – General Public (Limit of 4 registrations/condominium or company for each session.)

The team really listen and react to any situation.

Working with a venue that has a fantastic understanding of events makes such a difference. Center Parcs heeft vakantieparken in Nederland, België, Duitsland & Frankrijk. The purpose of the conference is both to allow the presentation of results from currently ongoing research and innovation projects in official statistics, and to stimulate and facilitate the preparation of new innovative projects (by encouraging the exchange of views and co-operation between researchers - including the possible building of research consortia) with the aim of enhancing the quality and usefulness of official statistics. Knowing we had an experienced team on site who we could trust to ensure all aspects of the venue were entirely taken care of made our lives a great deal easier. COVID-19 Events Update The RS Class Association are continuing to work closely with all our fabulous event clubs, monitoring the ongoing situation and taking note of RYA and Government advice, so we can get back to sailing together, as soon as safe... Posted: 12/05/2020 13:54:00 We are a venue shaped around Farnborough, rich in history, as the birthplace of aviation and the home of pioneering spirit.

As specialists in live communications events, the blank canvas allows us to create just about anything for our clients – it’s brilliant. Offering stunning views of the airfield, our venue sits alongside Europe’s leading business airport and at the home of the world-class Farnborough Airshow. Collaboration in Research and Methodology for Official Statistics, International trade and balance of payments, Living conditions, poverty and cross-cutting social issues, COMmunicating Uncertainly in Key Official Statistics, European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS), European Statistical Training Programme (ESTP), Research Projects under Framework Programmes, Social indicators: Income, Consumption and Wealth, Centre of Excellence on Data Warehousing, Centre of Excellence on Seasonal Adjustment, Centre of Excellence on Statistical Disclosure Control, Centre of Excellence on Statistical Methods and Tools, ESSnet Sharing common functionalities in ESS, ESSnet on quality of multisource statistics, ESSnet Implementing shared statistical services, Third EU-SILC Network on income and living conditions (NetSILC-3), Trusted Smart Statistics - Towards a European platform for Trusted Smart Surveys, Expert Group on Statistical Disclosure Control, ESS Vision 2020 Information Models & Standards, Use of R in Official Statistics - uRos2020, 11th International Francophone Conference on Surveys, Workshop on Trusted Smart Statistics: policymaking in the age of the IoT, Time Series Workshop (Paris 26-27 September 2019), Privacy in Statistical Databases 2020 (PSD 2020), Call for Papers for a special issue on “Respondent Burden” in the Journal of Official Statistics, 10th European Conference on Quality in Statistics - Q2020 Budapest, Question forum for EU-SILC scientific use files, Alan Smith presentation - data visualisation, Alex `Sandy’ Pentland presentation - Better decisions with data, Domenico Piccolo presentation - A paradigm for rating data models, Emmanuel Letouzé presentation - Make Measurement Matter, Gianluca Iaccarino presentation - Metrics & Methods for Uncertainty Quantification, Piyushimita (Vonu) Thakuriah presentation - Urban informatics & smart cities, NTTS 2019 Digital economy satellite event- downloadable agenda, NTTS 2019 MAKSWELL satelite event - agenda, Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia - Latvia, Czech Statistical Office - Czech Republic, EMOS - University of Pisa & Sant'Anna College of Pisa - Italy, Institutul National de Statistica - Romania, Office for National Statistics - United Kingdom, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS) - Slovenia, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) - Netherlands, Statistisches Bundesamt (DESTATIS) - Germany, Hackathon myBigO-hackathon data collection privacy statement.
Furthermore, the professionalism of the team at Farnborough International makes hosting the show at the venue effortless. What's on at the Kent Event Centre. With the perfect mix of expertise, location and facilities to deliver memorable events. To receive our newsletter and updates, please subscribe to our mailing list: [ Placeholder content for popup link ] Our venue spaces have been designed and developed for the sole purpose of hosting events of all scale. Metro Toronto Convention Centre … The Storytellers staged an immersive, narrative driven manufacturing industry conference.

The flexible nature of the space is exceptionally unique which gives you a creative platform to push the boundaries and limits of engagement and entertainment. The Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre is the perfect venue for any form of corporate event.

See our full events calendar for a wide range of things to do throughout the year. And we are “blooming” excited about it! We offer versatile spaces for a range of events including exhibitions, conferences, meetings, award ceremonies and filming projects. The CROS Portal is dedicated to the collaboration between researchers and Official Statisticians in Europe and beyond.

After a break of 8 years, the conference was re-launched on a biannual basis, and has taken place in Brussels in  2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017.

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