For more detailed program information, please visit our website for St. James Catholic Education Centre, School of Alternative and Continuing Education at:, Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program - Provincial Site
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More information can be found on our website, or by contacting Kevin Dionne, Coordinator of Adult and Continuing Education, at Mature students are able to take a maximum of two courses at a time.
Please fill out the registration link below.
Each year, the CDSBEO honours exceptional students through the Bravo Breakfast Awards. The CDSBEO PSW program will be proceeding this fall.
Dear CDSBEO Families, Please visit our website for an important update from the Minister of Education posted to our COVID-19 page. Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario 2755 Highway 43, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 1-800-443-4562 or 613-258-7757 window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'AW-776368460');
a#header-logo span, We look forward to welcoming you to our program. The process begins with the student enrolling in their high school cooperative education program – usually in grade 11 or 12. Other programs that are offered through the CDSBEO for adult learners include: Evening Cooperative Education.
Educating and Inspiring... heart, mind, body, and soul! Contact. Use your life and work experience to earn high school credits. – Kemptville, Please contact the school at 613-284-2613 or visit our website for more information: We encourage all parents to visit our website often for updates if you do not receive School Messenger email updates. Each of our PSW programs include opportunities for various certifications, as well as the ability to earn credits towards an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). A payment plan may be worked out with approval. Through the cooperative education program, links can be made with employers (workplace training partners) and an agreement is signed between the employer and student, providing the student an opportunity to learn a skilled trade. This amount is due in full prior to the start of the program. function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} – Brockville, December 3/18 2:00 – 3:00 Cornwall Board Office, December 7/18 3:00 – 4:00 St. Joseph – Gananoque, December 10/18 3:00 – 4:00 St. Jude – Vankleek Hill, December 12/18 3:00 – 4:00 St. Michael C.H.S. The CDSBEO Personal Support Worker (PSW) Program is a provincially accredited program that is delivered in various communities throughout our board by qualified health care providers with nursing backgrounds. Dual credit programs allow high school students to ‘try out’ or sample college / apprenticeship programs at no cost.
Monday, November 26th, 2018 The first part of the program will take place online beginning September 14th, 2020. function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} They also offer opportunities for an early start on an apprenticeship training in one of more than 200 career areas. Register now to take your first step towards a promising health care career. eLearning. If you … Read more, REGISTRATION IS CLOSEDD. a.btn,
Register now to take your first step towards a promising health care career. a#header-logo span,
gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-138320746-1');
The CDSBEO PSW program will be proceeding this fall. Information sessions about the PSW program for our February 2019 intake will take place on the following days and locations.
Call us to set up an appointment to find out more.
Program Outline. body, #page-banner { background: #4e8eb5 } Cooperative Education – Ministry of Education Publication, Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario ‘A solid investment towards a promising Health Care Career’!
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'AW-776368460'); OYAP (Ontario Youth Apprentice Program) including adult Meat Cutting Program in Cornwall, PLAR (Prior Learning and Assessment), Adult Dual Credits in affiliation with Algonquin College, St. Lawrence College and Loyalist College. Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario 2755 Highway 43, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 1-800-443-4562 or 613-258-7757 Mature students are able to take a maximum of two courses at a time. As well, dual credit students gain experience in a college environment and, as a result, can often transition into a college program with greater ease.
A student considering an Online course MUST be comfortable using a computer. Our PSW students graduate with qualifications equal to those taking a PSW program at a community college with significant cost savings.
Please click on the link below to see what courses the CDSBEO will be offering. eLearning.
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} 1-800-443-4562 or 613-258-7757
For more information, please contact your high school guidance department or visit the website of St. James Catholic Education Centre, School of Alternative and Continuing Education at:
Please call us for more information at 613-284-2613.
This accredited program (which follows the training standards set out by the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities) can be completed over a 5 month period of time beginning in either September or February.
613- 284-2613, The courses will start on September 11th. This accredited program (which follows the training standards set out by the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities) is …
2755 Highway 43, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Please check out our website for more information. Educating and Inspiring... heart, mind, body, and soul!
More information can be found on our website, or by contacting Kevin Dionne, Coordinator of Adult and Continuing Education, at
The link to the letter, date... d April 1, is available under Updates from the Ministry of Education and the CDSBEO.
5 Catherine Street Smiths Falls, ON. The School for Alternative and Continuing Education also offers over 50 eLearning courses to help you upgrade your skills or complete your Ontario Secondary School diploma.
Check out our website at for a list of different ways we can help you! OYAP is a program that allows secondary school students to learn a skilled trade at the same time as completing the requirements to graduate from high school with an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Mature students are able to take a maximum of two courses at a time. 2755 Highway 43, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Register now to take your first step towards a promising health care career.
body, #page-banner { background: #4e8eb5 }
The first part of the program will take place online beginning September 14th, 2020.
Dual credit programs are offered by locally by Algonquin College and St. Lawrence College in partnership with the six Eastern Ontario school boards.
PSW Programs will be run in the following locations based on sufficient enrollment: The cost of the program is $1,500.00. Monday, November 26th, 2018 The remainder of the … Read more.
A dual credit program provides secondary school students with the opportunity to take college/apprenticeship level courses at a post-secondary school, and the credits earned will count towards both the student’s OSSD (Ontario Secondary School Diploma) as well as their post-secondary diploma, apprenticeship, or certification. Register now to take your first step towards a promising health care career.
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario Our next session is starting in September 2020. 5 Catherine Street Smiths Falls, ON. gtag('js', new Date());
© 2020 St. Francis de Sales Catholic School, St. Francis de Sales/Blessed Sacrament Parish. This year, we are unable to host the awards ceremonies, but wanted to take the opportunity to acknowledge recipients publicly. Contact. Please fill out the registration link below. table.em-calendar td.eventful a, table.em-calendar td.eventful-today a { color: #4e8eb5 }.
Phone 613-284-2613 Fax; Principal John Paul Elliott, Jennifer Lentz (VP) The remainder of the … Read more, In response to the Ministry of Education’s announcement on offering Reach ahead credit courses to grade 8 students, we are pleased to announce that we have added more courses to … Read more, Our Summer online course list is complete. Get your Personal Support Worker Certification in only 5 months for $1500.00. November 27/18 1:00 – 2:00 St. James Catholic Education Center – Smiths Falls, November 28/18 3:00 – 4:00 St. Mary C.H.S. Registration for Adult Online courses is now open. The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) offers a five-month accredited Personal Support Worker (PSW) program. a.btn,
Cooperative education, Experiential Learning and the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) provide students with authentic and relevant learning experiences in a workplace setting. These students are living examples of our Board theme, "Be Holy – Joy springs from a loving heart!" 1-800-443-4562 or 613-258-7757
body, #page-banner { background: #4e8eb5 } The CDSBEO Personal Support Worker (PSW) Program is a provincially accredited program that is delivered in various communities throughout our board by qualified health care providers with nursing backgrounds. PLAR (Prior Learning and Assessment) Adult Dual Credits in affiliation with Algonquin College, St. Lawrence College and Loyalist College OYAP, Cooperative Education & Experiential Learning, DELF – Diplôme D’études en Langue Française, Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC), Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program - Provincial Site, Cooperative Education – Ministry of Education Publication, 2755 Highway 43, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0, Canada, Eastern Ontario Catholic Curriculum Cooperative, © 2020 Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario – CDSBEO. Phone 613-284-2613 Fax; Principal John Paul Elliott, Jennifer Lentz (VP) Program 7-12 Core Zone Smiths Falls View map » Our PSW students graduate with qualifications equal to those taking a PSW program at a community college with significant cost savings. table.em-calendar td.eventful a, table.em-calendar td.eventful-today a { color: #4e8eb5 }.
Registration for Adult Online courses is now open!
a.btn, Other programs that are offered through the CDSBEO for adult learners include: Evening Cooperative Education. Current high school students are reminded to contact … Read more. gtag('config', 'UA-138320746-1'); CDSBEO e-Learning Courses are delivered through this website: e-Learning Ontario. The courses will start on September 11th. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
Please click on the links to the right for more information about the program.
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