I was on the nhs ward and would definitely recommend it! Good luck Alia. Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. We want to ensure you get the best possible care during your pregnancy and enable you to choose to have your care and give birth at either Chelsea and Westminster or West Middlesex hospital. Each session lasts approximately 2 hours. Thanks so much and good luck with your pregnancy x I gave birth at C&W at Christmas when they were VERY busy. The food was good. Honestly not sure why some people choose their profession)...Anyway loving the feedback. 369 Fulham Road i was transfered to the birthing unit once i have given birth to rest as they re- opened it in the morning. © 2020 Reuben Foundation. : ', ' }}, In practice since Good luck Alia. From memory around £1000 per night on post natal. I've previously delivered at QEH in Woolwich and Kings College. Did you get a private room or stay on the ward? Facilities include: aromatherapy service; bean bags; birth balls; birth mats; birthing couch; CD player; cushions; dimmable lighting; iPod dock;reclining chair; rocking chair; supporting rope or sling; TENS machine. Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. : ',' }}, {{ practitioner.first_year_of_practice }}, {{ The midwives were excellent. The hospital is a modern purpose designed and built facility which opened in May 1993. Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is one of the top performing Trusts in the UK and one of the largest maternity providers, recognised globally as a centre of excellence. The atmosphere inside the OT was relaxed and fun. This practice is not available on MeditSimple right now. The birth centre is a spa-like facility comprising seven rooms—four with birthing pools—and all having mood lighting that can be controlled by mums during birth.
Giving birth; After your baby is born; Emotional wellbeing; Important information about the location of your care. Reuben Foundation is a charity registered in England and Wales, No.
{{ the sort who make you wonder why they ever entered such a profession!)
The Women’s Wellness Centre 274-276 Fulham Road, London SW10 9EW. The delivery room was very clean though. I gave birth to my first born on easter sunday 2014 at the labour ward. Once things started happening everything seemed to move very efficiently. To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. }}, Our midwife-led birth centres are run by highly skilled teams who help women with uncomplicated pregnancies give birth in a comfortable environment where they can feel at home. They were also great about making sure I had a bay near a window after I ended up in a really bad way at Kings as I had no natural light for days and it sent me loopy and nobody cared until a few shift changes later.It wasn't perfect, but it was everything I would expect the NHS to be and I was not disappointed in any aspect. I took my own pillow which I was very grateful for. Went in for induction, was there for three days! Il vous reste {{ head.trialRemainingTime.days }} jours et {{ head.trialRemainingTime.hours }} heures d'essai. Positives and negatives, aftercare, how long was your stay? Birthing unit or ward?
She looked after me very well and impressed me by giving very clear and effective instructions- exactly what i want.
They were EXCELLENT in labour - I was in the birthing unit (pool) and had a MW and doula just for me - it was lovely for 6 hours and DS was all but out and then got stuck. No frills, but very clean. 15 May 2019, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Website. Most services are based at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital site but the Trust also runs a highly successful network of HIV and sexual health centres including: - 56 Dean Street in Soho West London - Centre for Sexual Health at Charing Cross... Chelsea and Westminster has a new choice of birthing options, a bespoke midwife led birth centre alongside our other maternity facilities. she acknowledged that I was really worried about any tear or needing assistant delivery so she so gave me very clear instructions what to do during the ' crowning' bits. I feel a common theme occurring with labour ward recoveries...In general never the fluffy experience we would hope for or expect after what can be quite traumatic.
Chelsea and Westminster has a new choice of birthing options, a bespoke midwife led birth centre alongside our other maternity facilities. The post natal ward was fine during the day but Hellish at night. range a specialist services for patients as well as general local I am going back for a third time mainly due to the physio and CVS. I have a ton of friends from baby classes in SW London who had an identical experience to me at C&W so I know my experience is sadly far from unique. I have had two there but on the Kensington Wing (consultant led) so can't comment on the NHS side. A few have mentioned the filthy bathrooms - why!Its one of the easiest things to keep on top of. Nous avons pris votre suggestion en considération. Birth Centre. for more information. Private rooms were over £800/ night and there were none available. They were very quick to transfer me to the obstetrician led bit of the labour ward and DS was out in 20mins after suction and forceps. The Birth Centre has seven birthing rooms and one birthing pool.. Partners are welcome to stay overnight, and you can also have a doula as a birth partner. Had spd and saw a physio the same day and weekly.I had a 1 in 4 risk of Down syndrome on screening- CVS was arranged faster than I could have got privately and consultant was brilliantPost natal ward- fine during the day, horrendous at night..... very busy and noisy and no help getting baby in and out of the crib after a elcs. unfortunately the MW led birthing unit was closed on the night when i went in as there was a medical emergency ( a lady suffering from life threatening condition ) so they have to close the birthing unit temporally to re allocate staff to deal with that.
First day was great (but I'm guessing that was more down to my excitement), second day I feel I was sort of forgotten about and ignored when asking what was happening. Had my first baby there in 2009, lots of things have probably changed since then, but the bathrooms were disgustingly filthy! Midwife even fought my corner with the consultant when the epidural didn't work.
If I were to have another I would probably do the same again at C&W - NHS delivery (they were honestly excellent and I am not sure private would have been better - plus its c.£15k+!) I was a medical student at the C+W obstetrics ward so I got to see the gory side of things C+W has a very good reputation for obs and gynae. The new Reuben Foundation Maternity Centre offers adaptable environments, empowering women to be in control of their own care.
I had an ELCS at C&W in 2011. Each birthing room has also been equipped with new recliner chairs which open into fully flat single beds for birth partners.
- London SW10 9NH. The labouring bit was fine, was in from 1am on Christmas day onwards. If you have a normal vaginal birth without complications you will usually be able to return home within 3–6 hours of giving birth. Birthing unit or ward? I have a ton of friends from baby classes in SW London who had an identical experience to me at C&W so I know my experience is sadly far from unique. Hi All I am looking into options for where to give birth this year and live in the West London area. Any information greatly appreciated.
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