Use the Tabs above (Home, Library Search, Browsing, etc) to access different resources for Chemical Engineering and related subject areas. Book citation index - Social sciences & humanities (2005 to present); 8. ABN 12 377 614 012 Accessibility - Disclaimer and copyright - Website terms and conditions - Data Protection and Privacy Procedure - Data Consent Settings, Monash University CRICOS Provider Number: 00008C, Monash College CRICOS Provider Number: 01857J.

A periodic table diagram can be clicked on to find elements or they can be browsed alphabetically. Chemical engineers invent, develop and design processes that convert raw materials into useful products - with minimal environmental impact. Monash Chemical Engineering Team – Defending Champion of 2013-2014 IEM Chemical Engineering Design Competition, School of Engineering academic invited to serve as scientific expert abroad, School of Engineering researchers featured in the Daily Mail UK, Monash Scientist works on Fault Detection in Volvo Engines, ECSE Scholar Wins the 3 Minute Thesis Competition. Copyright © 2020 Monash University. Discover the career options available with a chemical engineering degree from Monash University Malaysia. Compendex is a comprehensive interdisciplinary engineering database. SpringerMaterials is based on the Landolt-Börnstein New Series, the unique, fully evaluated data collection in all areas of physical sciences and engineering. Maintained by: Engineering Webmaster Team. The six spectra are as follows, an electron impact Mass spectrum (EI-MS), a Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FT-IR), a 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum, a 13C NMR spectrum, a laser Raman spectrum, and an electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrum. ECSE Collaborates with University of Warwick, U.K. ECSE promotes Scientific Research Nanodevices, Mechanical Seminars by Prof CW Lim and Prof PJ Tan, The Design And Construction Of The Prai Swing Bridge For The Electrified Double Track Project Between Ipoh And Padang Besar, Community Engagement with National and International Recognition of Monash University Malaysia’s ECSE Department, Australian International Education Excellence Award for Passionate Engineering Academics, ECSE Scholar Trumps Across All Faculties Competitors in 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition, Towards a Low Carbon Fossil Fuels Future – Chemical Engineering: The Journey, Engineering Students Ranked 4th in 2014 Warman Design and Build Finals, Chemical Academic Bags IChemE Malaysia Award, Engineering and IT Celebrates the Festival of Lights, Tridib Saha Represents Engineering in 3MT Finals, Team Monash 2 crowned 2014 Best Malaysian Team Award.

The titles cover a wide range of engineering disciplines, as well as some computer science and physical science areas. To access SciFinder, Monash University users must first register. Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours), Master of Advanced Engineering (Energy and Sustainability), Monash University Faculty-School of Engineering Joint PhD Supervision Scholarship Scheme (Round 2/2019), Engineering and IT Leadership Program (EILP), Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), IEM Chemical Engineering Design Competition, Warman Student Design & Build Competition, Happy Chinese New Year from the School of Engineering, Bright Job Prospects for ECSE Students at Multinational Companies, Canadian Undergraduate Research Award for ECSE Student, ECSE student received IEM Gold Medal Award, Nobel-Prize Laureate Professor Shuji Nakamura visits the School, Engineering Postgraduate Wins IEEE I&M Graduate Fellowship Award 2017, Advanced Engineering Colloquium: Innovating and Engineering for a Sustainable Future, Warman Design and Build Competition 2017 Outcome for Monash University Malaysia Campus, Engineering Students Won 1st Runner Up of Bosch Innovation Around Campus Competition, Engineering students shine at Shell Eco-Marathon 2016, Chemically Powered Vehicles at the ChemE Car Competition, Engineering Student Wins Sir John Monash Medal for Outstanding Achievement, Dr Melanie Bestowed With Outstanding Young Engineer Award by IEEE, Engineering Student Wins MOSTI Inclusive Innovation Challenge 2015, Student Prototype Wins Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Challenge, Mechanical Students Emerged Third in Warman 2015. Springer Materials: see SpringerMaterials : the Landolt-Börnstein database. CHERUB is a bibliographic database that indexes articles taken from journals on all chemical engineering topics. Details of services offered by the company are provided. Resources to support studies in chemical engineering at Monash University. A selection of more than 250 engineering books is available. Chemical Engineering at Monash University Malaysia is the right place for you to develop your future. Chemical engineers are the unsung heroes of the modern industrial revolution who have helped to  shape our society and improve the quality of our lives. You can find chemical engineers in almost every industry such as petrochemical, oleochemical, energy, water,  food and beverages, environmental management,  - just to name a few. It includes several chemical dictionaries structured as searchable databases. The subject librarians and the learning skills advisers liaise with the Department of Chemical Engineering to ensure that these resources are academically relevant to your learning, teaching and researching. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Knovel's Crude Oil Assay Database is a unique, interactive compilation of key physical and chemical properties for over 200 crude oils commonly available on the world market. We acknowledge and pay respects to the Elders and Traditional Owners of the land on which our four Australian campuses stand. Authorised by: Chief Marketing Officer, Strategic Marketing and Communications. These databases include: Compendex, EI Patents, Inspec, Referex Engineering, GEOBASE and GeoRef. There is also detailed information on fuel cells, nanotechnology, crystal growth, coatings and solar energy. Conduct ongoing, quantitative analyses of research performance and trends in science. MONASH UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION YEAR BACHELOR OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (HONOURS) RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER AT BRANIN RECYCLE AND PHD CANDIDATE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING "Studying Foundation Year was the fastest way for me to pursue a Bachelor of Engineering degree at Monash, one of the best and biggest engineering …

SDBS is an integrated spectral database system for organic compounds, which includes 6 different types of spectra under a directory of the compounds. Here are the reasons why. Last updated: Jul 2020. Monash Chemical Engineering Team – Defending Champion of 2013-2014 IEM Chemical Engineering Design Competition, School of Engineering academic invited to serve as scientific expert abroad, School of Engineering researchers featured in the Daily Mail UK, Monash Scientist works on Fault Detection in Volvo Engines, ECSE Scholar Wins the 3 Minute Thesis Competition. Attendance on campus is strictly limited to permitted workers and exempt students; face masks must be worn at all times.

PQDTGlobal includes millions of searchable citations to dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day together with over a million full-text dissertations that are available for download in PDF format ...The database offers full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997 and strong retrospective full-text coverage for older graduate works. Wiley online library is an extensive multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. It also includes PQDT UK & Ireland content. Spectral database for organic compounds : SDBS. SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) is a program of the Sao Paulo Research Foundation for the cooperative publishing of open access journals on the Internet.

Chemical engineers are also involved with pollution control, protection of the environment and with energy conservation. Prof. Babak SalamatiAdjunct Associate Professor, Tel: (+603) 5514 4462Fax: (+603) 5514 6207, Room 5-5-43 (Building 5, Level 5, room 43), Ms Sharon Wong Weng YanSenior Technical Officer, Tel: (+603) 5515 9785Fax: (+603) 5514 6207, Room 5-5-01A (Building 5, Level 5, room 01A), Mr Azarudin AhmadSenior Technical Officer, Tel: (+603) 5514 5649Fax: (+603) 5514 6207, Room 5-1-06 (Building 5, Level 1, room 06), Mr Mohd Isha bin Mohd AliTechnical Officer, Tel: (+603) 5514 6260Fax: (+603) 5514 6207, Room 5-5-06 (Building 5, Level 5, room 06), Room 5-5-06A (Building 5, Level 5, room 06A), We acknowledge and pay respects to the Elders and Traditional Owners of the land on which our four Australian campuses stand. We acknowledge and pay respects to the Elders and Traditional Owners of the land on which our four Australian campuses stand. CHEMnetBASE provides access to the major chemical reference works published by Chapman & Hall/CRC. Subjects covered include: Agricultural sciences; Applied social science; Biological sciences; Engineering; Exact and earth sciences; Health sciences; Linguistics, letters and arts; Mathematics; Physics; and Social sciences. Introducing new staff who recently joined the Chemical Engineering team.

Arts & humanities citation index (1975 to present); 4. IMechE Monash University Malaysia Student Chapter has done it again! Prof. Ooi Chien Wei (Edward)Associate Professor, Email: ooi.chien.wei@monash.eduDirect Line: +60 3 5514 6201Room: 5-5-03 (Building 5, Level 5, room 03), Assoc. ENGnetBASE is a database containing the full-text of all engineering handbooks published by CRC Press in electronic format. Information for Indigenous Australians. Prof. Poh Phaik EongAssociate Head of School (Graduate Research), Email: poh.phaik.eong@monash.eduDirect Line:+60 3 5514 6272Room:  5-4-28 (Building 5, Level 4, room 28), Dr. Tan JullyCourse Coordinator (Chemical Engineering), Email: tan.jully@monash.eduDirect Line: +60 3 5515 9786Room: 5-4-53 (Building 5, Level 4, room 53), Email: chan.eng.seng@monash.eduDirect Line: +60 3 5514 5821Room: 5-4-25 (Building 5, Level 4, room 25), Assoc. Monash University is a registered higher education provider under the TEQSA Act 2011. Copyright © 2020 Monash University. Conference proceedings citation index - Social science & humanities (1990 to present); 6. It delivers detailed reports of their citation performance, their citation network,and the count and type of materials published.

They develop processes that produce everything from food to fuels, help conserve and manage resources, and protect the environment. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. Information for Indigenous Australians.

Prof. Tey Beng Ti Head of Disclipline (Chemical Engineering) Email: Direct Line:+60 3 5514 6240 Room: 5-4-65 (Building 5, Level 4, room 65) More Info All users must register first by selecting "Register" link under "Sign In" . Seamless links to full text sources where the library holds a subscription. Rank top scientists,institutions, countries, and journals in 22 specific fields of research in science performance statistics and science trends based on journal article publication counts and citation data. Check out our Engineering Pathway.

Web of Science core collection includes: 1.

To access SciFinder, Monash University users must first register. Study Chemical Engineering if you would like to help to overcome some of these challenges and develop sustainable solutions for the future. Authorised by: Chief Marketing Officer, Strategic Marketing and Communications. Informit EduTV makes it easy for lecturers and students to find and instantly watch relevant television content. The collection is continually expanding. Attendance on campus is strictly limited to permitted workers and exempt students; face masks must be worn at all times. Chemical Engineering is now establishing the Student Mentoring Program.

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