Further information can be found at http://futurestudents.curtin.edu.au/non-school-leavers/rpl.cfm.
Overall, students can complete the equivalent of 4 years of academic study in three calendar years. %%EOF h�bbd``b`�$g��U@�UH0owA� ��$X[��� ��8b Many of our degrees are backed by national and international accreditation. Whether you’re learning to work, travel or prepare for study, we offer interactive, full-time courses to suit your English language learning needs. The Bachelor of Laws degree is the required qualification for all who wish to enter into legal practice.
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Bachelor Degrees typically contain a series of units which may include compulsory (core), optional or elective units to cater for student preferences. Curtin law takes students both direct from school after Year 12 AND after other university study. Curtin English has been teaching English to international students for more than 40 years. For Current Students: Student Services Office, please click here for further details: http://students.curtin.edu.au/contact_offices.cfm. A meeting with a visiting Curtin staff member is a good opportunity to discuss the wide range of courses we have available, and how to apply. This material does not purport to constitute legal or professional advice. Except to the extent mandated otherwise by legislation, Curtin University does not accept responsibility for the consequences Whether you’re learning to work, travel or prepare for study, we offer interactive, full-time courses to suit your English language learning needs. Course CRICOS Code: 077962B Curtin Careers, Employment and Leadership can help you find part-time work and identify further study or career options. h�b```��v``B�O�,�į�����x���q6P/?S�8�cc Benefit from expert industry knowledge, real-world insights and a supportive learning environment. For International Future Students: Curtin International, email: international@curtin.edu.au, Tel: +61-8-9266 7331. further information. endstream endobj startxref Find out more about fees and financial support available for your preferred course. part-time and external study, depending on course availability and in-country requirements. Curtin University reserves the right to alter the internal composition of any course to ensure learning outcomes retain maximum relevance. You’ll also get to undertake optional units focusing on topics such as forensic advocacy, family law, human rights law, native title law and policy, or European Union law. * The course itself may not be available either solely internally or externally but individual units may be offered in either or both of those modes. Credit reduces the amount of learning required to complete the course and may be granted for formal education qualifications, non-formal learning from non-award programs of study and informal learning through work experiences.
Applicants for a Bachelor Degree are required to meet University academic and English language entry standards; details are provided at http://futurestudents.curtin.edu.au and include flexible entry pathways. Kalgoorlie campus, the Wongutha people of the North-Eastern Goldfields. however caused and whether by negligence or otherwise which may result directly or indirectly from the use of this publication. or program, and/ or to vary arrangements for any program. that must be met. A higher degree by research from Curtin gives you scope to pursue a specialist area in your field, build knowledge in your profession and contribute to important research. Curtin Law School (CLS) offers a range of programs including a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) taught by highly qualified and experienced legal academics, a professionally relevant Business Law major taught within the Bachelor of Commerce and a suite of tax programs … Graduates may qualify for entry to a Bachelor Degree with Honours and some Graduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas and Master degrees. 9. work independently, as well as collaboratively, with a developing sense of the ethical issues that arise in legal practice and how these may be resolved, 3 years full-time or equivalent part-time.
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